Tag: WTA 500

  • Info Sport

    Info Sport

    Atleta Alina Rotaru
    s-a calificat la Jocurile Olimpice de anul viitor, de la Paris. Ea a realizat
    baremul olimpic în proba de săritură în lungime, în Germania, la concursul
    Inneringer Weitsprung Meeting, pe care l-a şi câştigat. Săritura învingătoare a
    Alinei a măsurat 6 metri şi 96 de centimetri, rezultat care reprezintă un
    record personal. Podiumul concursului din Württemberg a fost completat de două
    sportive germane, Maryse Luzolo, cu 6
    metri 84 , şi Laura Raquel Müller, cu 6 metri
    şi 49 de centimetri. Alina Rotaru este a şasea sportivă română care
    obţine calificarea pentru Paris. Ea se alătură atletei Andreea Miklos, la 400
    de metri, maratonistei Delvine Meringor, înotătorilor David Popovici şi Vlad
    Stancu, precum şi pugilistei Lăcrămioara Perijoc.

    Trecem la handbal.
    Campioana României la feminin, CSM Bucureşti, a învins formaţia SCM Craiova cu
    scorul de 35-25, miercuri, într-un meci amical jucat în Sala Polivalentă din
    Capitală. Cea mai eficientă marcatoare a Tigroaicelor a fost Alexandra
    Dindiligan, care a înscris 5 goluri. Vicecampioana României, Rapid Bucureşti,
    ia parte la un turneu amical în Danemarca. În primul joc, feroviarele au fost
    învinse de formaţia daneză Ikast
    Håndbold, cu 39-36, apoi au pierdut cu 22 la 31 în faţa echipei germane
    Bietigheim. Vineri, Rapid va întâlni echipa franceză Metz.

    La turneul de tenis
    WTA 500 de la Washington, dotat cu premii totale de 780 de mii de dolari,
    Sorana Cîrstea – cea mai bună româncă din clasamentul mondial, unde ocupă locul
    32 – s-a oprit în optimile de finală. Ea a fost învinsă cu 6-1, 6-3 de rusoaica
    Liudmila Samsonova, locul 18 WTA. Pentru calificarea între primele 16 jucătoare
    ale turneului, românca s-a ales cu un cec de 11.600 dolari şi 55 de puncte WTA.
    La dublu, Monica Niculescu s-a calificat în sferturile de finală, alături de
    Alexa Guarachi, din Chile. Ele au trecut în optimi de cuplul format din
    bielorusa Lidia Morozova şi brazilianca Ingrid Gamarra Martins cu 7-6, 7-5.
    Monica şi partenera sa şi-au asigurat un cec de 7.200 de dolari şi 100 de
    puncte WTA la dublu. La Washington, Niculescu a câştigat titlul în proba de
    dublu în 2016, alături de belgianca Yanina Wickmayer.

  • Info Sport

    Info Sport

    Atleta Alina Rotaru
    s-a calificat la Jocurile Olimpice de anul viitor, de la Paris. Ea a realizat
    baremul olimpic în proba de săritură în lungime, în Germania, la concursul
    Inneringer Weitsprung Meeting, pe care l-a şi câştigat. Săritura învingătoare a
    Alinei a măsurat 6 metri şi 96 de centimetri, rezultat care reprezintă un
    record personal. Podiumul concursului din Württemberg a fost completat de două
    sportive germane, Maryse Luzolo, cu 6
    metri 84 , şi Laura Raquel Müller, cu 6 metri
    şi 49 de centimetri. Alina Rotaru este a şasea sportivă română care
    obţine calificarea pentru Paris. Ea se alătură atletei Andreea Miklos, la 400
    de metri, maratonistei Delvine Meringor, înotătorilor David Popovici şi Vlad
    Stancu, precum şi pugilistei Lăcrămioara Perijoc.

    Trecem la handbal.
    Campioana României la feminin, CSM Bucureşti, a învins formaţia SCM Craiova cu
    scorul de 35-25, miercuri, într-un meci amical jucat în Sala Polivalentă din
    Capitală. Cea mai eficientă marcatoare a Tigroaicelor a fost Alexandra
    Dindiligan, care a înscris 5 goluri. Vicecampioana României, Rapid Bucureşti,
    ia parte la un turneu amical în Danemarca. În primul joc, feroviarele au fost
    învinse de formaţia daneză Ikast
    Håndbold, cu 39-36, apoi au pierdut cu 22 la 31 în faţa echipei germane
    Bietigheim. Vineri, Rapid va întâlni echipa franceză Metz.

    La turneul de tenis
    WTA 500 de la Washington, dotat cu premii totale de 780 de mii de dolari,
    Sorana Cîrstea – cea mai bună româncă din clasamentul mondial, unde ocupă locul
    32 – s-a oprit în optimile de finală. Ea a fost învinsă cu 6-1, 6-3 de rusoaica
    Liudmila Samsonova, locul 18 WTA. Pentru calificarea între primele 16 jucătoare
    ale turneului, românca s-a ales cu un cec de 11.600 dolari şi 55 de puncte WTA.
    La dublu, Monica Niculescu s-a calificat în sferturile de finală, alături de
    Alexa Guarachi, din Chile. Ele au trecut în optimi de cuplul format din
    bielorusa Lidia Morozova şi brazilianca Ingrid Gamarra Martins cu 7-6, 7-5.
    Monica şi partenera sa şi-au asigurat un cec de 7.200 de dolari şi 100 de
    puncte WTA la dublu. La Washington, Niculescu a câştigat titlul în proba de
    dublu în 2016, alături de belgianca Yanina Wickmayer.

  • February 18, 2022

    February 18, 2022

    Covid-19Ro. The number of new cases of coronavirus infection is dropping in Romania, though the number of related fatalities remains quite high. 14,524 new cases and 135 deaths – of which 10 from the previous reporting period – have been reported today. Health Minister Alexandru Rafila and those responsible for managing the crisis are considering a staged relaxation, by field of activity, which might start two or three weeks from now. As regards vaccination, more than 8.1 million people have been immunized with the first doze, and 2.5 million with the booster.

    Talks. The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, has met Brussels today with the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola. The two discussed security developments in the EUs Eastern Neighborhood, the support for the Republic of. Moldova (ex-Soviet, predominantly Romanian-speaking), energy security, the package of measures to combat climate change and the enlargement of the Schengen area. The meeting took place on the sidelines of President Iohannis participation in the 6th European Union-African Union Summit, held on Thursday and Friday in Brussels. Today, Klaus Iohannis has also attended a teleconference organized by the American president Joe Biden on the crisis in Ukraine, along with leaders from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, the EU and NATO. Romania wants to ease the crisis through diplomacy, but is prepared for the consequences of a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, Klaus Iohannis said. He has added that if the security situation at Ukraines borders changes, the EU has an established package of reactions and Romania, which has more than 600km of common border with Ukraine, is ready for a possible influx of migrants from that country.

    Security. The Romanian Minister of Defense, Vasile Dîncu, participates, on February 18-20, in the Munich Security Conference, where the context created by the massive deployment of Russian troops at the borders of Ukraine will be discussed. According to a statement from the Ministry of National Defense, the officials will also address issues related to the importance of nuclear security, risk reduction in this area and transparency in terms of disarmament and non-proliferation, for global and regional stability and security. Topics such as climate change and hybrid threats will also be addressed. The Romanian Minister will participate in a working lunch hosted by representatives of the American Atlantic Council think -tank , the main topics of discussion being the security situation and military mobility.

    Protest. Three employers organizations of Romanian road haulers are preparing to organize street protests in case the Government does not intervene for capping the prices of the civil liability insurance for car owners(RCA), according to a communiqué issued on Friday by the Romanian Confederation of Authorized Operators and Carriers (COTAR). The president of this confederation, Vasile Stefanescu, pointed out that the increase will bankrupt the Romanian carriers, which will in turn block Romania. The employers organization recalls that in recent years the Financial Supervisory Authority has repeatedly reported situations in which insurance companies have broken the law, have increased fees even after capping, and used non-transparent tariffs which included all their operating costs, although these companies have several business lines.

    Accident. The Romanian Foreign Ministry has announced that 29 Romanians, passengers and crew, have been saved by Greek teams from a fire that broke out on a ferry near the island of Corfu. Greek authorities say all passengers were taken by other ships and carried to the shore. The Romanian Embassy in Athens has called on the Greek authorities to urgently provide additional information about the identity and health of the Romanian citizens, for the embassy to provide the necessary support. There were 237 passengers and 51 crew on board the ferry that was carrying passengers and goods between Greece and Italy.

    Tennis. Romanian tennis player Simona Halep plays today against the Latvian Jelena Ostapenko, in the semifinals of the WTA 500 tournament in Dubai, with some 800 thousand dollars in prize money. On Thursday, Halep defeated the Tunisian Ons Jabeur in two sets, and Ostapenko won the match against the Czech Petra Kvitova, in three sets. The two players last met at the Roland Gaross tournament of 2017, when Ostapenko won. As regards the Dubai tournament, Halep has won it twice before, in 2015 and 2020. (MI)

  • February 17, 2022 UPDATE

    February 17, 2022 UPDATE

    Covid-19.Ro. The number of new cases of Covid-19 is dropping in Romania, but the number of related fatalities remains high, according to partial data made public by authorities on Thursday. 15,374 new cases of infection and 125 deaths were reported, of which 3 from the previous reporting timeframe. Some 1,120 patients are in intensive care. The vaccination pace has also kept slowing down, with some 7,700 people getting vaccinated in the last 24 hours, of whom a little over 1,200 with the first dose, the National Vaccination Committee has announced.

    Summit. On Thursday, President Klaus Iohannis attended an informal European Council meeting in Brussels. He reiterated Romanias strong support for Ukraines sovereignty and territorial integrity and for the countrys right to decide freely on its European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations. “We need to continue the dialogue and look for a diplomatic solution”, Iohannis also wrote on Twitter, adding that the threats to European security are still critical. The Romanian head of state is also attending the 6th European Union – African Union summit, focusing on launching an ambitious Africa-Europe investment package against the background of the current global challenges. President Iohannis has stated that Romania wants to strengthen its traditional ties with the African states and its role as donor of assistance for development, in particular in the field of education.

    NATO. A NATO battlegroup is to be set up in Romania, most likely this spring, the defence minster Vasile Dincu has announced. He explained that there are still formal matters that need to be taken care of, but Romania has completed the preparations and is now waiting for the final decision. Dincu attended a meeting of the NATO defence ministers in Brussels in the context of the crisis created by Russia near Ukraines borders. The NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg too mentioned in a press conference the intention to set up a permanent battlegroup in Romania “Our military commanders will now work on the details and report back within weeks”, Stoltenberg said. In another move, three Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft owned by the German Air Force landed on Thursday at the 67th Airbase in Mihail Kogalniceanu, in south-eastern Romania. The planes brought 60 soldiers, pilots and technical personnel, who over the next three weeks will carry out, together with Romanian and Italian soldiers, missions of enhanced Air Policing under NATO command.

    Inflation. The National Strategy and Forecast Commission revised Romanias economic growth forecast for this year down to 4.3%, from 4.6% as previously estimated, given the inflationary shock of the last quarter of last year and the 5th wave of the coronavirus pandemic. The institution also points out that it did not take into account the potential outbreak of a conflict caused by geopolitical tensions at the border with Ukraine. At the same time, the prospects for the 2022 agricultural year are not very bright, as the year starts with drought and very high prices for fertilizers and energy, the Romanian Corn Producers Association has stressed. Last year, Romanian economy registered a 5.6% growth.

    Funding. Romania receives another 234 million euros from the European Commission for the Operational Programme Human Capital. The new funds will help 168,000 disadvantaged pupils to make up for lost class time during the pandemic. In addition, the new funds will support the employment of people who lost their jobs during the pandemic, as well as 295 new welfare enterprises assisting people in vulnerable groups. The additional funding will also ensure the provision of bonuses for 97,000 health workers who dealt directly with the pandemic.

    Tennis. The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep has qualified for the semifinals of the WTA 500 tournament in Dubai, with some 800 thousand dollars in prize money. She defeated on Thursday the Tunisian Ons Jabeur in two sets: 6-4, 6-3. Simona has won this tournament two times before, in 2015 and 2020. (MI)

  • February 16, 2022

    February 16, 2022

    Covid-19Ro. 17,447 news cases of Covid-19 have been registered in the past 24 hours, as well as 183 related deaths, of which 12 from the previous reporting timeframe, the Strategic Communication Group has announced today. Since the start of the pandemic two years ago, more than 2.5 million cases of Covid-19 have been registered in Romania, and approximately 62 thousand infected people have died. The country has the second lowest vaccination rate in the EU, after Bulgaria.

    Ukraine. The current security crisis is not just about Ukraine and European security, but about Euro-Atlantic security as a whole, Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said today before the Foreign Policy Committees of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. Aurescu has also said that “there are no signs yet” that the de-escalation of the security situation in the Black Sea is “really” happening. It is very important that the diplomatic efforts continue, it is equally extremely important that this de-escalation takes place concretely on the ground, Aurescu stressed. The minister has also announced that the procedure has been completed for returning to Romania the family members of diplomatic staff of the Romanian embassy in Kiev (central Ukraine) ) and from the consulate general in Odessa. The other two consular missions, which are in Solotvino in Transcarpathia and Chernivtsi in northern Bukovina, both in western Ukraine, were not covered by the measure, as they are located in regions with a higher degree of security – the minister said.

    The Sahel. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is taking part today in Paris, at the invitation of his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, in an informal working dinner on the security situation in the Sahel. Countries in the region and their international partners, engaged in the fight against terrorist groups, will discuss security developments on the ground, continuing the long-term partnership to meet together the challenges posed by the terrorist threat. According to a statement from the Presidential Administration, the head of state will reiterate Romanias firm commitment to the security of the Sahel region, materialized by the countrys participation in EU and UN missions in the region, and the decision to take part in the Takuba Force. The participants will discuss the future of this mission, in the context of the recent security developments in the Sahel. After the working dinner in Paris, the President of Romania will go to Brussels, where he will participate, on Thursday and Friday, in the sixth European Union-African Union summit.

    NATO. The Romanian Minister of Defense, Vasile Dîncu, is attending a two-day meeting of the NATO foreign ministers in Brussels. According to the Ministry of National Defense, the meeting is an important milestone in the preparation of the decisions that will be adopted by the leaders of the allied states at the Madrid Summit due on June 29 and 30. The debates will address the security situation caused by Russias aggressive behavior in the vicinity of NATOs eastern flank and the implications for Euro-Atlantic security. Tomorrow, the Allies will have a meeting with partners from Georgia and Ukraine, where they will express their political support for these two aspiring states. On the sidelines of the meeting, Minister Dîncu will participate in the signing ceremony of Romanias letter of accession to the NATO Air Battle Decisive Ammunition (ABDM) project, developed by the NATO Defense Investment Division (IS-DI).

    Government. The government in Bucharest has gathered in session to discuss, among other things, several emergency ordinances intended to support small and medium enterprises severely affected during the two years of the pandemic. A draft emergency ordinance will ensure that companies severely affected by the current economic situation have access to a new financing instrument that will allow them to resume their activities. This state aid scheme has been approved at EU level. Its the Romanian-Swiss program for SMEs that finances this sector. Another draft GEO aims to amend and supplement the Law on Stimulating the Establishment and Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

    Tennis. Two Romanians, Simona Halep (23 WTA) and Elena-Gabriela Ruse (59 WTA), are playing against each other today, in the round of 16 of the WTA 500 tennis tournament in Dubai (United Arab Emirates). On Tuesday, Ruse managed her first victory against a top 10 opponent, the Spaniard Paula Badosa (5 WTA). On Monday, Simona Halep had defeated the American Alison Riske 6-2, 6-4. (MI)

  • February 15, 2022 UPDATE

    February 15, 2022 UPDATE

    Covid-19 Ro. Romania is considering lifting the anti-Covid restrictions according to certain criteria, such as the drop in the number of new cases of infection, and in the number of patients in intensive care, the health minister Alexandru Rafila has announced. He has also said, however, that there is no timetable yet for relaxation. On Tuesday, almost 22,000 new COVID-19 cases were reported, out of 91,500 tests run in 24 hours, as well as 204 related deaths, 9 of which from previous reporting timeframes. 1,155 Covid-19 patients are currently in intensive care.

    Summit. On Wednesday, the Romanian President Klaus Iohannis will attend in Paris an informal working dinner on security in Sahel at the invitation of his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, and on Thursday and Friday he will attend the 6th European Union – African Union Summit held in Brussels, the Presidential Administration has announced. During the Summit, Klaus Iohannis will highlight Romanias constant efforts to achieve common EU-AU objectives, focused on peace, security and good governance, private sector support and economic integration, sustainable economic development through education, culture and training, funding for economic and sustainable growth, climate change and the energy transition, health systems and vaccine production, the source said. In addition to attending the EU-AU Summit, the Romanian head of state will also have a meeting with European Parliament President Roberta Metsola.

    NATO. The Romanian Minister of Defense, Vasile Dincu, will participate, on Wednesday and Thursday, in the meeting of the NATO defense ministers, at the Alliances Headquarters in Brussels. According to the Ministry of National Defense, the meeting is an important milestone in preparation for decisions that will be adopted by the leaders of the allied states at the Madrid Summit due on June 29 and 30. Debates will focus on the security situation generated by Russias aggressive behavior in the vicinity of NATOs eastern flank and the implications for Euro-Atlantic security, as well as the issues underlying the continuation of the process of adapting the Alliances deterrence and defense posture to the new security conditions, reads a communiqué issued by the Ministry of National Defense. On the sidelines of the meeting, Minister Dincu will participate in the signing ceremony of Romanias letter of accession to the NATO Air Battle Decisive Ammunition (ABDM) project, developed by the NATO Defense Investment Division (IS-DI).

    Ukraine. The Russian troops deployed for several weeks near the border with Ukraine have started returning to their garrisons, the Russian Defense Ministry announced on Tuesday, amid Western fears of an imminent military operation. The announcement is the first sign from Moscow in this crisis with the West, which has lasted since the end of 2021, FP reports. Since December, Russia has deployed more than 100,000 soldiers at the Ukrainian border, raising fears in Kiev over an imminent invasion of that country. Moscow has always denied any intention to start a war, but has asked for security guarantees, such as the promise that Ukraine will never join NATO, which the West has refused to provide. The announcement of the Russian troops withdrawal from the Ukrainian border is a good sign, the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Tuesday, at a joint news conference with the Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. The German chancellor is convinced that diplomatic efforts to avoid a conflict “are far from exhausted”. In turn, Vladimir Putin has given assurances that Russia does not want war and wants to “keep on working” with the West on European security and to defuse the Ukraine-related crisis. The Kremlin leader confirmed the partial withdrawal of Russian troops from the border with Ukraine, but also accused the West of not coming with a constructive response to Russias demands for European security and of trying to strengthen its security to Russias detriment.

    Anticorruption. Romanias National Anticorruption Directorate believes that bill on the dismantling of the Section for Investigating Criminal Offences within the Judiciary (SIIJ), adopted by the government, is not a progress in ensuring the efficiency of the fight against high-level corruption, but on the contrary, would lead to the dissipation of prosecution resources and powers and the perpetuation of the situation in which the prosecutors dealing with cases of corruption involving magistrates cannot specialize. In a statement, the Directorate says that this one structure would be replaced by 16 different structures within the Public Ministry. According to DNA, the method of selecting the prosecutors who will be appointed to investigate the cases is, in turn, likely to compromise the prospect of conducting professional and efficient investigations.

    Tennis. On Tuesday, the Romanian tennis player Elena-Gabriela Ruse (59WTA) managed to defeat a 10 ten opponent, the Spanish Paula Badosa (5WTA), in the first round of the WTA 500 tournament in Dubai, the Arab Emirates, with some 770,000 in prize money. She will next take on the best ranking Romanian tennis player, Simona Halep (23 WTA), which defeated on Monday the American Alison Riske. Also on Tuesday, another Romanian, Irina Begu (54WTA) was defeated by the Ukrainian Daiana Iastremska in the first round of the tournament. (MI)