Category: RRI Special

  • It takes two to tango – Norwegian-Romanian bilateral relations

    It takes two to tango – Norwegian-Romanian bilateral relations

    It takes two to tango. No, it’s not a dancing lesson, simply
    the title of an event organized by the Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest, designed
    to highlight the ins and outs of bilateral cooperation under the EEA and Norway
    Grants, two of the best-performing funding mechanisms in Romania at present.

    The event brought together public officials, beneficiaries, representatives of civil society and other stakeholders.

  • Listeners’ Day

    Listeners’ Day

    Intro: Those
    of you who in the last decades have been tuning in to Radio Romania

    Those of you who have sent in their suggestions and
    comments on our programs…

    Those of you who have been sending in reception
    reports on our broadcast…

    Those of you who keep their hopes alive Short-Wave
    broadcast will not fizzle out, will not be discontinued…

    Those of you who are still dead set on tuning in to a
    radio receiver, in the digital era, on a digital planet…

    To ALL
    of you we dedicate this special 2023 edition, occasioned by LISTENER’S DAY

    Welcoming you to the programme
    this year are Daniel Bilt and Eugen Nasta.

    Today’s topic for debate is a very interesting one,
    ‘Climate Change’ which somehow brings to my mind Dickens’ famous line from his
    masterpiece ‘A Tale of Two Cities’, ‘it was the best of times, it was the worst
    of times. It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch
    of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity’.

    The line seems a great one to me, not because I majored
    in literature but because indeed I believe it is the best of times to address
    such an issue which has already been influencing our lives as human beings and is
    going to affect the generations to come. It is also the worst of times, because
    climate change and global warming reared its ugly head decades ago. It was the
    epoch of belief and the epoch of incredulity all in one, because many people
    nowadays are still denying the phenomenon while others believe that it is not

    Our listener,
    Alan Fenix, from the city of Naga in the Philippines, for instance has
    confessed that at first he refused to see the phenomenon for what it was.
    Quoting from his contribution on the topic:

    1. How
    has climate change influenced me?


    Initially, I was in denial regarding the genuine existence of climate
    change. I thought it was just another interest group pushing for their own

    However, during the daytime, when the heat is becoming unbearable
    and scorching to the skin, it made me say that, perhaps, climate change is
    real and true and is already with us. So, I make it a point to stay more
    indoors and do activities related to it.

    2. Steps
    to be taken to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


    For me, climate change goes hand in hand with our societal progress and
    development. It is its direct consequence. Progress and development
    caused climate change. It is the collateral effect of it.

    A concrete example: In a certain rural town, there used to be only two
    public transports providing service in and out of town. In time,
    with progress and development, more and more public transport was put into
    service. Now, there are traffic jams, accidents, smog problems…

    Individual contribution to reduce carbon footprint.

    SELF DISCIPLINE. No amount of garbage cans or trucks around will help solve and
    reduce our carbon footprint if we are very lazy to even put and segregate
    properly our garbage waste.

    Education and other platforms.

    Education among our children, youth and adults is only one of the many
    platforms that can be put into use towards spreading the awareness and call to
    action- discipline, discipline, discipline. Among other things, there are
    social media online, on air and print.

    In the end, it is a TIT for TAT*. With progress and development, comes climate
    change. However, we can still do something if we are properly informed,
    educated and disciplined.

    From Halmstad in Sweden, our long time
    contributor and friend Chister Brunstrom has sent in the following audio
    message about climate change.


    Bidhan Chandra Sanyal of
    Dhaka Colony in West Begal, India has mentioned the fact that since the end of
    the industrial revolution, in the 19th century, temperature on Earth has kept on rising

    change is a very dangerous phenomenon for human society. Since the end of
    the 19th century, the temperature of the Earth’s surface has increased by 0.3
    to 0.60 Celsius. This increase may seem very small to us but it may lead
    to the following disasters.

    Number one – agriculture

    growth is also increasing the demand for food. As a result, the pressure
    on natural resources is increasing. Climate change will cause changes in
    rainfall and temperature and will directly affect agricultural
    production. In addition, climate change will also have indirect effects on
    soil quality, pest and disease patterns. It is said that the production
    of food grains in India may decrease. Climate extremes such as heavy
    rainfall, high temperatures, floods, droughts etc. will adversely affect crop

    the weather

    A warmer
    climate will change rainfall patterns, increase the incidence of floods and
    droughts, melt more glaciers and polar ice sheets, and raise sea levels.
    It is said that one of the reasons for the increase in cyclones and hurricanes
    in the last few years is the rise in temperature.

    Swollen sea level

    One of the
    consequences of climate change is the rising sea levels. As a result of
    warming oceans, continued melting of glaciers and polar ice sheets, sea levels
    are expected to rise by half a meter this century. Sea-level rise will
    have adverse effects on coastal areas – land loss due to erosion and
    inundation, increased flooding, saltwater intrusion into residential
    areas. As a result, agriculture in coastal areas will be affected,
    sources of drinking water will be affected, and human settlements, livelihoods
    and health will also be adversely affected.

    People’s health will soon be affected

    Global warming will directly affect human health. Heat-related deaths
    will increase, infectious diseases will spread, dehydration will increase,
    malnutrition will increase, and public health infrastructure will suffer.

    Forests and Wildlife

    Plants and
    animals growing naturally are extremely sensitive to climate change. If
    the rate of climate change continues, many species of plants and animals may
    disappear from the earth.

    conferences in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, in Johannesburg in 2002 and in Kyoto,
    Japan have taken various measures to fully control greenhouse gas emissions

    When I was appointed to do this
    project with my favourite co-worker and friend Eugen, I almost leapt for joy.
    And that’s because among his lifetime hobbies like literature, art and cinema,
    the man is extremely fond of music with an impressive collection of CDs, Vinyl
    records and tapes. Now I am going to test his musical knowledge with a
    question. Eugen, do you remember that old song we used to sing a couple of
    weeks ago, mera joota hei Japani?

    Of course I remember it…Yeh Patloon Englishtani, Sar pe Laal Topi Roosi, Phir
    Bhi dil hei Hundustani.

    Bill: Like
    I said friends, music is his life. I recalled that song, not only because our
    radio station boasts a huge lot of Indian listeners, but because we are also
    proud to mention the significant community of Japanese RRI listeners. So, from
    Japan, Seiichi Enomoto, of Otsu City, the Shiga Prefecture sent in the following
    contribution on climate change. Quoting from his message.

    Happy Romanian Radio day! I am emailing you about climate
    change and global warming.

    Global warming has caused frequent intensive downpours in Japan this summer.
    The heavy rains have been concentrated in small areas for long periods of time,
    resulting in flooding of homes and landslides. I regret that the heavy use of
    online shopping tends to increase the

    amount of air, truck, and other forms of transportation and use a lot of
    energy. I would like to contribute to the reduction of energy used in
    transportation by not relying on online shopping as much as possible, but
    rather going to local stores to make purchases in person.

    Time now for a well-deserved musical break

    Baltagan, known as Ellie White, is a Romanian dance music and trance
    singer-songwriter. Ellie’s ambition to become a solo artist turned out to be a
    good move. Our first musical treat is entitled What’s going to be left of us.

    2023 is set to become the warmest in recorded history,
    warns the EU Copernicus Service, after average temperatures measured around the
    world during the summer and in September have reached the highest levels ever
    recorded. Climate change has triggered not only temperature records, but also
    extreme phenomena: devastating fires, heavy rainfalls, thunderstorms and

    Here is what Johann Hechtl, based in Lengenfeld,
    Austria, thinks, to that effect, QUOTE Climate change is a fact nobody can
    deny, all reputable scientific

    evidence shows that climate is getting warmer at an unprecedented rate

    and getting more extreme. Yet what is missing in many models is the

    significance of human influence on climate. To what extend is humankind

    influencing the climate, 10%, 90%? Depending on that extend, humankind

    will either have to double efforts to counter effects of climate change

    or accept, that climate change has always happened in the past and

    mankind has to adapt. UNQUOTE

    We’ve been
    impressed by the acumen and in-depth knowledge of the topic in the contribution
    sent in by Muhammad Aqeel Bashir, a Pak Listeners Club, Member:
    International Radio Listeners Organization, Pakistan, from which we took
    the liberty to quote

    For me, an email on 2023 Listeners’ Day is relevant,
    important and
    it is an honor. I’d like for these few comments of mine to be included in the
    program, along with everyone else’s opinions on that particular day. Although
    my English is not as strong as that of individuals living in Europe, and I have
    to rely on Google Translate also, but I will do my best to put the thoughts in
    my heart into words. Climate change is one of the most important issues
    confronting our planet today, and it is already having a huge influence on the
    lives of people all over the world.

    How climate change has influenced me:

    Climate change is already having an influence on the
    world, with more extreme weather events, increasing sea levels, and changes in
    precipitation patterns. These consequences disproportionately harm the poorest
    and most vulnerable communities.

    I am concerned about climate change’s effects on
    biodiversity, food security, and human health. I’m also concerned about climate
    change’s potential to aggravate current social and economic inequities. Because
    of the climatic change, I’m having trouble sleeping because it is impossible to
    sleep properly in the summer. As a result, my health is suffering greatly.
    Similarly, in the country where I reside, gas is load-shedding during severe
    winters, which causes me terrible discomfort and impairs my capacity to work.

    Education as an instrument to tackle climate change:
    Education is critical for combating climate change. We must educate people on
    climate change science, its consequences, and what we can do to address it.
    Climate change education can assist to promote awareness, generate support for
    climate action, and empower individuals to make changes in their own lives.

    Platforms to discuss climate change:

    People can discuss climate change on a variety of
    venues, including social media, online forums, and in-person events. It is
    critical to have these venues where individuals can share their experiences,
    learn from one another, and build climate change solutions.

    The role of the media in climate change

    The media has a significant impact on promoting public
    awareness of climate change and affecting public opinion on the subject. Media
    outlets may give accurate and comprehensive news on climate change while also
    promoting solutions.

    I’d want to add that climate change is a complicated
    topic with no simple solutions. It is critical that the climate change debate
    include a wide range of views and opinions. We must also remember that climate
    change is a global issue, and that solutions must be developed and implemented
    on a worldwide scale.

    Education and communication:

    In my opinion, we must educate people on climate
    change science, its consequences, and what we can do to address it. We must
    also provide forums for individuals to discuss climate change and devise

    The media can help to raise awareness of climate
    change and shape public opinion on the subject. However, it is vital to be
    skeptical of the information we receive from the media. We should gather
    information from several sources and create our own opinions regarding its

    Steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions:

    There are several activities that can be performed at
    both the individual and societal levels to minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

    · Individually,
    we can reduce our carbon footprint by doing the following:

    · Using
    renewable energy sources

    · Driving
    less and more frequently walking, bicycling, or taking public transportation

    · Consuming
    less meats and more plant-based foods

    · We
    must reduce our use of goods and services.

    · Composting
    and recycling

    We must invest in renewable energy, energy efficiency,
    and public transportation at the social level. We must also impose a price on
    carbon emissions and support measures that encourage long-term development.

    I am optimistic that we will be able to work together
    to solve climate change and create a more sustainable future for
    all. Climate change is a major concern, but there is still time to
    respond. We can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, establish a more sustainable future,
    and safeguard people and the earth from the worst effects of climate change by
    working together.

    Romanian traditional music is for, its most part
    lively…It really gets you going!

    Our next musical treat is entitled Get on your feet
    and dance, Hai la joc, in Romanian, performed by one of the most accomplished
    traditional music vocalists, Stefania Rares.

    Brian Roebling, living in New Jersey, USA, was
    more down-to-earth in his contribution, also emphasizing the role education plays
    in climate change

    Dear RRI,

    Climate Change has influenced me to try and cut down
    on my Energy usage. Steps I’ve taken that many people may find easy
    to do; Less Automobile travel, regular car tune ups to maximize fuel
    efficiency. Replacing all incandescent light bulbs with LEDs, lowering the
    thermostat in Winter, and raising it in the Summer. Adding extra
    insulation in the home where possible. Turning down the temperature on the hot
    water heater. Line drying clothes instead of using a clothes dryer. Trying
    to grow vegetables and herbs in a backyard garden, with mixed results.
    Making fertilizer with natural elements, leaves, grass clippings, vegetation,
    etc instead of buying chemical fertilizer.

    Education on any subject, especially climate change
    will hopefully be useful, especially if the info is clear on how each
    individual can do something however small to reduce energy usage. Like
    statistics showing the energy saved if a certain quantity of people lowered the
    heating thermostat by a few degrees. There could be dedicated platforms
    about energy saving, such as tips for the day, tips for certain times of year.
    In terms of the Roles of Mass Media, i think the basic facts, explained in a
    way understandable to people will be helpful. And the avoidance of coverage of
    the climate deniers.

    Chakrabarty of New Delhi, India is a
    faithful listener to our radio station and sees the global warming and climate
    change as some of the greatest challenges the world is facing nowadays. Quoting
    from his message

    All the
    continents being inter-connected are equally affected by this avoidable
    phenomenon. Yes, education, inequality, healthcare and lifestyle all play
    important role in educating, informing and implementing measures that will save
    our world from imminent disasters like landfalls, heatwaves, forest fires,
    floods, cloud bursts, cyclones, melting of glaciers and rise of ocean water
    levels. Humans, animals, environment and people’s livelihood are at stake.
    Pollution of air and water threatens animal and plant life and human habitat.
    So are the geopolitical and welfare of nations which are in peril. As concerned
    citizens it is our solemn duty to propagate corrective measures. Burning of
    fossil fuel, running coal-based industries and rampant use of private transport
    and affluent way of living are helping to increase the carbon emission. In this
    grave scenario, mass media like the radio has a crucial role to play. Through
    this cheap, convenient and highly effective media we can disseminate useful,
    educative information, issue warnings during natural calamities thus immensely
    aiding in reducing loss of life and property. In fact, media’s attention should
    go beyond the flow of information. It is the onerous duty to convey credible
    and authoritative information backed by scientific research and desist from
    spreading misinformation. Rather it should be the platform to attract general
    public opinion for creating political pressure for change. Today, radio has
    become a powerful tool to communicate information most effectively to billions
    of people at the regional and global levels. However, it’s regrettable that
    despite all the high-level summits on climate change, no significant positive
    change in the sensitivity of the people has been noticed. Radio Romania
    International is doing a yeoman service by informing, acting as watchdog and
    campaigning on social issues that will greatly help in combating the challenge
    of climate change. On this auspicious and happy occasion of Romanian Radio Day
    I would like to convey my sincere felicitations to all members of RRI for their
    stupendous endeavor in making our world a better place to live.

    Kansal, based in Gurgaon, Haryana, India, believes that immediate action is
    need before it’s too late

    climate change and global warming is the need of the hour. Stop, think and act.
    It is time to heal the world.

    When fossil
    fuels are burnt, they release harmful toxins to the atmosphere which impacts
    climate change and causes global warming. Reduce the use of fossil fuel for well-being
    of the planet.

    Within this
    century, climate change could lead to the collapse of a vital ocean current
    system-and it could happen as soon as 2025, according to a study published in
    Nature Communications.

    The media and
    education can play a crucial role in shaping public discourse and bearing
    witness to the climate crisis by providing public interest content for the
    people and communities most affected by climate change, loss and damage and
    environmental exploitation.

    With global
    efforts far off-track to limit global warming and protect people from climate
    impacts, we need accelerated action by governments, businesses and finance
    leaders to cut greenhouse gas emissions and deliver justice for those on the
    frontlines of the climate crisis.


    Hellmayer, of Graeffelfing, Germany sent in an audio message we’re happy to
    include in our special Listener’s Day feature.

    Hellmayer AUDIO (5 min)

    Outro: Fatefully,
    we need to be Procrustian…as time is running short, for us. We’re so sorry to
    put a stop to the 2023 special edition of LISTENER’s DAY on Radio Romania

    ancient Roman myth and religion, Janus was the god of physical and emotional
    gateways. He is traditionally shown as having two faces pointing in opposite
    directions, representing different perspectives, or perhaps a reconciliation of
    two points of view.

    For us,
    Daniel Bilt and Eugen Nasta, one such face is a well-wishing thought that goes
    something like TO THE VERY BEST OF TIMES!

    other face looks at YOU, our Short-Wave listeners world-wide, and wishes you TO

  • Interview with the Ambassador of Israel to Romania

    Interview with the Ambassador of Israel to Romania

    The Israeli ambassador to Bucharest has given an exclusive interview to RRI, in the wake of the recent attack perpetrated by Hamas on Israel. He has explained what the attack meant to Israel, precisely 50 years after the Yom Kippur War.

    The ambassador has recollected painful images featuring civilians taken hostage in Gaza and made a brief mention of the measures that are being taken and the operations that are unfolding in response, including collecting information on the hostages and bringing comfort to their families.

    Reuven Azar has also underlined the importance of unity and international solidarity with Israel, at these difficult times. In this context, he has dwelt on the recent visit paid by Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu to Israel and on the outpouring of support coming not only from Romanian officials but also from common citizens. We invite you to listen to these and many more, in an interview granted to RRIs Eugen Cojocariu.

  • The European Week of Regions and Cities

    The European Week of Regions and Cities

    The European Week of Regions and Cities is the biggest annual event dedicated to regional policy. During this event, regions and cities showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.

    Over 10 000 participants, including more than 1 000 speakers from all over Europe and beyond, took part in an extensive programme of conferences, exhibitions and networking events on regional and local development.

    Regions and cities are involved in the making of most EU policies. Subnational public authorities in the EU are responsible for one-third of public expenditure (2 100 billion Euro each year) and two-thirds of public investment (about 200 billion Euro).

    The President of the European Committee of the Regions, Vasco Alves Cordeiro, has taken questions from the journalists attending the event, among whom RRIs Eugen Cojocariu and Radio Romania Iasi’s Lucian Bălănuţă.

    On the same occasion, Eugen Cojocariu has also had a talk in Brussels with Sven Schulze, Minister for Economic Affairs, Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry of the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt.

  • Commissioner Elisa Ferreira on the state of  the EU Cohesion Policy

    Commissioner Elisa Ferreira on the state of the EU Cohesion Policy

    The 21st edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities is unfolding in Brussels, between the 9th and 12th of October 2023.

    The agenda of the European Week of Regions and Cities covers over 200 sessions, includes a lot of other side activities, an exhibition and offers many networking opportunities. It is the biggest annual event dedicated to regions, cities and the European cohesion policy.

    On the sidelines of the event RRIs Eugen Cojocariu has had a talk with the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, on the current state of the EU cohesion policy and on the financial impact of a new enlargement wave on the EU budget.

  • Věra Jourová on transparency: “We all have to do much more”

    Věra Jourová on transparency: “We all have to do much more”

    From defending the rule of law and media freedom to fostering European democracy, from combating disinformation to promoting equality and diversity, journalists from the Euranet Plus radio network talked with Věra Jourová, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of values and transparency, in a debate this week.

    In the context of next year’s European elections the Commission’s vice-president discussed with the radio stations in our network this week, at a Euranet Plus summit moderated by journalist Ella Joyner.

  • Interview with South Korea’s Ambassador in Romania, Rim Kap-soo

    Interview with South Korea’s Ambassador in Romania, Rim Kap-soo

    2023 marks 15 years since the establishment of the Strategic Partnership between South Korea and Romania. On this special occasion, the Ambassador of South Korea to Bucharest, HE Rim Kap-Soo was invited to Radio Romania, where he was also interviewed by Eugen Cojocariu. Ambassador Kap-Soo spoke of the excellent relations between Romania and South Korea, particularly in the economic field, where two-way trade stands at 1.3 bln EUR. Last week, Seoul donated 81 pieces of lab equipment to Romania worth 3.67 mln EUR, which will be used by the National Institute for Public Health. The South-Korean Ambassador said this is a gesture of goodwill in light of the excellent cooperation between the two countries in the COVID pandemic, when Bucharest donated 1.5 mln shots of anti-COVID vaccine to Seoul.

  • Interview with Eva Laantee Reintamm and Mari Vallikivi

    Interview with Eva Laantee Reintamm and Mari Vallikivi

    The exhibition ART IN/SANE. Culture, mental
    health and social inclusion opened on August 18 at ARCUB – Hanul Gabroveni in
    central Bucharest. The exhibition includes over 200 paintings, drawings and
    engravings created by children and adults from psychiatry hospitals and pupils
    from a school devoted to children with special needs.

    The exhibition can be visited over August 18 -
    September free of charge.

    IN/SANE. Culture, mental health and social inclusion is an event organized by
    the Bucharest City Hall by means of its Cultural Center – ARCUB, in partnership
    with a number of psychiatry hospitals and nursing home centers across the
    country. It is part of a broader project aimed at promoting psycho-pathological
    art titled ART IN/SANE, coordinated by Dr. Valentin-Veron Toma. In 2023, organizers
    sought to promote this type of art as outsider art, introducing it to the
    public in art galleries.

    ART IN/SANE is also a preliminary phase of a
    broader international collaboration project as part of Tartu – European Capital
    of Culture in 2024. A series of works selected by art historian Eva Laantee
    Reintamm and the director of Kondas Center in Viljandi, Estonia, Mari
    Vallikivi, will be included in the project titled Hidden Worlds Expanding. In
    turn, this project seeks to raise the visibility and inclusion of people in
    need of special support, and boost their self-confidence through art creation. Hidden
    Worlds Expanding also aims to see these people step out of the shadows and
    achieve equal status as artists and in society at large.

    The ART IN/SANE collection will therefore enter
    an international circuit, putting Romania on the map of psycho-pathological art
    and highlight the need for coherent and updated mental health policies as well
    as state-of-the-art inclusive nursing programs.

    Eva Laantee Reintamm and Mari Vallikivi visited
    the Romanian Radiobroadcasting Corporation and talked to Eugen Cojocariu about
    the exhibition and the concept of outsider art.

    Further information:

    Hidden Worlds Expanding

    ART IN/SANE. Culture, mental health and social inclusion

  • Euranet Plus 2023 Summit with Josep Borrell

    Euranet Plus 2023 Summit with Josep Borrell

    In the context of the war in Ukraine and some apparent shifts in the bloc’s foreign and defence policies, Euranet Plus invited Josep Borrell Fontelles, the Commission vice-president and the EU’s high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, into the studio.

    In a multilingual interview, host Beatriz Ríos took questions from journalists in our pan-European network: from BNR in Bulgaria, 100.7 in Luxembourg, Polskie Radio in Poland, Žiniu Radijas in Lithuania and euradio in France.

    For more information you can also follow our in-depth release on the website of the Euranet Plus project.

    Producing and broadcasting in 15 official EU languages, Euranet Plus provides EU-related content through its international, national and regional radio stations in 15 countries of the European Union.

  • Actor and film producer Matt Salinger in Bucharest, June 2023

    Actor and film producer Matt Salinger in Bucharest, June 2023

    In 2023, the Polirom Library, one of the most important collections of universal literature in Romania, marks 25 years of existence. The collection is part of the portfolio of one of the most important post-communist publishing houses: Polirom. From its setting up until today, Polirom publishes volumes of contemporary Romanian literature, history, humanities, religion and universal literature through the Polirom Library collection, a collection with the highest sales. One of the most appreciated and best-selling writers is J.D. Salinger, an American author best known for his 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye, whose son, Matt Salinger, was recently in Bucharest to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Polirom Library collection.

    The event marking 25 years since the creation of this collection, coordinated by translator Dan Croitoru, was venued by Carturesti bookstore, which also hosted a dialogue between the Romanian writer Mircea Cărtărescu and Matt Salinger. In the past years, Polirom has published new translations of Salinger’s books. RRIs Christine Lescu attended the event and had the following talk with Matt Salinger.



    People have been stargazing from times immemorial, but only few have made it to the stars, travelling in the outer space. Three of them have attended SPACE FEST, the largest event in Romania dedicated to the exploration of the outer space and the opportunities it has to offer, hosted by the Polytechnic University in Bucharest, between June the 11th and 13th.

    The three astronauts who have shared their stories with the public at SPACE FEST have been Dumitru Prunariu, the first and only Romanian to travel in the outer space, Nicole Stott, NASA Astronaut, Aquanaut & Artist, who spent 104 days in space and the tenth woman in the world to travel into the outer space, as well as founder of the Space for Art Foundation and Sara Sabry, the first and only astronaut from the African continent to fly into space, in 2022, with Blue Origin.

    They have been joined by other keynote speakers such as Mihnea Costoiu, Rector of the Polytechnic University in Bucharest, Daniel-Eugeniu Crunțeanu, the Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Martin McDowell, Chargé d’affaires, the US Embassy in Romania, Mircea Geoana, NATO Deputy Secretary General (virtual address) and Valentin Silivestru, Director General of the Romanian Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines COMOTI.

    The agenda of the festival has included presentations of top notch projects in the field, such as “Techa Space Elevator, “Hexarion, “Beyond Stars, Sias space habitat, GAMES OF SCIENCE, astronomy lessons by outstanding Romanian astronomers such as Adrian Sonka from the Vasile Urseanu Astronomic Observatory, workshops, prize winning contests and relevant activities for kids and students.

    Other highlights of SPACE FEST have been panel talks, Q&A sessions and a press conference, giving experts, journalists and the public at large the chance to meet outstanding personalities in the field and last but not least, the one who has made SPACE FEST possible, Christina Korp, who has given an exclusive interview to RRIs Eugen Cojocariu.

    From the height of the Space Shuttle, to the depth of the ocean, she has explored everything, as she has been both a NASA Astronaut and Aquanaut, and continues to be an inspiring presence: Nicole Stott, who has had a chat with Eugen Cojocariu, on the sidelines of the event.

    Travelling to Mars and making space accessible to more people are just two of her dreams. She is Sara Sabry, Egypts first Astronaut, and the first Arab and African woman to go to space.

    Sara Sabry says people should dream big, whereas most of todays daydreamers say only the sky is the limit. Well, is it?

  • Interview with Georgia’s Ambassador to Bucharest, Tamar Beruchashvili

    Interview with Georgia’s Ambassador to Bucharest, Tamar Beruchashvili

    The ambassador also deems Romania a strong supporter of Georgias sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as of its European and Euro-Atlantic integration path.

    In an exclusive interview to RRIs Eugen Cojocariu, ambassador Tamar Beruchashvili takes a look back at the history of diplomatic relations between Romania and Georgia and emphasizes the importance of two diplomatic highlights: the opening of the first diplomatic mission of the Democratic Republic of Georgia in Bucharest, back in 1919, and Romanias being the first country to recognize Georgias independence from the Soviet Union, in 1991.

    The ambassador also touches upon various aspects of the bilateral relations, including economic ties, potential areas of cooperation, culture and tourism.

  • US Ambassador Kathleen Kavalec visits Cluj to reassert US engagement in the area

    US Ambassador Kathleen Kavalec visits Cluj to reassert US engagement in the area

    The US Ambassador to Bucharest this week traveled to Cluj-Napoca and the surrounding areas. Her visit was meant to reaffirm the extent of U.S. engagement with Cluj County.

    On the sidelines of
    her visit, Ambassador Kavalec met with Cluj Mayor Emil Boc, visited the iLab
    business incubator of the Babeș-Bolyai University and met
    with students, guests and employees of the American Corner in Cluj-Napoca. The
    US ambassador also launched the We The People photographic exhibit
    celebrating over 25 years of the U.S.-Romania Strategic Partnership at the Museum
    of Art at Banffy Palace.

    In an interview to our colleague András Papp-Zako from Radio Romania
    Cluj-Napoca, Ambassador Kavalec described relations with Romania in the context
    of Russia’s ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine.

  • Interview with the new EESC Vice-president for Budget Krzysztof Pater

    Interview with the new EESC Vice-president for Budget Krzysztof Pater

    The European Economic and Social Committee, meeting in plenary session in late April, elected Austrian Oliver Ropke as its new President, Romanian Aurel Laurentiu Plosceanu as Vice-president for Communication and Polish Krzysztof Pater as Vice-President for Budget.

    RRI’s Eugen Cojocariu has used the opportunity to talk to the newly elected EESC leaders, among whom EESC Vice-president for Budget Krzysztof Pater.

  • Change of presidency at the EESC

    Change of presidency at the EESC

    This week the European Economic and Social Committee elected Austrias Oliver Röpke as its new president. Joining him at the helm of the EESC will be Krzysztof Pater (Poland) as vice-president for the budget and Aurel Laurenţiu Plosceanu (Romania) as vice-president for communication.

    In his inauguration speech, Oliver Röpke promised to make the EESC a true civil society gateway and open its doors to the EU accession countries. According to the agenda of his presidency, which will run under the motto “Stand up for democracy, speak up for Europe”, the Committee is expected will take on a more active role to stand up for democracy and strive for a more resilient, prosperous and inclusive Europe in the run-up to the 2024 European elections.

    Attending the event, Eugen Cojocariu spoke to European Ombudsman Emily OReilly about the change of leadership and the Ombudsmans role in dealing with the challenges generated by the war in Ukraine, as well as to European Commission vice-president Maroš Šefčovič about the introduction of a new EU-wide mechanism for the joint purchase of gas.