James Obrien, UK
“Your transmission I received this morning to western Europe for half a hour on 9.700 Khz. Newsreel was listened to Intently for the latest update of news and Information as was the feature that followed regarding the Romanian health system and how It is In a modern day Romania. On business club you touched on a switch over from the Romanian Lei to the Euro a plan that seems to may possibly be going ahead come the 1st of January of 2019, this would no doubt I am sure be a huge step forward for many Romanians but also not so for others maybe who may wish to hold on to the current currency of the country. I know that here in the UK we ourselves appear to be split on the same subject when the topic has come up of adopting to the EU currency or keeping hold of the British. I also heard on this broadcast a pleasant song on hit of the day entitled I love you and cultural event. Please do keep up your hard work In supplying us your listeners with what you do best and I shall be looking forward to report into you again soon”.
Brian Kendall, UK
“I am always pleased to receive your programme schedules. They include photos of Romania that bring the country into my home. The details of what you are broadcasting are appreciated too. I wonder whether, though, you could slightly change the information you give. For example, neither Sunday Studio (a very interesting interview today by the way) nor Listeners’ Letterbox are mentioned in the current schedule. Perhaps one approach would be a note at the top of the schedule to the effect that Radio Newsreel begins every broadcast and is then followed by these programmes on these days. That way, you should be able to include all that you are broadcasting (including the repeats, such as All That Jazz today). I hope the idea sparks some thoughts! With my customary best wishes from England, Brian Kendall”.
Alfred Spremo, US
“The broadcast came in with a SINPO of 45444 due to slight fading and a low level of noise. I could understand about 90% of the words spoken. My equipment was a Ccrane CCRadio SW, utilizing the built-in telescopic antenna. I enjoyed the program. I particularly liked the Radio Newsreel and the interview with Robert Ross, which I found extremely interesting for its exploration of a foreigner’s life in Romania under the communist regime”.
Karl Fry, US
“On 18 May 2015 at 00:00UTC-00:45UTC on 9730 kHz I was able to enjoy Radio Newsreel, I have come to rely on your station for news that makes me think about the story after its over. You offer a much better look at Europe then we get from main stream news in the states. Another favorite of mine is Think Greener. I have been given a much needed kick in the butt to change my ways when it comes to the planet. I would like to add that as a life long stamp collector your Friday program Philatelist corner, your station and Radio Havanah Cuba are the only two that I know about that offer such a program. Even in our digital age there are many of us who like a real piece of mail with a wonderful stamp attached. That reminds me I want to thank you for the beautiful stamps you add to the mailings you send out! I have never really collected the stamps of Romania, but after seeing some from you I think I might start a new collection. Thank you I hope to receive a qsl card from you for this report as I am working toward the certificate you offer”.
K. P. Muneer, UAE
“I always feel happy to tune Radio Romania International radio programs, as you are airing many interesting programs, especially on Romania’s beauty, culture in diversity. Let me appreciate you all in this occasion for your good work”.