Tag: youths

  • Young people in Romania – a collective portrait

    Young people in Romania – a collective portrait

    A recent sociological survey conducted by the
    Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Romania puts the spotlight on an age category of
    which people talk a lot but know little, namely young people. The survey
    conducted in 2018 reveals the attitude, outlook and self-perception of the
    Romanians aged between 14 and 29 on such issues as family, education,
    lifestyle, religion and democracy. They have been compared with young people
    from other European countries, EU and non-EU members.

    All economic and social indicators referring to young
    people in Romania are looking very bad, says Gabriel Badescu, one of the authors
    of the survey together with Daniel Sandu, Daniela Angi and Carmen Greab. Some
    of these indicators must be applied in a broader European context, though. For example,
    more than half of Romanian respondents agree that democracy is a good form of
    government but 23% believe that under some circumstances, dictatorship could be
    a better form of government than democracy. In comparison with the other nine
    countries in south-eastern Europe included in the survey, democracy enjoys the
    lowest level of support in Romania, notwithstanding the authoritarian
    tendencies visible in all European countries.

    Worth noting is that generational change does by
    itself bring along better, more democracy-loving pro- citizens, says Gabriel

    This decline in people’s attachment to democracy is
    not uniformly spread throughout all age categories. In fact, it very much
    depends on the respondent’s age. When we refer to the quality of democracy, we
    should know that young people are a vulnerable and problematic category. Problematic
    because according to studies, once certain attitudes are imprinted at an early
    age, it is extremely difficult to change them later; they remain engrained and
    perpetuate themselves.

    Besides mentalities, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s
    study also looked at the level of support for minorities in Romania and the
    other nine countries. Gabriel Badescu tells us what the findings are:

    Support for minority rights is low among young
    people. Romania has the lowest levels of support in the case of several categories
    of minorities out of all the 10 countries. It also has the second lowest level of
    support for the ethnic minorities and the third lowest when it comes to the
    rights of the poor.

    The study has also revealed a disparity between Romania’s
    regions and between its rural and urban areas. The disparity between young
    people in the urban areas and those in rural areas reflects a disadvantage for
    the latter. According to other surveys, in 2017, the poverty risk rate in the
    rural area stood at 37.3%, which is six times higher than in urban areas. The
    survey on young people carried out in 2018 reveals that 23% of young people in
    rural regions fall in a category known as NEET, which stands not in employment, education or training, which means
    they don’t pursue any kind of formal education and they are not employed
    either. This figure is twice as high in the rural areas than in urban areas, a
    disparity which is not found in other EU countries.

    The economic situation is also used
    by the authors of the survey to explain the rather high percentage of young
    people who want to emigrate. Unlike 2014, when a similar survey was conducted
    and when 60% of young people aged between 14 and 29 intended to emigrate, in
    2018, this figure dropped to almost 30%. The sociologist Daniel Sandu points
    out that this figure reflects wishes and not necessarily specific plans to
    leave the country:

    It’s not essential how intense this
    wish is when trying to establish whether they will, indeed, leave the country.
    The desire to leave can rather be interpreted as an answer to the question: ‘how
    do you assess your opportunities for self-development in your own country?’. If
    the economic situation in your own country is difficult, as it was in 2014, and
    if there are fewer opportunities, then the tendency occurs to project your departure
    or to wish to leave the country.

    As to who wants to leave country most
    strongly, the survey reveals some surprising answers, says sociologist Daniel

    If we look more closely we notice a
    bimodal distribution of migration intentions. There are two very different groups,
    at opposite ends. One group is made up of young people coming from advantaged families
    who plan to study abroad. The group is made up of young people from families
    who have access to goods, but not as a result of their families’ affluence but because
    different members of their families are already abroad. They send money back to
    the country and give these young people access to goods, but they don’t provide
    them with stability and real prospects for the future in this country.

    The perception of the future is in
    fact founded on how the present is perceived. In this respect, the survey confirms
    other statistics. The representative of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Romania,
    Victoria Stoiciu, explains:

    As it transpires from our survey and
    other studies, young people are clearly an underprivileged category, first and
    foremost economically. If we look at the poverty rate among young people, I’m
    referring to those aged between 14 and 25, we will see it is very high, higher
    than among other age categories. We usually refer to the elderly or the retired
    when we draw such comparisons. It doesn’t mean that the elderly don’t have problems,
    but that the economic situation of young people is much worse. What’s more,
    young people are under-represented politically.