Tag: Winterberg

  • Bobul românesc revine în topurile europene

    Bobul românesc revine în topurile europene

    Competiţiile de bob din această
    iarnă au adus rezultate bune sportivilor români, la toate categoriile de
    vârstă. Săptămâna trecută, de pildă, la Winterberg, în Germania, boberii români
    au urcat de mai multe ori pe podiumul de premiere, la Cupa Europei şi la
    Campionatele Europene pentru juniori. Vineri, Mihai Tentea şi Ciprian Daroczi
    au câştigat medaliile de aur în proba de bob-2 masculin, la Campionatele
    Europene de bob pentru juniori. Românii au fost urmaţi de germanii Laurin Zern
    şi Marvin Orthmann. Un alt echipaj românesc, compus din Andrei Nica şi Mihai
    Calancea, a încheiat pe locul 9. Andrei Turea şi Alexandru Cordoş s-au clasat
    pe 14, iar Rareş Dincă şi Valentin Tudorache au ocupat locul 16, ultimul.

    Sâmbătă, în Cupa Europei la bob-4
    masculin, pilotul Mihai Tentea şi împingătorii Ciprian Daroczi, Mihai Păcioianu
    şi George Iordache s-au clasat pe locul al doilea în etapa a şaptea, fiind
    devansaţi doar de echipajul Germaniei. În etapa a opta, românii au încheiat pe
    locul al treilea, după Germania şi Statele Unite. Rezultatul din etapa a opta a
    contat şi pentru Europenele de juniori, unde tricolorii au obţinut argintul. O
    medalie de bronz a obţinut şi echipajul compus din Georgeta Popescu şi Antonia
    Sârbu la Europenele pentru sportivi sub 23 de ani, în proba de bob-2 feminin.
    Româncele au fost devansate de echipajele Germaniei şi Austriei. Cu timpul
    înregistrat, Popescu şi Sârbu au încheiat pe locul 8 în Cupa Europei.

    Revenirea bobului românesc în
    topurile continentale nu este o surpriză. Bobul a avut mereu tradiţie în
    România, iar singura medalie românească la Jocurile Olimpice de iarnă a fost
    adusă de boberi. În 1968, la Grenoble, Ion Panţuru şi Nicolae Neagoe reuşeau să
    obţină bronzul la bob-2.

  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    Romanian athlete Valentin Cretu on Friday compelled recognition in the sleigh event part of the World Cup held in the German city of Winterberg. The Romanian ended the race in 52 seconds and 412 thousandths being followed by German Florian Muller and by American Jonathan Eric Gustafson.

    Romanias rugby side on Saturday clinched a 56-5 win against Belgium in the second leg of the continental competition Rugby Europe Championship. In the other game of the B Group, Portugal secured a 65-3 win against Poland. Romania and Portugal have already qualified for the semifinals of the aforementioned competition. They will be vying next week in Portugal for the first position in the group, which brings tickets to the semifinals with the second side in group A on their own turf.

    Following the last leg of the Champions Leagues groups in womens handball held last weekend we learnt the opponents of the Romanian sides in the competitions next stage. In the playoffs for a place in the quarter finals, Rapid Bucharest, which ended on the fourth position in group B will be up against Krim Liubljana of Slovenia, which ended on the fifth position in group A.

    Romanias champions on Sunday defeated on their own turf, Croatian side Lokomotiva Zagreb 27 – 22 while Krim obtained a 28-26 win against the other Romanian side in the League, CSM Bucharest. Cristina Neagu and her team mates have thus blown their chances of winning the Group A, ending up second in the group instead. They have already been qualified for the Leagues quarters where they will be playing the winners of the play-offs pitching French side Brest Bretagne against Danish side Esbjerg.

    Last weekend saw the football matches counting towards the 25th leg of the Romanian Superleague. On Friday, Universitatea Cluj secured a 2-all home draw against Mioveni while FCU Craiova clinched a 2-1 away win against Rapid Bucharest. On Saturday, UTA obtained a 3-1 home win against FC Botosani, while Universitatea Craiova a 2-0 home win against CFR Cluj. On Sunday in Pitesti, local side FC Arges and Farul Constanta ended in a goaless draw their match whereas FCSB obtained a 2-1 win away against FC Voluntari.


  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    Romanian athlete Valentin Cretu on Friday compelled recognition in the sleigh event part of the World Cup held in the German city of Winterberg. The Romanian ended the race in 52 seconds and 412 thousandths being followed by German Florian Muller and by American Jonathan Eric Gustafson.

    Romanias rugby side on Saturday clinched a 56-5 win against Belgium in the second leg of the continental competition Rugby Europe Championship. In the other game of the B Group, Portugal secured a 65-3 win against Poland. Romania and Portugal have already qualified for the semifinals of the aforementioned competition. They will be vying next week in Portugal for the first position in the group, which brings tickets to the semifinals with the second side in group A on their own turf.

    Following the last leg of the Champions Leagues groups in womens handball held last weekend we learnt the opponents of the Romanian sides in the competitions next stage. In the playoffs for a place in the quarter finals, Rapid Bucharest, which ended on the fourth position in group B will be up against Krim Liubljana of Slovenia, which ended on the fifth position in group A.

    Romanias champions on Sunday defeated on their own turf, Croatian side Lokomotiva Zagreb 27 – 22 while Krim obtained a 28-26 win against the other Romanian side in the League, CSM Bucharest. Cristina Neagu and her team mates have thus blown their chances of winning the Group A, ending up second in the group instead. They have already been qualified for the Leagues quarters where they will be playing the winners of the play-offs pitching French side Brest Bretagne against Danish side Esbjerg.

    Last weekend saw the football matches counting towards the 25th leg of the Romanian Superleague. On Friday, Universitatea Cluj secured a 2-all home draw against Mioveni while FCU Craiova clinched a 2-1 away win against Rapid Bucharest. On Saturday, UTA obtained a 3-1 home win against FC Botosani, while Universitatea Craiova a 2-0 home win against CFR Cluj. On Sunday in Pitesti, local side FC Arges and Farul Constanta ended in a goaless draw their match whereas FCSB obtained a 2-1 win away against FC Voluntari.
