Vruţ ascultâtori, va lu aduţem adzâ aminti pi scriitorlu Corneliu Dida, faptu t-unâ fumeali di intelectuali armâni di Custanţa.
Vruţ ascultâtori, va lu aduţem adzâ aminti pi scriitorlu Corneliu Dida, faptu t-unâ fumeali di intelectuali armâni di Custanţa.
Vruţ ascultâtori, vâ câlisim s-ascultaţ adzâ îndauâ zboarâ ti Radu Gir, unlu dit nai ma mărli poeţ români şi sigura nai ma marli poet a hâpsânilor dit întunicata etâ comunistâ dit Românii, aşi cum anyrâpsea poetlu Ionel Zeană.
Vruţ ascultâtori, adzâ aleapsim ti voi îndauâ zboarâ ditr-unâ poematâ tipusitâ di George Merca, “Amânamea”.
Vruţ armâni, vâ câlisim s-ascultaţ ma-nghios emisiunea a noastrâ, “Scriitori armâni di ieri ş-di adzâ”, iu aleapsim nuvela anyrâpsitâ di Yoryi Zuca, “Minti di ficior”.
Vruţ ascultâtori, vâ câlisim s-ascultaţ adzâ un material cu portretlu al Costa Cristale dit Gârţii, anyrâpsit di scriitorlu Sutir Galani.
Vruţ armâni, vâ câlisim s-ascultaţ “Alumta al Canciandon cu Veli Ghega”, frândzâ dit balada “Caciandon”, di Dumitru Pariza, t-unâ spuneari di Aurica Piha.
Vâ câlisim s-ascultaţ prota parti a interviului cu duruta scriitoari Zoe Papazisi Papateodoru.
Vruţ armâni, vâ câlisim s-ascultaţ emisiunea cu adetea ti Sârbâtoarea di Tayiani.
Sursâ foto: www.cultural.bzi.ro
Vruţ ascultâtori, vâ câlisim s-ascultaţ ma-ghios emisiunea “Scriitori armâni di ieri ş-di adzâ” – iu easti zborlu di tinirlu Sorin Angnoste.
Bogdan Diaconu, deputy president of the Commission for the Romanians outside Romania with the Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest, says the neighboring Ukraine is recruiting ethnic Romanians from the Cernauti region in the west to deploy them in the regions controlled by pro-Russia militants instead of Ukrainians. The Romanian official says that this is the solution the authorities in Kiev have found to what he called ‘the extermination’ of the Romanians in the region. His statement comes after hundreds of ethnic Romanians have received conscription orders, which means they could be deployed in eastern Ukraine to fight pro-Russia rebels. The Romanian community in Ukraine, which consists of roughly half a million people, is concentrated mainly in the west of the country, in the Romanian territories annexed by the former Soviet Union back in 1940, which now belong to Ukraine.
The black boxes retrieved from the Malaysian airliner that crashed in Ukraine have confirmed the plane went down after the cockpit had been depressurized by the explosion of a missile, a spokesperson for Ukraine’s National Security and Defence Council was quoted by the international press agencies as saying. The Malaysia Flight 17, which was going from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was shot down on July 17th in eastern Ukraine in a region controlled by the pro-Russia militants. Kiev and the West have blamed Moscow for the tragedy, while the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Monday said the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 might amount to a war crime. In another development Ukrainian forces have announced they have taken control over some strategic positions close to the place where the airliner crashed.
Prime Minister Victor Ponta on Monday conveyed a message to the Muslim community in Romania wishing them all the best on the occasion of Bairam, the festivity marking the end of Ramadan. ‘We have a Muslim community with which we share the tradition of harmonious cohabitation, strengthened through cultural and social solidarity, mutual respect, and the respect o traditions and faith’ — the Romanian Prime Minister went on to say. Romania, a country with a Christian Orthodox majority, boasts a community of 70 thousand Muslims, mostly consisting of Tartar and Turkish ethnics, who are now living in Dobrogea, southeastern Romania, a province, which was part of the Ottoman Empire for centuries.
According to Radio Romania correspondent to the Middle East, the UN-brokered ceasefire was repeatedly violated on Monday. Several missiles have been launched from Gaza against southern Israel. In turn, Israel says that an offensive is needed to put an end to Hamas’ rocket attacks and destroy its network of tunnels. According to Palestinian sources, the Israeli military operations that commenced three weeks ago have caused the death of 1030 Palestinians, mostly civilians and numerous children. Israel says it has lost 43 soldiers and three Israeli nationals have been killed in the rocket attacks from Gaza.
Russia’s expansionist attitude should be a reason for concern, as it has the potential to propagate negative situations on Romania’s territory, head of the Romanian Intelligence Service, George Maior told Adevarul LIVE on Monday. Maior has also stated that the Black Sea region, which Romania is part of, will in time become a geopolitical zone, an intersection point of some very powerful players — Russia, Turkey and Ukraine. The new international tensions are not specific to classical war, but they rather characterize a new type of war, a more complex one, with actions such as cyber attacks, that will affect the region for a long period of time, head of the Romanian Intelligence Service, George Maior has pointed out.
REACTION – The international community firmly condemns Russia’s actions in Crimea and threatens to impose new sanctions on Moscow after Russian president Vladimir Putin on Tuesday signed an agreement that allegedly sanctions the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol to the Russian Federation. German Chancellor Angela Merkel responded, seeing Russia’s actions as going against international law. In turn, French president Francois Hollande has called on the EU to react. Moreover, British Foreign Secretary William Hague has announced that London will suspend all military cooperation with Moscow. In turn, US vice-president Joe Biden sees Russia’s actions as a territorial takeover. Before signing the agreement, Putin addressed the Russian Parliament, labelling Sunday’s referendum as a legal and democratic move. Putin referred to the precedent in Kosovo, a province with an Albanian-speaking majority that declared its independence from Serbia in 2008. On Sunday’s referendum, 97% of voters expressed their willingness to separate from Ukraine.
ROMANIA AND UKRAINE – The Romanian Foreign Ministry believes that Russia’s efforts to annex Crimea and Sevastopol might destabilize the entire region, representing a clear option for Moscow’s international isolation. The Foreign Ministry expressed its staunch disagreement with Russia’s latest actions, considering them illegitimate and going against fundamental principles of international law, a clear breach of the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of neighbouring Ukraine. The Ministry also expressed concern that Russia’s decision to alter international borders might encourage frozen conflicts in Romania’s vicinity. Romania nevertheless hopes that despite Russia’s decision, the Governments in Kiev and Moscow would reach a solution to the current crisis.
MOLDOVA – According to Nicolae Timofti, president of the Republic of Moldova, an ex-soviet country with a Romanian-speaking majority, Moscow’s possible acceptance of an application from Transdniester, a breakaway Russian enclave in the Republic of Moldova, to join the Russian Federation, would be a step in the wrong direction. The Moldovan official has termed such actions as counterproductive. His reaction comes after the speaker of Parliament in Tiraspol, Mihai Burla has sent a letter to the president of the State Duma, the lower house of the Russian legislature, Sergey Naryshkin, in which he recalls that 97.2% of Transdniester’s voters stood for joining Russia in the 2006 referendum. We recall that Transdniester de facto came out of Chisinau’s control in 1992, following an armed conflict, which left hundreds of dead and was settled with the intervention of the Russian troops on the side of the separatists. Timofti went on to say that the Republic of Moldova didn’t recognize the returns in the Crimean referendum and said he would tackle the geopolitical situation with his Romanian counterpart Traian Basescu in Iasi on Wednesday.
VISIT – Romania supports Albania’s efforts to be granted EU candidate status, Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta on Tuesday announced in Tirana. The Romanian official held talks with his coutnerpart Edi Rama about how Romania might actually supports Albania’s EU bid. Also on Tuesday, the head of government met in Athens with Antonio Samaras, the Prime Minister of Greece, a country currently holding the six-month rotating presidency of the EU. Talks focused on topics high on the EU agenda.
NATO – NATO’s anti-missile shield will become operational in Romania as scheduled next year. The spokesperson for the project Richard Lehner has told Radio Romania the Aegis system to be installed in Deveselu, southern Romania will this summer be put to a series of tests aimed at proving its capability of operating both on sea and land. Last week the US Court of Accounts estimated that out of technical reasons, the implementation of the anti-missile shield in Romania and Poland might be delayed.
BAN – Four Hungarian citizens, including two members of the far-right Jobbik party, suspected of carrying out nationalist-extremist activities have been banned from entering Romania for one year. Romanian Interior Ministry says that other persons involved in permanent nationalist activities running counter community norms and national legislation in the field are also being monitored.
Autori: Aurica Piha şi Taşcu Lala 25.08.1995
Reporter — Vruţ ascultâtori, tora seara lu avem oaspi la redacţii pi cânâscutlu regizor armân, Stere Gulea. Al pâlcârsim s-nâ spunâ îndauâ zboarâ ti loclu iu s-amintă si ti loclu di zârţinâ a pârinţâlor a lui.
Stere Gulea — Hiu faptu tu hoara Mihail Kogalniceanu, ningâ Custanţa. A mei vinirâ tu 1940 cându fu refugilu di Cadrilater — vinirâ tu Cadrilater dit Gârţii di ningâ Caterina. Tati easti di Edesa, iara mama easti di cama aproapea di Caterina. Am unâ sorâ ţi easti tu Cadrilater, iara mini, de, aoa tu Românii. Sculia primarâ u adrai tu Mihail Kogălniceanu, iara liceulu Custanţa. Dapoaia adrai la Institutlu Pedagogic di Custanţa fililogia, 3 an’i, un an fui dascăl tu Dobrogea şi tu soni vin’iu Bucureşti di adrai Institutlu di Artâ Teatralâ ş-Cinematograficâ — secţia di teatrologie-filmologii, bitisitâ tu 1970.
Reporter — Di iu ţâ vini s-aledz aestâ zânati ţi easti sum numa di a 7-a artâ?
Stere Gulea — Dupu ţi intrai la IATC, aduchii că aestâ cu critica nu para eara ti mini. Filmul şi regia ahurhi s-mi intereseadzâ că nu s-putea atunţea, vrui s-trec di la criticâ la regii cu examen şi nu s-putea, iara tut aşi cama ninti.
Bitisii şi dapoaia mini armaşi cu nâdia că poati vârâ dzuuâ va s-adar şi ţi n’i-avea hari, regii.
S-feaţi atunţea un filmul documentar, cându furâ nicărli dit 1970 – şi avum ideea s-fâţem un filmu — lu adrăm cu mulţâ soţ cari bitisirâ diunâoarâ cu mini, cum fu Dan Piţa, cari easti şi el armân.
Dapoaia adrai televiziuni, eara un om dit radio cari mi agiutâ multu şi cari easti dit hoarâ cu mini, Constantin Vişan. An’i deadi izini s-adar unâ emisiuni, un filmu dupu Matei Caragiale şi aţel fu, practic, chirolu cându tricui câtâ regii.
Atunţea apăru şi Toma Caragiu cari vidzu filmul ş-lu arisi. Dapoaia adră tut ţi putu ta s-mi agiutâ şi aşi agiumşu s-fac filmu – regii!
Reporter — Cari di regizorl’ii român’i i xen’i furâ ti tini unâ urnechi?
Stere Gulea – Pot s-dzâc că anviţai dit filmi şi suntu regizori di la cari anviţai multi, ca Warson Wells, Jean Renoir, Stracheim, Antonini, Felini, Elzenstein, Tarkovski, Hitchock, di ari unâ carti angrâpsitâ — Interviuri” — carti multu bunâ cari ti anveaţâ multi di regii, di filmu. Suntu oamin’i di la cari, cându lâ vedz fimili unâ oarâ, di dauâ ori, anveţ cama ghini lucurlu. Ama şi la noi ari oami’ni ţi adrarâ lucri di mari simasii – Ciulei, Pintilie – şi ti mini filmili a lor furâ un model.
Reporter — Antrâ filmili cari hârsirâ multu publiclu, cari ţâ avu nai ma marea hari?
Stere Gulea – Cându ai cilimean’i nu dzâţ cari easti ma bun, pot s-dzâţ cum vedz oamin’il’i, poati ţân’i ma multu la aţel cari nu easti cama cum lipseaşti. Pânâ tora easti filmul dupu Marin Preda, cari luyursi nai ma bunlu filmu a meu dit filmili româneşţâ. Primlu filmu cari ari lucri buni, nu easti cum lipseaşti, ma aşi fu şi-chirolu, Iarba verde de acasă” şi aestu care-l feciu tora ş-cari s-acl’iamâ Stare de fapt” ş-cari lugursescu mini câ poati s-hibâ un filmu bun.
Reporter — Minduişi vârâ oarâ s-adari un filmu ti armân’i icâ vârâ documentar?
Stere Gulea — Am azburâtâ ma mulţâ an’i şi armân’il’i are dzâsâ: câ ţe nu fâţem, şi easti un borgi s-lu adrăm! Pânâ tora nu mi apruchiai di aestu lucru, ficţiuni, filmu artistic, cari easti nihamâ cama greu şi custuseaşti multu, va s-ai milioani, miliardi tora ta s-faţ un filmu. Lipseaşti s-poţ s-lu vindzâ, s-ai un producător. Un documentar, indiscutabil, easti aproapea anaghi.
Voi s-ved, mini nu hiu dus s-ved locurli di iu suntu a mei.
Cathi an, cathi vearâtu tut ân’i dzâc s-agiungu aclo şi nu’agiungu. Poati ma s-agiungu, s-ved veara ţi yini, sâ s-dişcl’idâ ş-tru suflitlu a meu lucurlu aţel ca s-poţ ti aestâ. Poati ş-aclo s-hibâ oami’ni, că şi-un documentar va pâradz. Va şi-un di aestu s-ai, cari s-ti finanţeadzâ. Lucurlu aestu poati s-lu facâ ş-televiziunea publicâ dimec ari borgi andicra di un segmentu dit naţiunea aestâ. S-poati ca un documentar s-agiungu s-lu fac!
Reporter — Minduiescu prota că prit un ahtari filmu, miletea armâneascâ va s-poatâ s-hibâ ma ghini cânâscutâ tu lumi ş-dapoaia mini luyursescu că personajlu Moromete dit filmu di mari succes, Moromeţii”, putem s-lu aflăm ş-la armân’i, ca oamin’i cu multâ personalitati.
Stere Gulea — Aşi easti! Mini mi antribarâ, dupu ţi adrai filmul, iu am bânatâ, iu hiu faptu, că naca bânai tu Câmpia a Dunâl’ei? Voi s-dzâc ţiva, nu cându feci filmul, ma ninti, cându citeam cartea ş-mi minduiam la un lali, frati ali mami. Moromete, ca personaj aduţea multu cu aestu lali cari avea idyili problemi s-nsură di trei ori , cilimean’i dit aesti cu tută mintearea ţi u ari şi Moromete, ma nu aestu lucru, cât, cum minduia aţel om, ca un ţăran, că easti dit Andalusia, ică dit Portugalia, dit nordu ică dit stepa aruseascâ, mini luyursescu că easti idyul, dimec regionalismul aestu cari dzâsirâ el’i, âl’i feaţirâ arău al Preda cu localizarea aestâ. Mini vidzui ş-cându fui cu filmul pi nafoarâ, cum videau oamin’ii, nu ştea el’i că easti Câmpia a Dunâl’ei, âl’i interesa oamin’il’i cum minduiescu, cum s-poartă, cum zburăscu, că suntu mintimen’i, nu că ţi fţeşi aclo tu Câmpia Dunării.
Reporter — Cu cari di regizorl’ii icâ actorl’ii armân’i s-tihisi s-lucredz deadun?
Stere Gulea – Dţâş di Piţa că lucrăm deadun, ş-cu alţâ soţ, un filmu: Apa ca un bivol negru”. Actori, fui pi punctul s-lucredz cu Toma Caragiu, ma vini nenorocirea. Lucrai cu Pino Caramitru, easti şi un ficior sandu gruia iara tora luai un tinir, un fcior cari bitiseaşti tora, Dani Popescu, di Constanţa. Isnafi, ghini easti s-ti adun’i, sâ-lu faţ ca lumea s-nu ţâ hibâ arşini. La talenti, armân’i nu sta arău că avurâ oamin’i cu hari di la Dumnidză ş-ma s–faţ aşi unâ isapi la proţenti suntu mulţâ scriitori, oamin’i cu anami dit Românii cari au zârţin’i armâneşţâ. I unâ tin’ii ş-ti român’i ş-ti Ţara Româneascâ, easti ş-ti noi unâ tin’ii şi s-da Dumnidză şi di aoaua ş-ninti s-hibâ!
Repopreter — Ti planuri di yinitor aveţ ?
Stere Gulea — E proiectili cum s-dzâţi cât nu li apârn’işi nu voi sâ zburăscu ti eali, câ nu ştiu….Lucredz la dauâ scenarii tora, s-ved cari va s-hibâ prota ananghi sâ-s facâ. Maxus că tora easti greu, va pâradz mulţâ cum dzâş deneavra. Pisti tut tu Europa, filmul, cinemaulu treaţi prit un chiro greu. Nu ştim cum va s-iasâ dit el, poati s-iasâ, poati s-nu iasă. Easti televiziunea care aduţi altu ţiva, altâ lumi ş-nu ştim cum va s-hibâ lumea pisti 10 an’i…
Reporter — S-avem nâdia câ nu va s-chearâ filmul…
Stere Gulea — Niţi mini nu voi s-chearâ, câ ninga am nâdie, s-am banâ s-fac un lucru.
Reporter — La unâ turlie di sponsoporizari vâ minduit ?
Stere Gulea — Producător di cinema, noi nica nu avem tu Românie. Aţel va sâ ştibâ, s-hibâ omlu cari s-adunâ pâradzl’i ş-deapoa sâ-l’i administreadzâ, tra s-nu iasâ tu cheardiri.
Reporter — Tin’isite regizor ştim câ eşţâ ş-decan ali Facultati di Filmu şi Cinematografie. Ti lucurlu a tău ca profesor ţi poţ s-nâ spun’i ?
Stere Gulea — Ti pot s-dzâc easti câ lucărlu cu tinirl’i easti un lucru bun ti mini, că ved cum minduescu, ţi vor el’i. Deapoa minduescu câ pot s-lâ spun niheamâ ş-dit experienta pi cari u am. Aşi câ nu am lecţii, lipseaşti sâ ştii s-lucredz cu actorlu, cum s-adari unâ ascenâ, deapoa, el s-u facâ. Multi ori tini poţ s-vedz tu un âsoie, el veadi altâ soie, poati s-hibâ dauli lucri buni ş-nu poţ sâ-l’i dzât a mea-i ma bunâ, câ mini hiu profesor. Easti ma bunâ atea cari easti ma bună şi stai, u analizedz, âl’i dz`t, aoa nu-i ghini aclo nu-i ghini.Tru aestâ idhei ligâtura cu studenţâl’i easti partea bună.
Reporter — Noi ţâ urăm multă hâirlâticâ tru lucurlu a tău, ţâ haristusim ti interviu ş-câ vinişi la redacţie, ti aştiptăm cu multâ harauuă aşi cum aştiptăm ş-filmul a tău ţi-l bitisişi “Himera” ş-cum poati cama amânat un filmu ti armân’i.