Tag: workplace

  • At Pop Lazar’s, a charity shop AND a hub of good deeds

    At Pop Lazar’s, a charity shop AND a hub of good deeds

    We’re still early into 2025 and we’re bound to discover initiatives carried for the good of the communities, so we sat down and had a talk about a project highlighting the fact that each donation, each act of charity has contributed to putting a smile back on the faces of the downtrodden and to turning this world into a warmer place, into a place which is full of hope to a greater extent. Such a place has a name: At Pop Lazar’s Charity Shop.

    Inspired by the very popular profile of Bucharest in the late 19th and the early 20th century, Pop Lazar, a Jew who was into flea stuff trading, also drawing inspiration from the British concept of Charity Shop, a concept providing elegance to those frequenting its premises, the president of the Medical Association for Public Health, Elena Raluca Smuc Tănase, has initiated this project.

    At Pop Lazar’s is a charity shop and a project of the Medical Association for Public Health. The president of the Medical Association for Public Health and co-founder of the shop, Elena Raluca Smuc Tănase, told us all what it was all about.

    “It’s about Charity Shop a concept people abroad are all too familiar with. For instance, in England, the Red Cross has such a shop which is more than 100 years old and there also are big charity organizations initiating such projects in a bid to supplement their funds. As you know, streams of funding are provided by donations, fundraisers, abroad, or via shops of this kind.

    We thought of setting up such a shop in 2017, when we realized we received donations, objects we could not use at that time but which were in a very good condition and which, for us, could turn into a form of aid. People could donate brand new products, for us, or things in good condition, for instance clothes, household objects, books, China, jewels.

    They need to be in mint condition since we have not just as yet implemented a recycling system, for example, a tailor’s shop where we should repair things or recondition certain clothes and give then a new life. That is why, as we speak, we can only receive things in very good condition, clean, of course and without stains. “

    Although people want the project to be expanded, perhaps in a bid to set up a partnership with a drycleaners or a tailor’s, our guest today confessed that for the time being they did not have the capacity to set up yet another shop of the same kind, for instance.

    “It is a project requiring the continuous presence of the one who thought it out or who dreamed of it. It is a shop yet it is also a community hub, so there is a whole story behind this shop: it helps us raise the funding by means of which we can exist and carry our projects but it is a meeting place as well, a place where people have the opportunity to be generous, where people can…I don’t know…have a little conversation, it is a true community. And then, in a bid to maintain the spirit, for the time being we haven’t thought of setting up yet another shop with such a theme. “

    During holidays, At Pop Lazar’s reaches communities countrywide with aid, via the Children, Boots and Socks project. The president of the Medical Association for Public Health, Elena Raluca Smuc Tănase, gave us details on that:

    “It is a project I love and which has become one of our brands. It is a project we implemented in 2019 after a visit we paid to a community and which is strictly carried with the help of the charity shop’s friends. Meaning that people turn up as early as October and express their wish to support us in this project and they simply donate a pair of boots, a couple of pairs of socks as well as other beautiful things they put in a box they wrap nicely. For instance, we have succeeded to have more than 800 children countrywide.

    They are children from various regions, they are children coming from families or they are children from care centers or from village schools, we do not have a certain category in mind. We reach there where we have collaborators of where they call for help or there where we think we can get involved. It is a project I hold most dear!

    There are those months, those days when we meet again with friends of the shop, when we have a chat. For instance, you receive a child you help and that gift box becomes the reason why you meet his family or do some shopping together with the family or create a little cell at your workplace where several colleagues make a box or 10 boxes or 20 boxes. It is an extraordinary moment of human generosity and solidarity, generating a lot of confidence in us, whereby all that we do, we do it nicely and properly. “

    Another project provides donations of coloring pencils and coloring books, to be given away in hospitals. At Pop Lazar’s has grown into a space where people can find inspiration yet they can also feel they are part of a greater cause, a cause where the good has its well-established place.

  • Mobbing or psychological bullying at the workplace

    Mobbing or psychological bullying at the workplace

    While sexual harassment has been a familiar concept for some time, mobbing or psychological bullying at the workplace is only now growing more and more familiar, especially since the number of victims is considerable. According to a 2011 survey by the Quality of Life Research Institute, 25.7% of respondents said one of their colleagues was offended by other colleagues or bosses, but only 7.4% admitted to having been offended themselves. At the same time, 41% of the respondents admitted that their boss or colleagues yell at each other at the workplace.

    Unfortunately there are no recent statistics related to mobbing, which was introduced in the Romanian legislation in 2015. After amending the law on equal opportunity and criminalizing harassment under Law 229 of 2015, Romania now has the legislative means to punish harassment and discrimination at the workplace. Costel Gâlcă is a lawyer and he told us more on this issue:

    Costel Gâlcă: “Psychological bullying takes place over an extended period of time. Also, the acts of a bully need to be evident, and to infringe on the honour and dignity of an employee. These are the main elements that define mobbing as an offence in Romania.

    Costel Gâlcă is one of the first lawyers in Romania to draw attention to this phenomenon and to represent the first victims in court. Here he is back at the microphone with details on these cases:

    Costel Gâlcă: “Since 2015, when the law was passed, three already famous cases have been tried, and the courts ruled they were cases of psychological bullying at the workplace. In the first case, the bullied person was an advisor working for a multinational company, while in the other two cases people in the top management were involved, namely the deputy general manager of a bank and the director of the biggest department in the respective company. Mobbing does not target only a specific category of employees or only a certain level in a professional hierarchy. It emerges at all levels starting with the bottom one.

    Leaving aside the destructive effects on ones professional development, mobbing also has psychological consequences which, in most of the cases, involve somatic reactions. Psychologist Flori-Ana Andronache will give us more details on the impact of psychological harassment on a person:

    Flori-Ana Andronache: “Harassment is quite subtle and insidious most of the times, and the victims are rarely aware of whats happening to them from the very beginning. Generally it starts with a conflict which then gradually develops into psycho-terror in the workplace. Some of the consequences that may appear include the reluctance to come to work, a state of irritation, confusion, the feeling of losing ones self-control. Sometimes the consequences are even more serious. People develop symptoms of anxiety and depression, panic attacks, insomnia, etc. There are also somatic effects, such as skin irritation, dermatitis, gastro-intestinal problems, rapid weight loss or weight gain, all incurred by this type of stress. The life of the respective person changes not only at a strictly personal level, but also in terms of the relationship with family and friends.

    Given this situation, an increasing number of employees seek psychological counselling. Some of them went to Flori-Ana Andronaches medical office. She told us about a case in which one of her patients, a mother, returned from maternity leave to deal with an unexpected attitude from her co-workers. Flori-Ana Andronache:

    Flori-Ana Andronache: “She went back to work and she started being mobbed by her colleagues because while she was away they had to take over her duties, as no replacement was hired during her maternity leave. So her colleagues resented her. It all started with things like not being answered back when she greeted them and not including her into any correspondence. It culminated with her being asked by her immediate superior to make some accounting entries that were not exactly legal. Her refusal to do so and her already vulnerable position due to previous harassment triggered an even more adverse reaction. She only sought psychological counselling a few years after this episode, when the symptoms of depression were already present.

    Lawyer Costel Galca has advised the employees who dont understand from the very beginning that they are victims to mobbing to ask themselves whether what is happening to them is part of normal behaviour at work. Costel Galca:

    Costel Gâlcă: “Is it normal that once at the airport with the whole team and a valid ticket in your hand to be told by your manager that you cannot go anymore, that you should stay while all the others leave? Of course not, since you didnt do anything wrong. Is it normal for a companys deputy manager to have the office at the other side of a hallway, far away from all colleagues, next to the toilet? Is it normal to be missing from the companys website, you alone, of all employees? Professional harassment is another aspect of mobbing. A person that is no longer wanted in a company does not receive any tasks anymore.

    Although the current law does punish mobbing, experts say it needs additional provisions for prevention and the payment of damages.

    Costel Gâlcă: “I have identified two situations. The amounts that multinational companies had to pay in damages are ridiculously small. At present, a Romanian judge is not prepared to order the payment of damages in keeping with the economic value of the company that has lost the case. A protection system is being drawn up for both the employee and the company, which should sanction this offense from its first signs, because by the time victims go to court they are already destroyed psychologically.“

    A draft law on psychological harassment at work is currently being discussed in Parliament.

    (translated by: Lacramioara Simion, Elena Enache)