Whether we’re talking about flu, pneumonia or other viruses, the number of respiratory infections has been increasing in the last several weeks, prompting health authorities to declare a state of epidemiological alert in Romania on Thursday. The decision was designed to limit the spread of infections and factors in the data of the last week, when nearly 134,000 patients were diagnosed with respiratory symptoms. Of these, 11,000 had the flu, compared to 7,000 in the previous period. Increasing from one week to the next, the number has exceeded the average of recent flu seasons, according to health authorities, who also announced eight related fatalities last week. Thus, in the current cold season, the total number of confirmed deaths from the influenza virus has reached 22. Hospitals across the country have already taken measures adapted to the epidemiological situation, limiting visits.
The Health Ministry recommends the population observe general measures to prevent illness and the spread of viruses, from regular hand washing, covering the nose and mouth with tissues when coughing and sneezing and disposing of them properly, or using the crook of the arm or the inner elbow when coughing. At the same time, it is necessary to ventilate the rooms daily and avoid crowded places. When symptoms of a cold or flu become manifest, people are urged to contact their family physicians to establish the proper treatment. It is also advisable to avoid entering the community of people who have signs and symptoms associated with the flu (fever, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, muscle pain) until they disappear, healthcare professionals say.
In the case of nursery and regular schools, the Ministry advises daily observational triage, recommending regular updates to parents concerning signs and symptoms of respiratory diseases, keeping children reporting symptoms at home, providing the necessary materials to sanitize hands and surfaces periodically. Representatives of the Health Ministry also draw attention to the fact that the safest and most effective method of preventing the flu and its severe forms is vaccination. This is particularly recommended to people suffering from chronic medical conditions, children, pregnant women, medical and auxiliary personnel in hospitals and outpatient units, as well as to people over 65 years of age. (VP)