Category: The Future Starts Today

  • Education- the Key to Roma Inclusion

    Education- the Key to Roma Inclusion

    Most Roma resort to beggary, allegedly in order to survive. 51% of Roma families say they suffer from hunger at least two days a year, while 15% argue that hunger is a permanent ordeal. Statistics indicate that in some countries up to 30% of Roma families live on social welfare, while 24% subsist on child-rearing benefits. According to the latest census, Roma people account for the second-largest ethnic group in Romania after ethnic Hungarians, standing at some 500,000 people. According to the overall perception, they are twice as many in reality. The problems of ethnic Roma have recently been the topic of a conference held in Bucharest, where Labour Minister Mariana Campeanu highlighted education as the main solution for Roma inclusion and for improving the living standards of their community. Unfortunately, a lot of time has already passed without any real progress.

    Mariana Campeanu: “If we had focused more on educating Roma children in the first place during the past 20 years, at present we would have had a generation of children with high chances of integrating into any European society, with very high chances of holding well-paid jobs, which should allow them a decent living, and which in turn would allow their children to access all the benefits that a modern society has to offer”.

    The Roma’s worldview is on the whole uncomplicated. Most Roma who responded to an opinion poll believe that “a person needs good health, luck and diligence to be successful”. State benefits rank 4th on the same list of requirements in terms of importance. Nine in ten Roma are currently victims of discrimination in its various forms. And that’s not just Romania, but the entire European Union, according the data made public by the European Commission. Gelu Duminica, the head of the “Together” Community Development Agency believes there is some good news among these figures, although change requires a lot of time.

    Gelu Duminica:20 years ago there were some 0.1% of Roma young people who completed higher education studies. At present this figure has risen to 1.2%. It is a significant increase, although it remains low as compared to the national average, which stands at 10%. There are also certain areas that have seen some improvement, such as access to healthcare services”.

    But Gelu Duminica also sees the matter from a different perspective. He believes Roma should not be viewed as a social problem, but rather as an opportunity for Romania in terms of the demographic evolution in the coming years.

    Gelu Duminica: “According to Eurostat, in 2050 Romania will have around 16 million citizens, of which the number of Roma will be standing at the same 1-1.3 million. But the young Roma population will be prevalent in the 16-45 year age bracket, that is, active population. In other words, it is them who will be paying the pension benefits and access to health and education for my generation, who are 35 years old today.”

    The need for Roma inclusion is a major issue at European level. Special institutions, scores of NGOs and programs focus on this particular problem, including in Romania and Bulgaria, which have sizeable Roma communities. Minister Mariana Campeanu acknowledges the role of national policies for Roma integration, but also calls for the involvement of European institutions, if viable solutions are to be found.

    Mariana Campeanu: “The European Union must accept the idea that the Roma issue is an EU-wide issue, just as it is an issue for each member state. And only together, through cooperation and by finding the best solutions, can we help these people out of their current pariah status. It’s no point in offering money to people, in exchange for leaving a state and returning to their home country, because after a while they will come back.”

    The same view was expressed in Bucharest by the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Laszlo Andor. According to him, the integration of the Roma should not be limited to a particular community, town, region or country. If Roma integration fails anywhere in the EU, the entire European society stands to lose. In order to truly make a difference in the daily life of the Roma, particularly of those who live in underprivileged environments, common efforts are needed, as well as the long-term involvement of European, national, regional and local stakeholders.

  • Gifted Children in Romania

    Gifted Children in Romania

    One area where parents generally fail however is raising these children with very high IQs. And even if they had the expertise, Romania lacks the special schooling units matching their off-the-limits potential. Professor Florin Colceag, an international expert in excellence education, spoke about Romania’s gifted children.

    Florin Colceag: “Romania ranks among the countries with exceptionally good rating in this field. I specialize in intellectual giftedness, I also tutored a great number of gifted people and I recognize a genius when I see one. Intellectual prowess is reported in only a small number of peoples, Romanians included. IQ standards are off the charts in the case of Chinese, Indians, Russians, Jews and Romanians. The word that best describes this condition is complexity. Such people have an absorbing capacity in several fields, can grasp several dimensions of a problem at several complexity levels, and this is particularly valid for Romanian gifted people. Paradoxically, Romanian giftedness is especially associated to the village idiot paradigm. The gifted types are usually confronted with overpowering situations, have no support in their efforts to overcome it, they face a complex array of problems, and for these reasons they’ve developed a certain capacity to solve high-difficulty problems, a capacity both extraordinary and unique. Unique is perhaps too much said, but it is a kind of capacity that only a handful of people exhibit, the ones I’ve just mentioned. Other peoples have developed different strands of giftedness, such as technical or administrative giftedness, but we Romanians are the chaos type. We thrive on chaos, and that’s the extraordinary side of it. Even if millions of Romanians have fled Romania, people who were top professionals, this did not deal a deathblow to our genius population. The fact that we are still facing the same problems we’ve always been facing doesn’t dent our giftedness whatsoever. On the contrary, today’s generations have some extraordinary abilities from an early age, many of them becoming overachievers at a later stage in life”.

    Although it is not a rule, usually the minds of gifted children are ahead of their physical growth: they make connections between ideas and establish relations between concepts, while at the same time displaying remarkable concentration capacity.

    Florin Colceag again: “At three years of age, children have the three characteristics of geniuses: curiosity, a sense of freedom and confidence in people. Most of them lose these traits as they grow up, because they are not encouraged to use and develop them. Ten years later, therefore at 13 years of age, their genius traits are gone, because kids had to integrate in an environment that rejects geniuses. They have to be less different, because being different from the others entails rejection. This is one of the greatest lessons children learn.”

    Instead of being brought down by adverse social and economic reactions, gifted children put their natural potential to use, professor Florin Colceag says. Next he tells us more about the abilities of child prodigies in Romania:

    Florin Colceag : “It all depends on age. At an early age, the capacity of Romanian gifted children to distinguish between what is significant and what is not and to create relevant scenarios equals that of the Jewish prodigies, in other words it is very high. Unfortunately, this capacity is not encouraged. If it were, we would have outstanding performances in a wide range of domains. Then come inventiveness and creativity, which grow at an extraordinary rate until the age of 12. If not encouraged, they stop developing after this age, but where there is an encouraging environment, they continue to develop and reach exceptional levels. Later, in teenage years, we have far-sightedness and the integration capacity, but on the other hand there is also the need to get away from a system that suffocates them. It doesn’t give them the strength to go on, it doesn’t allow them to breathe, it eats into their liberties. Hence, what we call the ‘brain drain’. We fuel the West with the intelligent people we educate.”

    According to Florin Colceag, 80% of the gifted children grow up to be mediocre because they have not been involved in skill development programmes. The methods recommended by professor Florin Colceag for identifying and maximising the potential of gifted children include the feedback method. This involves parents and teachers discussing with kids and asking for their opinions at very early ages, to draw their attention to relevant details, to encourage them to create scenarios, to give them complex information and, not least, to ensure their contact with nature, which will leave a mark on their attitude.

  • The Korean Peninsula, a Time Bomb

    The Korean Peninsula, a Time Bomb

    After conducting its first nuclear test in 2006, North Korea agreed to close its main nuclear reactor in exchange for economic aid and security assurances. In recent years however, Pyongyang has voiced its intention to restart its nuclear reactor and to resume uranium-enriching activities for military purposes. The announcement comes at a time when North Korea is engaged in a war of statements with Washington and Seoul, threatening to launch ballistic attacks on the US and to invade South Korea. Tension has been building up in the Korean Peninsula for decades, but every sudden surge of tension was followed by a period of quiet. How is the situation any different now? Political commentator Bogdan Chirieac explains:

    It boils down to nuclear weapons. Apparently American experts know for sure that right now North Korea doesn’t have the capability to manufacture nuclear warheads carried by missiles. Therefore the bombs they have been detonating underground are too big to be carried by missiles. Believe it or not, North Korea is now part of the elite club of nuclear-powered countries. But Pyongyang signing the non-proliferation treaty has always been out of the question. They do have nuclear-powered missiles, they have tested one recently, when missiles were deployed in the Sea of Japan. So, in other words, the United States and South Korea say North Korea’s display of nuclear prowess is no more than just a threat, and we have seen such threats before”.

    The crisis in the Korean Peninsula has also come to the attention of European institutions, which might impose fresh sanctions against North Korea. Our Brussels correspondent Luminita Apostol has the details.

    The EU might enforce new sanctions on North Korea if necessary. For the time being this is only possible course of action, as member states are discussing it as an option. A high-ranking European official, who wanted to remain anonymous, has said that Europe might adopt new sanctions if Pyongyang decides to launch a new missile or carry out another nuclear test. The last set of sanctions was imposed on February 18, shortly after North Korea’s latest nuclear test. Under the new sanctions, EU states are banned from importing from or exporting to North Korea key components for ballistic missiles, and also from trading gold or precious metals with that country. Moreover, 26 persons are subject to a travel ban on EU territory, while the number of businesses targeted by asset freeze on EU soil has now been increased to 33. The EU is currently considering the idea of imposing sanctions on the North Korean Foreign Trade Bank. The same EU official however said that the Member States are also bearing in mind the negative consequences these sanctions might have on European embassies in North Korea and on the North Korean people”.

    Europe is relying on China and Russia to persuade North Korea to resume peace negotiations. Beijing has already taken a first step in this direction, saying it doesn’t want the Korean Peninsula to slip into chaos. After Pyongyang warned all foreign nationals in South Korea to leave the country, as the risk of war breaking in the area is high, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei has announced his country will oppose any party’s action that would escalate tension and impair stability on the Korean Peninsula. In turn, Moscow has said that the G8 countries (namely the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada and Russia) reject what they’ve called North Korea’s “provocative and bellicose line of conduct”, urging all parties to seek a diplomatic resolution to crisis in North-eastern Asia. On the other hand, the amount of money currently being invested in military hardware is staggering. Bogdan Chirieac again:

    Last year North Korea invested close to 9 billion dollars in its arms industry, while South Korea spent 35 billion dollars. There is of course a huge difference between the two country’s GDP, as the North is currently famine-struck. Remember that last time Kim Jong-il agreed to let the International Atomic Energy Agency to install CCTV cameras in North Korean nuclear reactors in exchange for rice and food. It is a well-know fact that people in North Korea live on roots and tree bark. People live in dire poverty, they are terrorized and tortured in gigantic political prisons, as satellite images have confirmed. And still the international community does too little to rid the country of this political and military aberration”.

    Bogdan Chirieac believes a possible solution to the current crisis might emerge from negotiations between the US and China.

  • The Cyprus Lesson

    The Cyprus Lesson

    The result of an oversized banking system and of tax incentives that attracted more or less legal money from all over the world, the Cyprus crisis has had a considerable effect on financial markets in Europe, in particular in terms of the currency exchange rates. This is the opinion of Dragos Cabat, a member in the managing board of the Organisation of Certified Financial Analysts in Romania. He says Romania has also been indirectly affected by this crisis.

    Dragos Cabat: “The Cyprus crisis first led to the depreciation of the euro following uncertainty over what was going on in the euro zone and what the solution would be. Once a solution was found, the single European currency started to appreciate again on the market. However, the measures taken in Cyprus, which can also be applied in other euro zone countries at any time, have put pressure both on Cyprus and the euro. The euro will thus continue to be weak compared to the American dollar and the other currencies. Romanian markets are indirectly affected by the volatility of the euro and the even bigger volatility of its own currency, the leu. Anything bad that happens in the euro zone or the European Union will have a strong influence on the leu-euro exchange rate.”

    As in the case of Greece, the crisis of Cypriot banks seems to have caught the European Union unprepared. The latter had to take some unprecedented measures to prevent Cyprus from going into default on payment. Cyprus has agreed with the its lenders, the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund to restructure two of its biggest banks, Bank of Cyprus and the Laiki Bank. Laiki will actually close, and its good assets transferred to the Bank of Cyprus.

    Following these measures, Bank of Cyprus depositors are bound to lose around 40% of their deposits, which will be immediately converted into shares to support the recapitalisation of the bank. Another 22.5% of deposits will be frozen in non interest- bearing accounts pending the finalisation of the restructuring process, a project that is estimated to last a few months. These funds may be accessed if need be and in turn be converted into shares.

    Faced with the possibility that people might withdraw large sums of money, Cypriot authorities have enforced a temporary restriction on cash withdrawals to 300 euros a day. At the same time money transfers abroad have been capped at 5,000 euros per month, while the cashing of cheques has been banned.

    This is the first time in the history of the euro zone when a member state resorts to such harsh measures, the underlying principle of which is general public interest. The 10-billion-euro loan has prevented Cyprus from defaulting on its payments, although it does not provide all the solutions for restoring economic growth and stability to this country, European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso has said. Cyprus will need to restart the real economy, while at the same time alleviate the social consequences of the economic shock, Barroso went on to say. It is highly unlikely other European states should introduce such drastic measures, IMF spokesman Jerry Rice has said. Cyprus’s case has its idiosyncrasies and couldn’t occur in another Member State. Economic journalist Dan Suciu commented on this prospect:

    “It all depends on what statements we choose to believe as being true. Dutch Finance Minister and Eurogroup president Jeroen Dijsselbloem has already made it clear that should the model currently tested in Cyprus prove to be a success, it will be used to intervene in other countries as well. Moreover, we have seen the statements of French president Francois Hollande and of Spanish Prime Minister Rahoi, both arguing against such a move and insisting the measures in Cyprus do not represent a model as such, but rather a singular intervention and nothing more. The statements of the Dutch Minister have sparked great concern, particularly in Spain, a country that finds itself in a somewhat similar situation”.

    The solution to the banking problem of Cyprus is a relief not just for the whole of Europe, the vice-president of the Association of Banking and Financial Analysts in Romania Ionut Dumitru has argued:

    Ionut Dumitru: src=“Ensuring the stability of Cyprus’s banking sector and working out a solution could have a positive impact on international financial markets, especially at EU level. Romania has not been affected by the developments in Cyprus, nor will it be affected in the future either”.

    Now that the crisis in Cyprus seems to have receded, global markets have responded positively, with the euro rebounding from the recent one-month low against the dollar and international stock markets reporting hikes.

  • Habemus Papam!

    Habemus Papam!

    White smoke appeared from the chimney of Vatican’s Sistine Chapel on the 13thof March, indicating that a new pope had been elected. For the first time in over 100 years, the pontiff was elected after only five rounds of voting. He is also the first pope to come from Latin America, the first Jesuit pope and the first non-European pope since Gregory III in the 8thcentury. 76-year-old Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina is also the first pope after John Paul II to pick up a unique name.

    The choice of the name of the young rich man from Assisi who renounced his wealth and founded the Franciscan order in 1290 may be an indication of the new pope’s priorities in his efforts to usher in some peace and quiet for a troubled Catholic Church. The pontificate of his predecessor, Benedict XVI, was marked by many scandals inside the Church, especially related to cases of paedophilia in the United States and Ireland, as well as problems of communication with the people. Following his election last week, the 266thleader of the Catholic Church gave his first blessing to the thousands of people gathering in St. Peter’s Square. Here’s father Adrian Danca, from Radio Vatican:

    “A bow before the crowds. Pope Francis, who has been called to serve the church from the end of the globe, amazed an entire world during his first public appearance by making this disarmingly simple gesture before thousands of cameras and microphones. Before delivering his Urbi et Orbi blessing, the pope bowed before the crowds and first asked them to give him their blessing. This gives us precious indication about the personality of the new pontiff. Our first reaction was surprise, something the staff of the Rome Basilica of St. Mary Major must also have experienced when the pope stepped down from a modest bus early the next morning, breaking with protocol. He prayed for half an hour and left flowers on the altar of the Virgin Mary. He continued the first day of his pontificate by stopping at the hotel where he had stayed before the Conclave and paying his bill, packing and saying goodbye to the hotel staff. He was told his low-cost return ticket to Argentina could not be reimbursed.”

    The first things that the new leader of the Catholic Church did suggest that this will be the pontificate of a Pope close to the people, of a humble Pope, only interested in serving God. In his homily during the inaugural Mass, Pope Francis called for kindness and compassion:

    “Everything has been entrusted to our protection, and all of us are responsible for it. Be protectors of God’s gifts! Whenever human beings fail to live up to this responsibility, whenever we fail to care for creation and for our brothers and sisters, the way is opened to destruction and hearts are hardened. Tragically, in every period of history there are “Herods” who plot death, wreak havoc, and mar the countenance of men and women. Please, I would like to ask all those who have positions of responsibility in economic, political and social life, and all men and women of goodwill: let us be “protectors” of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment. Let us not allow omens of destruction and death to accompany the advance of this world!”

    Difficult challenges are ahead of the new Pontiff, including the moral issues and abuse accusations facing a Church that brings together some 1.2 million believers. An overview of these problems by France Presse mentions, among others, a wave of unprecedented internal disputes. Many religious and priestly organizations demand more democracy within the Catholic Church, a reform of Papacy, priest marriage and the ordination of women. The new Pope will be under a lot of pressure, including from some of his bishops, as regards a number of realistic reforms—particularly those allowing divorced and re-married persons to receive communion and those paving the way towards making priest celibacy voluntary. There is also a lot of talk regarding the localization of Catholic ceremonies, which often raises problems from India to Latin America. Abuse complaints continue to be reported in the West, especially as regards the 1965-1985 period. One example is the Catholic archdiocese of Los Angeles, subject to a huge sexual abuse scandal, with attempts to cover up cases of child abuse by Catholic priests in the past. Meanwhile, many congregations and dioceses are accused of corruption, particularly in Africa, and the financial situation of the Vatican is rather delicate, as a result of the global financial crisis.

  • Habemus Papam!

    Habemus Papam!

    White smoke appeared from the chimney of Vatican’s Sistine Chapel on the 13thof March, indicating that a new pope had been elected. For the first time in over 100 years, the pontiff was elected after only five rounds of voting. He is also the first pope to come from Latin America, the first Jesuit pope and the first non-European pope since Gregory III in the 8thcentury. 76-year-old Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina is also the first pope after John Paul II to pick up a unique name.

    The choice of the name of the young rich man from Assisi who renounced his wealth and founded the Franciscan order in 1290 may be an indication of the new pope’s priorities in his efforts to usher in some peace and quiet for a troubled Catholic Church. The pontificate of his predecessor, Benedict XVI, was marked by many scandals inside the Church, especially related to cases of paedophilia in the United States and Ireland, as well as problems of communication with the people. Following his election last week, the 266thleader of the Catholic Church gave his first blessing to the thousands of people gathering in St. Peter’s Square. Here’s father Adrian Danca, from Radio Vatican:

    “A bow before the crowds. Pope Francis, who has been called to serve the church from the end of the globe, amazed an entire world during his first public appearance by making this disarmingly simple gesture before thousands of cameras and microphones. Before delivering his Urbi et Orbi blessing, the pope bowed before the crowds and first asked them to give him their blessing. This gives us precious indication about the personality of the new pontiff. Our first reaction was surprise, something the staff of the Rome Basilica of St. Mary Major must also have experienced when the pope stepped down from a modest bus early the next morning, breaking with protocol. He prayed for half an hour and left flowers on the altar of the Virgin Mary. He continued the first day of his pontificate by stopping at the hotel where he had stayed before the Conclave and paying his bill, packing and saying goodbye to the hotel staff. He was told his low-cost return ticket to Argentina could not be reimbursed.”

    The first things that the new leader of the Catholic Church did suggest that this will be the pontificate of a Pope close to the people, of a humble Pope, only interested in serving God. In his homily during the inaugural Mass, Pope Francis called for kindness and compassion:

    “Everything has been entrusted to our protection, and all of us are responsible for it. Be protectors of God’s gifts! Whenever human beings fail to live up to this responsibility, whenever we fail to care for creation and for our brothers and sisters, the way is opened to destruction and hearts are hardened. Tragically, in every period of history there are “Herods” who plot death, wreak havoc, and mar the countenance of men and women. Please, I would like to ask all those who have positions of responsibility in economic, political and social life, and all men and women of goodwill: let us be “protectors” of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment. Let us not allow omens of destruction and death to accompany the advance of this world!”

    Difficult challenges are ahead of the new Pontiff, including the moral issues and abuse accusations facing a Church that brings together some 1.2 million believers. An overview of these problems by France Presse mentions, among others, a wave of unprecedented internal disputes. Many religious and priestly organizations demand more democracy within the Catholic Church, a reform of Papacy, priest marriage and the ordination of women. The new Pope will be under a lot of pressure, including from some of his bishops, as regards a number of realistic reforms—particularly those allowing divorced and re-married persons to receive communion and those paving the way towards making priest celibacy voluntary. There is also a lot of talk regarding the localization of Catholic ceremonies, which often raises problems from India to Latin America. Abuse complaints continue to be reported in the West, especially as regards the 1965-1985 period. One example is the Catholic archdiocese of Los Angeles, subject to a huge sexual abuse scandal, with attempts to cover up cases of child abuse by Catholic priests in the past. Meanwhile, many congregations and dioceses are accused of corruption, particularly in Africa, and the financial situation of the Vatican is rather delicate, as a result of the global financial crisis.

  • Terms and conditions for using the Radio Romania International website

    This website (henceforth referred to as the Website) is available to the public by typing the URL and belongs to the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation- Societatea Romana de Radiodifuziune (SRR), 60-64, General Berthelot street, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.

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    Even though we make every effort for the entire content to have maximum accuracy, we take no responsibility for the entirety of the information posted. The information on the Website cannot be construed as professional advice, and is not final recommendations.

    The content of the Website, including text, photographs, audio files, video files, streaming content, banners, animations, graphs, as well as the Website design and the database collected from users belong to SRR/RRI and are protected by the law of copyright and of connected rights. All rights for copying, reproduction and distribution in any form are reserved and belong to SRR/RRI, in line with existing legislation.

    The content of this Website cannot be copied, reproduced, republished, recompiled, duplicated, modified, downloaded, posted, sold, resold, exploited, broadcast or transmitted in any way whatsoever, partially or totally, with the exception of personal, non-commercial use. Also forbidden is the creation of derivative components/products or complete services.

    Other mass media outlets can only take over information by specifying the source visibly and providing a link to the Website in the form: “Source: RRI —”. RRIs prior consent must be obtained in any situation that requires using the content of the Website. Violating this condition leads to a conflict which SRR shall try to settle amiably and then by legal means, referring the matter to a Romanian court.

    Links to other websites are made in order to provide more comprehensive information to users. The Website is in no way responsible for the information on websites it provides links to.

    The responsibility for comments posted on the Website fully belongs to those who wrote them. The comments that do not refer to the posted article shall not be posted. RRI shall not post answers or comments that violate the rights of a person or violate the law. RRI shall not post comments that are advertising or contain links. Comments that contain telephone numbers or e-mail addresses shall not be published since we cannot verify their authenticity.

    It is forbidden to use the Website to post or transmit any kind of material that is threatening, false, deceiving, harassing, licentious, slanderous, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, instigating, discriminatory, racist, extremist, pornographic or desecrating, or any other material that may constitute or may encourage behavior that may lead to a crime, may result in civil liability or in any other way break the law. SRR/RRI shall cooperate with any law enforcement authorities and shall comply with any court decision requiring SRR/RRI to disclose the identity of any person that shall post or transmit any kind of information or material of this nature through the Website.

    If you wish to contact the editorial board in relation to the content of this Website or on any other topic, please write to All messages transmitted are analyzed and referred to the relevant persons for the purpose of receiving a possible answer from RRI.

    Users sending information or content towards the website assume the obligation not to violate in any way the copyright held by a third party/institution, the Romanian and international law, the intellectual property rights, patents or trademarks, and implicitly accept that responsibility for violating them falls fully on themselves. Through the content you send towards the RRI website you grant RRI the right to use, reproduce, publish, adapt, translate and provide the public with this content.

    Users of agree, upon request from SRR/RRI, to exonerate of any responsibility and SRR/RRI for any judicial/extrajudicial action and to cover any court expenses and other expenses that may be incurred as a result of the violation by those users of the clauses in this document.

    Personal data is provided by users when they take part in campaigns or fill in questionnaires launched by, when they use feedback forms or when they register for the newsletter service.

    In order to use the services offered by you incur the obligation to supply and update, if necessary, data that is true, exact and complete about yourselves, as per the form (forms) used for registration; if you provide information that is not in accordance to reality, inexact or incomplete, RRI has the right to suspend/ cancel your account and to deny you access to the Website. If you use another name, or an e-mail address that does not belong to you, registration shall be canceled, your access blocked, and, in case of damages caused to the members of the community, to RRI/SRR or the Website, the data will be provided to the Police and investigating authorities. Users of the Website are not permitted to take over any information about any other user of the Website.

    According to Law 677/2001 for the protection of persons with regard to processing personal data and free circulation of this data, modified and completed, as well as to Law 506/2004 regarding processing of personal data and protecting private life in the electronic communication sector, will administrate the data provided by users only in conditions of safety and only for the specified purposes. RRI will take the proper technical measures to protect your personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, loss, modifications, disclosure or unauthorized access.

    Under Law 677/2001, you have the right to access and to intervene on the data, the right to not be subject to an individual decision and the right to appeal to justice. At the same time, you have the right to be opposed to the processing of your personal data and to request the data to be erased. In case you want your data not to be collected, you should not send any to us.

    You can e-mail us at or write a letter and send it at the address Radio Romania International, 60- 64, General Berthelot street, sector 1, Bucharest cod 010165, Romania.

    RRI is committed to not sending spam messages.

    The website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service supplied by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies, text files placed on a computer in order to help the Website analyze the way in which users use it. Information generated by cookies regarding your use of the Website (including your IP address) will be sent to and stored by Google on their servers in the USA, and will be used to evaluate your use of the Website, to draft research reports of the Website for the site administrators and to supply other services regarding the activity and use of the Internet on Google may transfer this information to third parties, in case this is requested by law, or if the third parties affect the information process with regard to the name Google. You have the right to refuse the use of cookies by operating the proper settings in your browser. If you operate these settings it is possible that you may not have access to all the functions of the Website. By using you agree with the processing of your personal data by Google in the ways and for the purposes mentioned above.

  • Terms and conditions for using the Radio Romania International website

    This website (henceforth referred to as the Website) is available to the public by typing the URL and belongs to the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation- Societatea Romana de Radiodifuziune (SRR), 60-64, General Berthelot street, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.

    Radio Romania International (RRI) is a part of SRR, a public service, and runs its activities as per Law 41/1994, republished, with subsequent modifications and additions, and the Law of the Audiovisual 504/2002, with subsequent modifications and additions.

    The purpose of is to enable users to access journalistic information and content about or related to Romania, its domestic and foreign policy, about RRI, as well as to form an on-line community around the international channel of the public radio broadcasting system in Romania.

    Any use of this Website or its services shall be considered as full acceptance of the present terms and conditions.

    RRI reserves the right to modify this document at any moment and in any way. The modifications come into effect at the moment of posting, which is why we invite you to regularly review the terms and conditions. If at any moment you no longer accept the full terms and conditions, please refrain from accessing the Website.

    In case of any incident whatsoever, deriving from the use or interpretation of the content of this Website, the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation shall not be held responsible in any form. SRR shall not be held liable towards you or any other third party/ institution for any damages or problems caused by any Website dysfunction, suspension of service, error in content, speed of data transfer or the lack of on-line broadcasting.

    Even though we make every effort for the entire content to have maximum accuracy, we take no responsibility for the entirety of the information posted. The information on the Website cannot be construed as professional advice, and is not final recommendations.

    The content of the Website, including text, photographs, audio files, video files, streaming content, banners, animations, graphs, as well as the Website design and the database collected from users belong to SRR/RRI and are protected by the law of copyright and of connected rights. All rights for copying, reproduction and distribution in any form are reserved and belong to SRR/RRI, in line with existing legislation.

    The content of this Website cannot be copied, reproduced, republished, recompiled, duplicated, modified, downloaded, posted, sold, resold, exploited, broadcast or transmitted in any way whatsoever, partially or totally, with the exception of personal, non-commercial use. Also forbidden is the creation of derivative components/products or complete services.

    Other mass media outlets can only take over information by specifying the source visibly and providing a link to the Website in the form: “Source: RRI —”. RRIs prior consent must be obtained in any situation that requires using the content of the Website. Violating this condition leads to a conflict which SRR shall try to settle amiably and then by legal means, referring the matter to a Romanian court.

    Links to other websites are made in order to provide more comprehensive information to users. The Website is in no way responsible for the information on websites it provides links to.

    The responsibility for comments posted on the Website fully belongs to those who wrote them. The comments that do not refer to the posted article shall not be posted. RRI shall not post answers or comments that violate the rights of a person or violate the law. RRI shall not post comments that are advertising or contain links. Comments that contain telephone numbers or e-mail addresses shall not be published since we cannot verify their authenticity.

    It is forbidden to use the Website to post or transmit any kind of material that is threatening, false, deceiving, harassing, licentious, slanderous, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, instigating, discriminatory, racist, extremist, pornographic or desecrating, or any other material that may constitute or may encourage behavior that may lead to a crime, may result in civil liability or in any other way break the law. SRR/RRI shall cooperate with any law enforcement authorities and shall comply with any court decision requiring SRR/RRI to disclose the identity of any person that shall post or transmit any kind of information or material of this nature through the Website.

    If you wish to contact the editorial board in relation to the content of this Website or on any other topic, please write to All messages transmitted are analyzed and referred to the relevant persons for the purpose of receiving a possible answer from RRI.

    Users sending information or content towards the website assume the obligation not to violate in any way the copyright held by a third party/institution, the Romanian and international law, the intellectual property rights, patents or trademarks, and implicitly accept that responsibility for violating them falls fully on themselves. Through the content you send towards the RRI website you grant RRI the right to use, reproduce, publish, adapt, translate and provide the public with this content.

    Users of agree, upon request from SRR/RRI, to exonerate of any responsibility and SRR/RRI for any judicial/extrajudicial action and to cover any court expenses and other expenses that may be incurred as a result of the violation by those users of the clauses in this document.

    Personal data is provided by users when they take part in campaigns or fill in questionnaires launched by, when they use feedback forms or when they register for the newsletter service.

    In order to use the services offered by you incur the obligation to supply and update, if necessary, data that is true, exact and complete about yourselves, as per the form (forms) used for registration; if you provide information that is not in accordance to reality, inexact or incomplete, RRI has the right to suspend/ cancel your account and to deny you access to the Website. If you use another name, or an e-mail address that does not belong to you, registration shall be canceled, your access blocked, and, in case of damages caused to the members of the community, to RRI/SRR or the Website, the data will be provided to the Police and investigating authorities. Users of the Website are not permitted to take over any information about any other user of the Website.

    According to Law 677/2001 for the protection of persons with regard to processing personal data and free circulation of this data, modified and completed, as well as to Law 506/2004 regarding processing of personal data and protecting private life in the electronic communication sector, will administrate the data provided by users only in conditions of safety and only for the specified purposes. RRI will take the proper technical measures to protect your personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, loss, modifications, disclosure or unauthorized access.

    Under Law 677/2001, you have the right to access and to intervene on the data, the right to not be subject to an individual decision and the right to appeal to justice. At the same time, you have the right to be opposed to the processing of your personal data and to request the data to be erased. In case you want your data not to be collected, you should not send any to us.

    You can e-mail us at or write a letter and send it at the address Radio Romania International, 60- 64, General Berthelot street, sector 1, Bucharest cod 010165, Romania.

    RRI is committed to not sending spam messages.

    The website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service supplied by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies, text files placed on a computer in order to help the Website analyze the way in which users use it. Information generated by cookies regarding your use of the Website (including your IP address) will be sent to and stored by Google on their servers in the USA, and will be used to evaluate your use of the Website, to draft research reports of the Website for the site administrators and to supply other services regarding the activity and use of the Internet on Google may transfer this information to third parties, in case this is requested by law, or if the third parties affect the information process with regard to the name Google. You have the right to refuse the use of cookies by operating the proper settings in your browser. If you operate these settings it is possible that you may not have access to all the functions of the Website. By using you agree with the processing of your personal data by Google in the ways and for the purposes mentioned above.

  • Terms and conditions for using the Radio Romania International website

    This website (henceforth referred to as the Website) is available to the public by typing the URL and belongs to the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation- Societatea Romana de Radiodifuziune (SRR), 60-64, General Berthelot street, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.

    Radio Romania International (RRI) is a part of SRR, a public service, and runs its activities as per Law 41/1994, republished, with subsequent modifications and additions, and the Law of the Audiovisual 504/2002, with subsequent modifications and additions.

    The purpose of is to enable users to access journalistic information and content about or related to Romania, its domestic and foreign policy, about RRI, as well as to form an on-line community around the international channel of the public radio broadcasting system in Romania.

    Any use of this Website or its services shall be considered as full acceptance of the present terms and conditions.

    RRI reserves the right to modify this document at any moment and in any way. The modifications come into effect at the moment of posting, which is why we invite you to regularly review the terms and conditions. If at any moment you no longer accept the full terms and conditions, please refrain from accessing the Website.

    In case of any incident whatsoever, deriving from the use or interpretation of the content of this Website, the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation shall not be held responsible in any form. SRR shall not be held liable towards you or any other third party/ institution for any damages or problems caused by any Website dysfunction, suspension of service, error in content, speed of data transfer or the lack of on-line broadcasting.

    Even though we make every effort for the entire content to have maximum accuracy, we take no responsibility for the entirety of the information posted. The information on the Website cannot be construed as professional advice, and is not final recommendations.

    The content of the Website, including text, photographs, audio files, video files, streaming content, banners, animations, graphs, as well as the Website design and the database collected from users belong to SRR/RRI and are protected by the law of copyright and of connected rights. All rights for copying, reproduction and distribution in any form are reserved and belong to SRR/RRI, in line with existing legislation.

    The content of this Website cannot be copied, reproduced, republished, recompiled, duplicated, modified, downloaded, posted, sold, resold, exploited, broadcast or transmitted in any way whatsoever, partially or totally, with the exception of personal, non-commercial use. Also forbidden is the creation of derivative components/products or complete services.

    Other mass media outlets can only take over information by specifying the source visibly and providing a link to the Website in the form: “Source: RRI —”. RRIs prior consent must be obtained in any situation that requires using the content of the Website. Violating this condition leads to a conflict which SRR shall try to settle amiably and then by legal means, referring the matter to a Romanian court.

    Links to other websites are made in order to provide more comprehensive information to users. The Website is in no way responsible for the information on websites it provides links to.

    The responsibility for comments posted on the Website fully belongs to those who wrote them. The comments that do not refer to the posted article shall not be posted. RRI shall not post answers or comments that violate the rights of a person or violate the law. RRI shall not post comments that are advertising or contain links. Comments that contain telephone numbers or e-mail addresses shall not be published since we cannot verify their authenticity.

    It is forbidden to use the Website to post or transmit any kind of material that is threatening, false, deceiving, harassing, licentious, slanderous, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, instigating, discriminatory, racist, extremist, pornographic or desecrating, or any other material that may constitute or may encourage behavior that may lead to a crime, may result in civil liability or in any other way break the law. SRR/RRI shall cooperate with any law enforcement authorities and shall comply with any court decision requiring SRR/RRI to disclose the identity of any person that shall post or transmit any kind of information or material of this nature through the Website.

    If you wish to contact the editorial board in relation to the content of this Website or on any other topic, please write to All messages transmitted are analyzed and referred to the relevant persons for the purpose of receiving a possible answer from RRI.

    Users sending information or content towards the website assume the obligation not to violate in any way the copyright held by a third party/institution, the Romanian and international law, the intellectual property rights, patents or trademarks, and implicitly accept that responsibility for violating them falls fully on themselves. Through the content you send towards the RRI website you grant RRI the right to use, reproduce, publish, adapt, translate and provide the public with this content.

    Users of agree, upon request from SRR/RRI, to exonerate of any responsibility and SRR/RRI for any judicial/extrajudicial action and to cover any court expenses and other expenses that may be incurred as a result of the violation by those users of the clauses in this document.

    Personal data is provided by users when they take part in campaigns or fill in questionnaires launched by, when they use feedback forms or when they register for the newsletter service.

    In order to use the services offered by you incur the obligation to supply and update, if necessary, data that is true, exact and complete about yourselves, as per the form (forms) used for registration; if you provide information that is not in accordance to reality, inexact or incomplete, RRI has the right to suspend/ cancel your account and to deny you access to the Website. If you use another name, or an e-mail address that does not belong to you, registration shall be canceled, your access blocked, and, in case of damages caused to the members of the community, to RRI/SRR or the Website, the data will be provided to the Police and investigating authorities. Users of the Website are not permitted to take over any information about any other user of the Website.

    According to Law 677/2001 for the protection of persons with regard to processing personal data and free circulation of this data, modified and completed, as well as to Law 506/2004 regarding processing of personal data and protecting private life in the electronic communication sector, will administrate the data provided by users only in conditions of safety and only for the specified purposes. RRI will take the proper technical measures to protect your personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, loss, modifications, disclosure or unauthorized access.

    Under Law 677/2001, you have the right to access and to intervene on the data, the right to not be subject to an individual decision and the right to appeal to justice. At the same time, you have the right to be opposed to the processing of your personal data and to request the data to be erased. In case you want your data not to be collected, you should not send any to us.

    You can e-mail us at or write a letter and send it at the address Radio Romania International, 60- 64, General Berthelot street, sector 1, Bucharest cod 010165, Romania.

    RRI is committed to not sending spam messages.

    The website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service supplied by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies, text files placed on a computer in order to help the Website analyze the way in which users use it. Information generated by cookies regarding your use of the Website (including your IP address) will be sent to and stored by Google on their servers in the USA, and will be used to evaluate your use of the Website, to draft research reports of the Website for the site administrators and to supply other services regarding the activity and use of the Internet on Google may transfer this information to third parties, in case this is requested by law, or if the third parties affect the information process with regard to the name Google. You have the right to refuse the use of cookies by operating the proper settings in your browser. If you operate these settings it is possible that you may not have access to all the functions of the Website. By using you agree with the processing of your personal data by Google in the ways and for the purposes mentioned above.

  • Terms and conditions for using the Radio Romania International website

    This website (henceforth referred to as the Website) is available to the public by typing the URL and belongs to the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation- Societatea Romana de Radiodifuziune (SRR), 60-64, General Berthelot street, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.

    Radio Romania International (RRI) is a part of SRR, a public service, and runs its activities as per Law 41/1994, republished, with subsequent modifications and additions, and the Law of the Audiovisual 504/2002, with subsequent modifications and additions.

    The purpose of is to enable users to access journalistic information and content about or related to Romania, its domestic and foreign policy, about RRI, as well as to form an on-line community around the international channel of the public radio broadcasting system in Romania.

    Any use of this Website or its services shall be considered as full acceptance of the present terms and conditions.

    RRI reserves the right to modify this document at any moment and in any way. The modifications come into effect at the moment of posting, which is why we invite you to regularly review the terms and conditions. If at any moment you no longer accept the full terms and conditions, please refrain from accessing the Website.

    In case of any incident whatsoever, deriving from the use or interpretation of the content of this Website, the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation shall not be held responsible in any form. SRR shall not be held liable towards you or any other third party/ institution for any damages or problems caused by any Website dysfunction, suspension of service, error in content, speed of data transfer or the lack of on-line broadcasting.

    Even though we make every effort for the entire content to have maximum accuracy, we take no responsibility for the entirety of the information posted. The information on the Website cannot be construed as professional advice, and is not final recommendations.

    The content of the Website, including text, photographs, audio files, video files, streaming content, banners, animations, graphs, as well as the Website design and the database collected from users belong to SRR/RRI and are protected by the law of copyright and of connected rights. All rights for copying, reproduction and distribution in any form are reserved and belong to SRR/RRI, in line with existing legislation.

    The content of this Website cannot be copied, reproduced, republished, recompiled, duplicated, modified, downloaded, posted, sold, resold, exploited, broadcast or transmitted in any way whatsoever, partially or totally, with the exception of personal, non-commercial use. Also forbidden is the creation of derivative components/products or complete services.

    Other mass media outlets can only take over information by specifying the source visibly and providing a link to the Website in the form: “Source: RRI —”. RRIs prior consent must be obtained in any situation that requires using the content of the Website. Violating this condition leads to a conflict which SRR shall try to settle amiably and then by legal means, referring the matter to a Romanian court.

    Links to other websites are made in order to provide more comprehensive information to users. The Website is in no way responsible for the information on websites it provides links to.

    The responsibility for comments posted on the Website fully belongs to those who wrote them. The comments that do not refer to the posted article shall not be posted. RRI shall not post answers or comments that violate the rights of a person or violate the law. RRI shall not post comments that are advertising or contain links. Comments that contain telephone numbers or e-mail addresses shall not be published since we cannot verify their authenticity.

    It is forbidden to use the Website to post or transmit any kind of material that is threatening, false, deceiving, harassing, licentious, slanderous, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, instigating, discriminatory, racist, extremist, pornographic or desecrating, or any other material that may constitute or may encourage behavior that may lead to a crime, may result in civil liability or in any other way break the law. SRR/RRI shall cooperate with any law enforcement authorities and shall comply with any court decision requiring SRR/RRI to disclose the identity of any person that shall post or transmit any kind of information or material of this nature through the Website.

    If you wish to contact the editorial board in relation to the content of this Website or on any other topic, please write to All messages transmitted are analyzed and referred to the relevant persons for the purpose of receiving a possible answer from RRI.

    Users sending information or content towards the website assume the obligation not to violate in any way the copyright held by a third party/institution, the Romanian and international law, the intellectual property rights, patents or trademarks, and implicitly accept that responsibility for violating them falls fully on themselves. Through the content you send towards the RRI website you grant RRI the right to use, reproduce, publish, adapt, translate and provide the public with this content.

    Users of agree, upon request from SRR/RRI, to exonerate of any responsibility and SRR/RRI for any judicial/extrajudicial action and to cover any court expenses and other expenses that may be incurred as a result of the violation by those users of the clauses in this document.

    Personal data is provided by users when they take part in campaigns or fill in questionnaires launched by, when they use feedback forms or when they register for the newsletter service.

    In order to use the services offered by you incur the obligation to supply and update, if necessary, data that is true, exact and complete about yourselves, as per the form (forms) used for registration; if you provide information that is not in accordance to reality, inexact or incomplete, RRI has the right to suspend/ cancel your account and to deny you access to the Website. If you use another name, or an e-mail address that does not belong to you, registration shall be canceled, your access blocked, and, in case of damages caused to the members of the community, to RRI/SRR or the Website, the data will be provided to the Police and investigating authorities. Users of the Website are not permitted to take over any information about any other user of the Website.

    According to Law 677/2001 for the protection of persons with regard to processing personal data and free circulation of this data, modified and completed, as well as to Law 506/2004 regarding processing of personal data and protecting private life in the electronic communication sector, will administrate the data provided by users only in conditions of safety and only for the specified purposes. RRI will take the proper technical measures to protect your personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, loss, modifications, disclosure or unauthorized access.

    Under Law 677/2001, you have the right to access and to intervene on the data, the right to not be subject to an individual decision and the right to appeal to justice. At the same time, you have the right to be opposed to the processing of your personal data and to request the data to be erased. In case you want your data not to be collected, you should not send any to us.

    You can e-mail us at or write a letter and send it at the address Radio Romania International, 60- 64, General Berthelot street, sector 1, Bucharest cod 010165, Romania.

    RRI is committed to not sending spam messages.

    The website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service supplied by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies, text files placed on a computer in order to help the Website analyze the way in which users use it. Information generated by cookies regarding your use of the Website (including your IP address) will be sent to and stored by Google on their servers in the USA, and will be used to evaluate your use of the Website, to draft research reports of the Website for the site administrators and to supply other services regarding the activity and use of the Internet on Google may transfer this information to third parties, in case this is requested by law, or if the third parties affect the information process with regard to the name Google. You have the right to refuse the use of cookies by operating the proper settings in your browser. If you operate these settings it is possible that you may not have access to all the functions of the Website. By using you agree with the processing of your personal data by Google in the ways and for the purposes mentioned above.

  • Terms and conditions for using the Radio Romania International website

    This website (henceforth referred to as the Website) is available to the public by typing the URL and belongs to the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation- Societatea Romana de Radiodifuziune (SRR), 60-64, General Berthelot street, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.

    Radio Romania International (RRI) is a part of SRR, a public service, and runs its activities as per Law 41/1994, republished, with subsequent modifications and additions, and the Law of the Audiovisual 504/2002, with subsequent modifications and additions.

    The purpose of is to enable users to access journalistic information and content about or related to Romania, its domestic and foreign policy, about RRI, as well as to form an on-line community around the international channel of the public radio broadcasting system in Romania.

    Any use of this Website or its services shall be considered as full acceptance of the present terms and conditions.

    RRI reserves the right to modify this document at any moment and in any way. The modifications come into effect at the moment of posting, which is why we invite you to regularly review the terms and conditions. If at any moment you no longer accept the full terms and conditions, please refrain from accessing the Website.

    In case of any incident whatsoever, deriving from the use or interpretation of the content of this Website, the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation shall not be held responsible in any form. SRR shall not be held liable towards you or any other third party/ institution for any damages or problems caused by any Website dysfunction, suspension of service, error in content, speed of data transfer or the lack of on-line broadcasting.

    Even though we make every effort for the entire content to have maximum accuracy, we take no responsibility for the entirety of the information posted. The information on the Website cannot be construed as professional advice, and is not final recommendations.

    The content of the Website, including text, photographs, audio files, video files, streaming content, banners, animations, graphs, as well as the Website design and the database collected from users belong to SRR/RRI and are protected by the law of copyright and of connected rights. All rights for copying, reproduction and distribution in any form are reserved and belong to SRR/RRI, in line with existing legislation.

    The content of this Website cannot be copied, reproduced, republished, recompiled, duplicated, modified, downloaded, posted, sold, resold, exploited, broadcast or transmitted in any way whatsoever, partially or totally, with the exception of personal, non-commercial use. Also forbidden is the creation of derivative components/products or complete services.

    Other mass media outlets can only take over information by specifying the source visibly and providing a link to the Website in the form: “Source: RRI —”. RRIs prior consent must be obtained in any situation that requires using the content of the Website. Violating this condition leads to a conflict which SRR shall try to settle amiably and then by legal means, referring the matter to a Romanian court.

    Links to other websites are made in order to provide more comprehensive information to users. The Website is in no way responsible for the information on websites it provides links to.

    The responsibility for comments posted on the Website fully belongs to those who wrote them. The comments that do not refer to the posted article shall not be posted. RRI shall not post answers or comments that violate the rights of a person or violate the law. RRI shall not post comments that are advertising or contain links. Comments that contain telephone numbers or e-mail addresses shall not be published since we cannot verify their authenticity.

    It is forbidden to use the Website to post or transmit any kind of material that is threatening, false, deceiving, harassing, licentious, slanderous, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, instigating, discriminatory, racist, extremist, pornographic or desecrating, or any other material that may constitute or may encourage behavior that may lead to a crime, may result in civil liability or in any other way break the law. SRR/RRI shall cooperate with any law enforcement authorities and shall comply with any court decision requiring SRR/RRI to disclose the identity of any person that shall post or transmit any kind of information or material of this nature through the Website.

    If you wish to contact the editorial board in relation to the content of this Website or on any other topic, please write to All messages transmitted are analyzed and referred to the relevant persons for the purpose of receiving a possible answer from RRI.

    Users sending information or content towards the website assume the obligation not to violate in any way the copyright held by a third party/institution, the Romanian and international law, the intellectual property rights, patents or trademarks, and implicitly accept that responsibility for violating them falls fully on themselves. Through the content you send towards the RRI website you grant RRI the right to use, reproduce, publish, adapt, translate and provide the public with this content.

    Users of agree, upon request from SRR/RRI, to exonerate of any responsibility and SRR/RRI for any judicial/extrajudicial action and to cover any court expenses and other expenses that may be incurred as a result of the violation by those users of the clauses in this document.

    Personal data is provided by users when they take part in campaigns or fill in questionnaires launched by, when they use feedback forms or when they register for the newsletter service.

    In order to use the services offered by you incur the obligation to supply and update, if necessary, data that is true, exact and complete about yourselves, as per the form (forms) used for registration; if you provide information that is not in accordance to reality, inexact or incomplete, RRI has the right to suspend/ cancel your account and to deny you access to the Website. If you use another name, or an e-mail address that does not belong to you, registration shall be canceled, your access blocked, and, in case of damages caused to the members of the community, to RRI/SRR or the Website, the data will be provided to the Police and investigating authorities. Users of the Website are not permitted to take over any information about any other user of the Website.

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  • How a Map is Drawn

    The political class largely supports the idea, using the argument of more easily accessed European funds that the move is supposed to bring. The process, however, stalled at the point where the lines establishing Romania’s regions were supposed to be drawn. The significant Hungarian minority living mostly in the middle of the country, in the counties of Harghita, Covasna and Mures, would like to form one region, but the decision makers in Bucharest insist that Romania’s regions will never be redrawn based on ethnic criteria.

    Deputy Prime Minister Liviu Dragnea has recently announced that the designing of the legal framework needed to decentralize administration has begun. Dragnea heads the joint ministerial committee that will be gathering the studies and reports of the Advisory Council, which is made up of experts, politicians, local administration officials and representatives of civil society. The final draft is supposed to be issued on July 1st, and will be attempting to set the eight development regions decided on in principle in 2007. The head of one of the regions, Simion Cretu, expects the process to take longer.

    “I don’t think this process will take only two years. The timetable is longer, if we are to end up with regions that can function properly. There will be problems everywhere, problems with the capitals of those regions, with the way in which each region will be run in the interim period, between 2014 and 2016, until the next local elections, which will probably be regional elections too.”

    Simion Cretu is in favor of wider consultation in order to assure the success of this process. Diana Iancu, who holds a PhD in administrative sciences, specializing in multi-level government, shares the opinion. Speaking for Radio Romania, she insisted that decision makers working on the project must not lose sight that the most important factor here is the main beneficiary, the citizen:

    “This regionalization as it is being discussed now by the government, is seen mostly as a technical solution. I believe we should start talking about the added value of such a type of governance which is closer to the citizen. Beyond the discussion on who holds competence in what area, who attracts or multiplies European funds, I think the main issue is who answers in relation to the citizens. Citizens can openly ask: who takes the blame if things don’t work out?”

    The principles for administrative organization issued by the government provide that the future regions will have a council and a president elected by the people, who will be managing local budgets, European money and funds from the government, with enhanced authority as compared to the present county administration. The number, configuration and way in which the new territorial units will function are to be established by public consultation, preserving the counties which Romania is divided into at this time. There is a risk that the administrative structure may actually become more cumbersome, instead of simplifying things. Diana Iancu told us her opinion:

    “There are always fears of this sort. At least right now, within the EU there’s talk rather of recentralization, not decentralization. Increased attention has been given to cross-municipal and cross-territorial arrangements, territorial groupings that transcend national borders, but there are other cases too. For instance, Slovakia, where territorial fragmentation is tremendous; but, if we look how they develop economically, we could take Slovakia as a possible solution for success. We are pushing fragmentation very far, and the question is to what extent competencies will overlap, and how much more complicated the chain of decision becomes.”

    Diana Iancu also recalled other European role models that Romania could emulate:

    “When we talk about role models or best practices, there are some general norms, there is a fundamental principle, which in my opinion has to occur as close to the citizen as possible. I am looking, for instance, at the territorial reforms undertaken by Denmark, or the group of arrangements that Sweden has. I am also looking at the rather more centralized way in which Holland functions. The Czech Republic also has a very interesting governance, a multilevel governance.”

    These are just a few examples of where Bucharest could get ideas on how regions might work, taking into account local specifics and expectations.

  • A Surprising Decision

    A Surprising Decision

    The 265thpope in the history of the Roman-Catholic Church, Benedict XVI has announced his resignation, in an unprecedented gesture in our modern times. The Sovereign Pontiff made the announcement of his resignation in the Latin language invoking old age and health problems.

    Pope Benedict XVI: “After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry. I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering. Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects.”

    Benedict XVI was elected at the helm of the Catholic Church following the Papal Conclave of 2005, as successor to Pope John Paul II. His resignation has taken by surprise the Catholic world and not only. Father Adrian Danca, the head of the Romanian-language Service of Radio Vaticana, says in an interview to Radio Romania, that the Pope’s gesture will bring about a change in the Church laws in the sense of clarifying the status of the person who resigns the Petrine ministry.

    Adrian Danca: “His gesture took the Church by surprise in the sense that no such possibility of resignation is mentioned in the church law. Actually, he had already stated in 2010 in a book-length interview called ‘The Light of the World’ that the Pope should too have the possibility to resign. The pope’s resignation will create a precedent of utmost importance for the future of the Church.”

    Adrian Danca has also referred to the importance of the years Pope Benedict XVI spent at the helm of the Catholic Church.

    Adrian Danca: “This is a very important pontificate, because for the first time a pope has taken upon himself the liberty of being himself, of being coherent with what he said and of giving hope to members of the Catholic Church. The pope showed that the Catholic Church should be free, to answer as best it can the need for the Gospel to be spelled out for all. Socially, it can be said that his role has been decisive in many respects, including in European civil society. In his apostolic travels, he met politicians, men of culture, and conveyed to them a message of trusting mankind. Politically, the Holy Father kept away from mundane quarrels, he tried to convey to political circles fundamental values without which no modern democracy can stand, and said repeatedly that a state which is liberal and democratic feeds on values which it cannot provide for itself, values stemming from the Judeo Christian roots of European culture and the modern state.”

    The pope’s decision to step down is in line with the canons of the Catholic Church, which provide that a head of the church can step down if he does so willingly. Theology professor Radu Preda says that his choice to end his papacy in this way will add to the positive image of the Church, which has been faced with multiple scandals lately:

    Radu Preda : “This is a dignified gesture, which shows everyone that no one is irreplaceable. It also shows that, as a shepherd, but also as any other political leader, one has to always seek to strike a balance between his own interest and the common good. From this point of view, Benedict has chosen his own path, which will make him even greater in the history books, because he could have followed his predecessor, John Paul II, who died on his seat, even though he was growing ever more feeble. He, like John Paul II, could have stood testimony to human limitations and frailty. But, knowing himself better than anyone else, he chose to step down before it was too late, which I believe earns him our respect.”

    Benedict led the Church during a difficult period, when the ever changing world brought many challenges to an institution with over- two- millennia –old- traditions. During his time as pope, he stood out with his rich messages and his prayers for peace and dialogue between religions, but also with his numerous speeches on human right, environmental protection and the need to fight poverty. The question now at the Vatican is who is supposed to succeed him. The new pope will have to find new answers to old questions plaguing the Catholic Church, which, among other things, have to do with the conflict between reformists and traditionalists, as well as with many scandals, from sex to corruption.

  • The Threat of Radical Islamism in Northern Africa

    The Threat of Radical Islamism in Northern Africa

    Two years since the outset of the so-called “Arab spring,” which translated as the demise of long-lasting dictatorships in Arab states, its outcome in Northern Africa and Middle East countries is still unclear. International experts and analysts have noted that in many of these countries people’s disappointment and outrage have often replaced the initial enthusiasm.

    The regime changes and transition to democracy in Egypt and Libya, for instance, failed to deliver the expected results. Instead, they paved the way to chaos, violence and social discontent, which facilitated the advent of religious fundamentalism and offered room for manoeuvre to extremist armed groups tied to terrorist organisations. Whereas for a decade now Western superpowers have been focusing on military interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq, Africa, a continent plagued by both poverty and political instability, has gradually turned into a hotbed of Islamist movements.

    The recent developments in Mali and Algeria have reminded the international community of the threat of radical Islamism in Northern Africa and the risk of its spilling over to Europe. On January 11, at the request of authorities in the former French colony Mali, Paris launched an air and ground military operation to hinder the southward attack of Islamist armed groups. These factions, of which some had ties with Al-Qaida, had been controlling the northern part of the country for 9 months. Major cities in the north and northeast, like Gao, Tombouctou, or Kidal on the Algerian border, have in the meantime been reclaimed. French president Francois Hollande went to Mali, where he said Paris was not yet at the end of its mission. He added terrorism was pushed back, but not defeated. The French president visited Tombouctou, one of the most severely affected cities, where he condemned the atrocities committed by radical Islamists over the past months in the name of the Islamic law, the Sharia.

    The consequences of the events in Mali quickly spread across the border to Algeria, where an unprecedented terrorist attack on a natural gas facility was orchestrated in retaliation to the French intervention. The harsh response of the Algerian authorities, which has been criticised by the West, had tragic consequences: 40 hostages, including 2 Romanians, were killed. Presidential adviser Iulian Chifu speaks about the two developments:

    Iulian Chifu: “These are two separate matters, but which in essence are interrelated, because we are talking about an extremely volatile area, the Saharan area, where states are post-colonial, with border areas that are long and hard to control, where terrorists find refuge, store weapons and live. On the other hand, we should not a priori blame the intervention in Algeria. It’s one of the very few regimes that have the capacity to still fight against these radical, extremist groups. It’s a regime that had to make a decision, of whether let the perpetrators leave with the hostages, who would have been later sold on huge prices — and this is a method that eventually leads to new acts of terrorism and more hostage-taking — or take action, brutally although effectively, in order to regain control. Algiers decided it was necessary to use a type of intervention that would prevent any precedent setting, and thus truly discourage all those planning to attack oil or gas facilities.”

    The events in Mali and Algiers have prompted EU officials to hold a special meeting in Brussels, where the EU Foreign Ministers approved a mission for the training and reorganization of the Malian army. 500 people from 15 states will participate in this mission, which might turn operational next month. Romania, as an EU member, has decided to take part in this mission. The Supreme Defense Council of Romania has sanctioned the deployment of 10 military in Mali. Bucharest thus wants to reassert its commitment to fighting terrorism and ensuring international security alongside its EU and NATO partners. Some are wondering whether Romania’s decision to take part in the mission is useful, or merely symbolical. Military analyst Ion Petrescu is attempting an answer.

    Ion Petrescu: “The ten military that will be send there are useful, because they are instructors and military specialists, and this stands proof of our partners’ appreciation of the Romanian military experience. They are professionals with rich experiences, accumulated as military staff in the three theatres of operations they’ve been to: the former Yugoslav area, Iraq and Afghanistan.”

    On the other hand, Paris would like to curb its military participation in Mali starting next month, if the situation on the ground allows it. France and the US have stressed that ensuring Mali’s security, territorial integrity and sovereignty is the responsibility of the African force in Mali, which must be placed under the UN’s authority as soon as possible. This force is due to comprise some 6 thousand military.