Tag: world experience festival

  • Participarea Europe Direct București la World Experience Festival

    Participarea Europe Direct București la World Experience Festival

    Echipa și voluntarii Centrului de Informare Europe Direct București au participat, în zilele de 7, 8 și 9 septembrie 2018 la cea de-a patra ediție a Festivalului Ambasadelor, intitulată sugestiv World Experience Festival”. Pe parcursul celor trei zile, cetățenii care au vizitat standul Europe Direct București au avut posibilitatea de a afla noi informații privind Uniunea Europeană și, implicit, despre resorturile interne ale acesteia din urmă, de a adresa întrebări și de a-și exprima curiozitățile cu privire la proiectul european și la viitorul acestuia.

    În ceea ce-i privește pe cei mici, aceștia au putut participa la atelierele de colorat, activități non-formale axate pe dobândirea de cunoștințe noi despre UE. Astfel, una dintre sarcinile principale a fost colorarea steagurilor specifice statelor membre ale UE și identificarea țărilor de proveniență pe hartă. World Experience Festival” a fost, într-adevăr, una dintre inițiativele de succes îndreptate în direcția suprimării barierelor etnice, religioase și culturale, drept mărturie stând interacțiunea între și, ulterior, integrarea unor comunități radical diferite într-un tot unitar.

    Pentru mai multe detalii, vă rugăm accesați site-ul Europe Direct București.

  • September 3, 2018 UPDATE

    September 3, 2018 UPDATE

    PARLIAMENT – The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate reconvened on Monday after the summer recess. The legislative priorities of the majority formed by the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats are the adoption of a new pension law and amending national security laws and the adoption law. The opposition wants a return to a two-round voting system to elect mayors, the elimination of special pensions and a healthcare reform. Parliaments agenda also features finalising the justice laws, which have been challenged in the Constitutional Court, the criminal and criminal procedure codes and the offshore bill regulating the extraction of natural gas from the Black Sea.

    MEETING – The Countrys Supreme Defence Council is to meet on Tuesday to discuss the governments proposals to adjust this years budget of state institutions with responsibilities in the area of national security. The meeting has been requested by the government and the date has been established by president Klaus Iohannis, who has explained that the government could have made budget adjustments in any field with no need for further approval, with the exception of national security. He made this comment after warnings from the government that a possible refusal from the president to hold an emergency meeting of the Countrys Supreme Defence Council to approve the proposed adjustments can jeopardise not only the incomes of the most vulnerable categories, that is pensioners, mothers and children, but also peoples access to medical services.

    HEARING – Bucharest Mayor Gabriela Firea will be deposed on Tuesday by the Prosecutor Generals Office in connection to the August 10 protest in Bucharest. Also on Tuesday Interior Minister Carmen Dan will attend the meeting of the Senates Defence Committee to provide clarifications with respect to the protest. The National Liberal Party will file a simple motion against Minister Dan and wants Prime Minister Viorica Dancila to appear before the Chamber of Deputies. We recall over 450 people, including 35 gendarmes, were injured in the violent anti-government protest in Bucharest.

    SWINE FEVER VIRUS – Romanian pork exports may be temporarily suspended because of the African swine fever, former prime minister of Romania and European commissioner for agriculture Dacian Ciolos has warned. He says the epidemic may destroy the pig farming sector in Romania and lead to an increase in imports, which would result in higher inflation rates. Two new cases of African swine fever were confirmed at the weekend in Romania, where the number of hotbeds is nearing 800. The authorities continue to take measures to contain the spread of the virus, and in the areas where the virus has been confirmed, that is a quarter of all counties in Romania, the pigs are being culled. As a precautionary measure, the authorities have also imposed restrictions on the sale of pork, and road checks are in place on the borders with the counties where the virus has been identified. The government has given assurances that the owners of the culled animals will receive compensations.

    DNA – The first three candidates applying for the position of chief prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) were interviewed on Monday by Justice Minister Tudorel Toader. The other three candidates will have their interviews on Tuesday. The results will be made public on Thursday. The Justice Minister will submit his nomination to the Superior Council of Magistracy before President Klaus Iohannis can approve it. The job was left vacant after Laura Codruta Kovesi was dismissed by President Iohannis in July in compliance with a Constitutional Court ruling.

    TOURISM – The tourism ministry in Bucharest has established a number of measures to improve activity. These include a reduction in the 5% VAT rate in areas such as: accommodation in the hotel sector and sectors with a similar function, including rental of camping sites, and restaurant and catering services with the exception of alcoholic beverages, others than beer, and sports, recreational and entertainment activities. Tourism will thus have the lowest VAT rate of all economic sectors. Another measure aims at stimulating spa tourism by applying no charges for geothermal and natural mineral water for public use in designated public places. According to the governments estimate, the development of spa tourism requires investments of at least 1 billion euros worth of projects over the next ten years. A third of Europes thermal and mineral springs are to be found in Romania.

    FESTIVAL – More than 100 singers and musicians are participating this week in the World Experience Festival in Bucharest. The events, held under the theme The Music of the World, include many workshops, such as those dedicated to Irish dance, the tea ceremony and the art of wearing a kimono in the Japanese style. Presentations are held of instruments from 30 different countries in the Orient, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia. The festival also features a food section. The main stage is located in one of the Bucharests parks.

    (Translated by C. Mateescu & V. Palcu)

  • 3 September 2018

    3 September 2018

    Parliament. The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate reconvened on Monday
    after the summer recess. The legislative priorities of the majority formed by
    the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats are the
    adoption of a new pension law and amending national security laws and the
    adoption law. The opposition wants a return to a two-round voting system to
    elect mayors, the elimination of special pensions and a healthcare reform.
    Parliament’s agenda also features finalising the justice laws, which have been
    challenged in the Constitutional Court, the criminal and criminal procedure
    codes and the offshore bill regulating the extraction of natural gas from the
    Black Sea.

    swine fever.
    Romanian pork exports may be temporarily suspended because of the
    African swine fever, former prime minister of Romania and European commissioner
    for agriculture Dacian Ciolos has warned. He says the epidemic may destroy the
    pig farming sector in Romania and lead to an increase in imports, which would
    result in higher inflation rates. Two new cases of African swine fever were confirmed at the
    weekend in Romania, where the number of hotbeds is nearing 800. The authorities
    continue to take measures to contain the spread of the virus, and in the areas
    where the virus has been confirmed, that is a quarter of all counties in
    Romania, the pigs are being culled. As a precautionary measure, the authorities
    have also imposed restrictions on the sale of pork, and road checks are in
    place on the borders with the counties where the virus has been identified.
    The government has given assurances that the owners of the culled animals will
    receive compensations.

    Budget adjustment. The Country’s
    Supreme Defence Council is to meet on the 4th of September to
    discuss the government’s proposals to adjust this year’s budget of state
    institutions with responsibilities in the area of national security. The
    meeting has been requested by the government and the date has been established
    by president Klaus Iohannis, who has explained that the government could have
    made budget adjustments in any field with no need for further approval, with
    the exception of national security. He made this comment after warnings from
    the government that a possible refusal from the president to hold an emergency
    meeting of the Country’s Supreme Defence Council to approve the proposed
    adjustments can jeopardise not only the incomes of the most vulnerable
    categories, that is pensioners, mothers and children, but also people’s access
    to medical services.

    Tourism. The tourism ministry in
    Bucharest has established a number of measures to improve the sector. These
    include a reduction in the 5% VAT rate in areas such as: accommodation in the
    hotel sector and sectors with a similar function, including rental of camping
    sites, and restaurant and catering services with the exception of alcoholic
    beverages, others than beer, and sports, recreational and entertainment
    activities. Tourism will thus have the lowest VAT rate of all economic sectors.
    Another measure aims at stimulating spa tourism by applying no charges for
    geothermal and natural mineral water for public use in designated public
    places. According to the government’s estimate, the development of spa tourism
    requires investments of at least 1 billion euros worth of projects over the
    next ten years. A third of Europe’s thermal and mineral springs are to be found
    in Romania.

    Festival. More than 100 singers and
    musicians are participating this week in the World Experience Festival which
    goes under way today in Bucharest. The events, held under the theme The Music
    of the World, include many workshops, such as those dedicated to Irish dance,
    the tea ceremony and the art of wearing a kimono in the Japanese style.
    Presentations are held of instruments from 30 different countries in the
    Orient, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia. The festival also features a
    food section. The main stage is located in one of the Bucharest’s parks.

    Weather. The national weather service has issued a yellow code alert for
    unstable weather in 13 counties in Romania beginning this afternoon until
    tomorrow night. Torrential rain, thunder storms, powerful winds and hailstorms
    are expected in the west and centre. The amount of precipitation is expected to
    exceed 25 litres per square metre, and even 40 litres in some areas. In
    Bucharest, the noon reading showed 30 degrees Celsius, but the temperature is
    expected to hit 34 degrees.

  • 03.09.2018


    Parlement -
    Les deux Chambres du parlement de Bucarest se sont réunies aujourd’hui en
    session ordinaire. A la Chambre des députés et au Sénat, la majorité PSD – ALDE,
    s’est fixé comme priorités l’adoption d’une nouvelle loi des retraites, la
    modification des lois de la sécurité nationale et de la loi de l’adoption des
    enfants. L’opposition de droite souhaite réintroduire dans la loi électorale
    une élection en deux tours de scrutin dans le cas des maires des villes et des
    communes, faire supprimer les retraites spéciales et réformer les soins de
    santé. A l’agenda du Parlement, également pour l’actuelle session législative -
    la finalisation des lois de la justice, contestées à la Cour constitutionnelle,
    des Codes pénal et de procédure pénale, ainsi que de la loi des exploitations offshore,
    qui réglemente l’exploitation des gisements de gaz de la mer Noire.

    Peste porcine -
    La Roumanie pourrait suspendre temporairement l’exportation de viande de porc, à cause de l’épidémie
    de peste porcine africaine, avertit Dacian Cioloş, ancien
    premier ministre et ancien ministre roumain de l’agriculture ainsi qu’ancien
    commissaire européen du secteur. Dans son opinion, le
    risque existe que la maladie fasse disparaître l’élevage des cochons en
    Roumanie et augmenter les importations et l’inflation. Deux nouveaux foyers
    d’infection avec le virus de la peste porcine africaine ont été confirmés en
    Roumanie, où quelque 800 foyers existent déjà. Les autorités sanitaires-vétérinaires
    continuent de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour arrêter la propagation du
    virus, alors que dans les départements où celui-ci a déjà été confirmé, l’abattage
    des cochons continue. Par précaution, des restrictions ont été imposées à la
    vente de viande de porc dans les foires et sur les marchés locaux et des
    filtres routiers ont été mis en place aux frontières des départements touchés
    par la peste porcine africaine. Pour sa part, l’Exécutif assure que tous les
    fermiers ayant enregistré des pertes, à cause de cette maladie, seront dédommagés.

    Réunion – En
    Roumanie, le Conseil suprême de défense se réunira à Bucarest le 4 septembre,
    pour examiner le collectif budgétaire proposé, notamment dans le cas des
    institutions activant dans le domaine de la sécurité nationale. C’est le
    gouvernement qui a sollicité la convocation du Conseil, la date ayant été
    choisie par le président roumain Klaus Iohannis, qui a expliqué que l’Exécutif
    aurait pu corriger les enveloppes budgétaires dans tous les secteurs sans
    demander l’avis du Conseil, à l’exception du domaine de la sécurité nationale.
    Le chef de l’Etat a fait cette précision, suite aux avertissements du
    gouvernement, selon lequel le refus du président de convoquer le Conseil
    suprême de défense pour avis sur le collectif budgétaire mettrait en danger non seulement les revenus des
    catégories les plus vulnérables de la société, notamment les retraités, les
    mères et les enfants, mais aussi l’accès des patients aux services médicaux.

    Tourisme – Le ministère roumain du tourisme a pris plusieurs mesures
    censées améliorer l’activité dans le secteur. Ainsi, la TVA passe-t-elle à 5%
    dans l’hôtellerie, y compris les zones de camping, la restauration, à l’exception des boissons
    alcoolisées autres que la bière, et les activités sportives et de détentes. Une
    autre mesure concerne le tourisme balnéaire, où il n’y aura plus de redevances
    pour les eaux thermales et l’eau minérale consommée par la population. Le
    gouvernement prévoit un minimum d’un milliard d’euro d’investissements dans le
    tourisme balnéaire à travers des projets sur les 10 prochaines années. La
    Roumanie détient un tiers des sources thermales et minérales d’Europe.

    Festival – Une centaine d’artistes de plus 70 pays présenteront leurs
    musiques et cultures au la World Experience Festival, qui débute aujourd’hui à
    Bucarest. Pendant toute la semaine, le principal thème – « la Musique du
    monde » – sera décliné y compris dans des ateliers interactifs de danse
    irlandaise ou de cérémonie japonaise du thé, par exemple. S’y ajoutent, bien
    sûr, des concerts et des récitals, des présentations d’instruments musicaux ou

    Météo – Une alerte jaune à l’instabilité atmosphérique est en
    vigueur dans 13 départements de l’ouest et du centre de la Roumanie, où sont
    attendus des pluies fortes et des phénomènes orageux. Le thermomètre grimpera
    jusqu’à 34°. A Bucarest, il y avait 30° à midi.