2013: Our programs…in your letters

“Greetings to all at Radio Romania International. I have become a big fan of your stations mix of news, music, and culture in a fast moving, entertaining format. I shall continue to listen to RRI. Thank you!”

Andrew Sirianni, Ontario, Canada

“I love your radio station! Please keep up the good work! You are gaining popularity in the US!”

Nick Albright of the US

“My primary interest is in international news and cultural programming from other nations, rather than receiving information only after being filtered through the media of my own country. I found your broadcasts to be quite interesting. While the news portion was of a standard sort, your coverage of the George Enescu classical music festival entertained my curiosity regarding local expressions of art and culture. I would never have heard of the event if I had not tuned in to your broadcast.”

Joseph Astalfa, the USA

“Your station is a shining example of the power of short-wave radio, and I love learning about new cultures, especially the ones that I hope to visit someday.”

Matthew Loughlin of Liverpool, the UK

”I listen to RRI because I like to stay in touch with what is happening in one of the most exciting cultures and cultural scenes in Europe, especially with its theatre. I greatly admire Romanian directors and actors, and indeed bands such as the Night Losers. Many thanks for your excellent programmes.”

Michael Dobson, New Oxford, the UK

“Thank you so much for always supplying me with your most informative, precise, well-thought out and fascinating programs. I have learnt so much about your country and culture by listening to your radio station.”

Grant Skinner, the United Kingdom

“For Japan, RRI is a valuable English shortwave broadcaster! I have decided to listen to your station more frequently. Although it is the Internet heyday, I understand that there are lots of fans of shortwave broadcasting in Japan, a small island far away. So thank you for increasing the lifespan of shortwave broadcasting.”

Satoshi Nishimoto, Japan

“I can feel the atmosphere of Europe, especially through the classical music on air.”

Yoshihiro Kusanagi, Japan

“I enjoy the English broadcast to Africa. Your programmes are of great interest to me and hope you will continue with the good work.”

Hamidu Babagana, Nigeria

“I am one of those ageing people, who had the privilege of learning about radio and radio communication while I was still young, and you could still watch the valves inside your receiver glow. I am extremely grateful for that! However, sadly, I am forced to watch one station after the other closing down their shortwave services. Radio Romania, which is one of the strongest stations on shortwave today, seem to be heading the same way, towards closure and oblivion. What the decision makers fail to realize is that they let down all their fellow countrymen in exile, as well as all those who find great pleasure in listening to music, news, and other interesting matters on shortwave. For each shortwave station that closes down, a rug is pulled from under someones feet! I know, though, that the protests of individual listeners are futile, and, therefore, I should really do something else with my life. But the concept of radio and shortwave is too deeply rooted in my mind for me to just walk away from it.”

Bengt Grahn

“Dear friends, I listen to Radio Romania programmes in English for many years. Your broadcasts are becoming much better and dynamic during the years”.

Stanislav Kyselov

”I was so glad to hear Radio Romania International tonight. With so many other stations going dark it is very heart warming to hear you are still going strong. I always look forward to listening to your station when conditions allow. “

Clifford Dunning , Independence, Missouri, the US

“I think that the advantages of SW listening are that news comes directly from the source and is not filtered by others, it does not cost the listener in the sense of a monthly fee and a listener need not be hooked up on the internet. Short wave broadcasting is fairy reliable especially on north-south routes.”

Mike Kander, the US

“International radio stations are more interested in websites rather than broadcasting their transmissions through satellite or other sources. But still a vast audience is made up of people who listen to the broadcasting stations through classical receivers. I am really grateful that you are still presenting broadcasts on the shortwave despite the recession in Europe and many other challenges.”

Sayanangshu Modak, India

“I have been a listener since 1989. I would like to congratulate you on the well-presented and in-depth news. I like your science and technology, culture, and current affairs programs.”

Rana Dewan Rafiqul, President of the Friends Radio Club, Bangladesh,

“I’ve been a listener of your programs for how many years already. All I can say is INFORMATIVE & EXCELLENT, from the news to every single information you share to listeners around the globe. I wish to receive more news for my daily dose of information, not only focusing on Romania, but the rest of the world as well”.

N.S. Balamurali, India

“Dear friends in the radio of peace and friendship. Special greetings of love and devotion from me to you and I hope that you are fine. I enjoy your programs because they are like a window on all that happens in your country.”

Bezazel Ferhat, Algeria

“I listened to an eclectic mix of short segments of news stories from the weekend review programme and I enjoyed very much hearing and learning about your 85 years of broadcasting history on ‘World of Culture’ that focused a lot also on your radio orchestras. I am a bit of a fan of jazz music. As always wishing you good health and a very good weekend and for the week ahead.”

James P. Obrien, the United Kingdom

“I am a student in Geography. I love travelling and probably this is one of the reasons I have taken up Geography. I would also like to visit Romania. It is a beautiful country with wonderful and rich traditions. The Hoia-Baciu Forest area would be one of the priorities, and you know why! I wish RRI continues the wonderful work for all the global audiences. Best wishes for your entire team.”

Taslim Uddin, Bangladesh

“We are alike, since we are Latin, and share almost the same culture. We are also a live and let live culture, yet we achieve the impossible. I heard you and wrote to you during the 1970s. Our friendship has since grown after the revolution of 1989. It has grown since I listen to Romanian football, especially Steaua Bucharest. I love your sports features. ”

Roberto Alvarez Galloso, the USA

“I have been an old listener of RRI. Since I was away on work I had to leave my radio set in my hometown. After many years I’m back to my old fun time of listening to shortwave radio programmes. Radio Romania International is my favourite. Romania is a beautiful country with wonderful music”.

Ronald Simon Fernandes, India

“It is interesting to hear RRI’s broadcasts, and the information on Encyclopaedia is interesting and informative. Keep it up.”

V Neelakandan, India

“All your programmes are very good. I visit your website regularly and enjoy your shows”.

Razzak Hoshin, Bangladesh

“I really appreciate your service and co-operation. Good to listen to this kind of historical program. Great work.”

Karobi Hazarika, India

“I must say how much I enjoy your program that is broadcast to North America on shortwave radio. I listen 5-6 times a week and really enjoy the cooking segments. As a result I have tried to cook a few of the dishes mentioned with some success!”

Chris Cambell, the US

“Dear RRI, as always, it is a pleasure to enjoy listening to your music and programmes about current events in the country. I am glad you still broadcast on shortwave. It seems that every day we learn about some new cuts by a well-known broadcaster. I want to thank all of you for your dedication to listeners everywhere! Your station provides listeners in North America with a good view about life in Romania, as well as Europe. Also, our local media does very little to educate people here on this subject.”

Tim Marecki , the US

“As a regular world service listener for 30 years, I am happy to tell you that during those years I have learned so much about your beautiful country, many changes in different fields, such as economy, society and tourism, which the people of our country would benefit from. I have many reasons I tune in regularly to your English broadcasting programmes, but the most important is the quality of good English programmes. You radio is my favourite world wide broadcasting service.”

I.S.N. Murthy, India

“First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the success of your programs over the past 10 years. Keep up the good work! When I began listening to RRI, I was enthusiastic to listen to you more. You are above all other media stations across the globe with your fine, accurate and comprehensive schedules. You’re my No 1 radio…”

Badsha Jahangir, India

”Since 1965 I have turned around the SW radio bands and listened to RRI and learnt a great deal about this small blue world we live in and believe this has brought people from so many countries.”

David Teal, Durham, England

“I like to participate in RRI’s contests because they give me a lot of things to know about Romania. Taking part in contests makes me engaged in reading and knowing about Romania.”

Rajendra Kumar, India

“Greetings! I was very happy to pick up your broadcast It is always fun when I have time to listen on a short-wave radio instead of digital. I appreciate your website as well. Thank you again for your programs.”

Teresa Hegerich, the USA

“As usual, I enjoy RRI on short-wave in my home. I am not able to send you reception reports, but listening to RRI is not affected. Thank you for your hard work. The special comments you asked for on the occasion of Listeners’ Day is a very innovative approach to connect to listeners. Many famous broadcasters are not doing this. Your job is extraordinary and I appreciate it. Thanks for your good work.”

Shri Bhagwan Sharma, India

“As a teenager in the late 1970s, I listened to shortwave radio and I believe this led to a desire to learn about history and geography. I got away from shortwave radio in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s except for brief times now and again. I have now returned to the enjoyment of short-wave radio. While I know that I can get most broadcasts on the Internet, the thrill of hearing a shortwave broadcast over the air still fascinates me. This is my first reception report ever sent. Thank you for being there, generally loud and clear”.

Michael E. Miller of the US

“I am 61 years old and I started listening and Dxing in 1973. I live in Thessaloniki with my wife and two children. I really enjoy listening to your station, especially because you have programs with wide variety and beautiful songs. I listen to your station very often, because I like your traditional music and there are many common elements with Greek music.”

Kyriakos Dritsas, Thessaloniki, Greece

“As a listener of Radio Romania International since the 1950s, it is a great pleasure to still be in close touch with Romanian people, events and culture every day through your short wave service.”

John Eberle, the USA

“First of all, thank you for the books I received recently as my prize for taking part in your Radio Romania competition. I am particularly interested in the book about King Michael. It is fascinating to get his perspective on the events of August 1944, on Marshal Antonescu, and his enforced exile at the end of 1947. The people, King Michael observes, were not given the chance to decide whether they wanted a king or not when the Communists forced him to leave Romania. As I listened to the commentary about the strained relationship between the presidency and government today, I wondered how many Romanians might prefer a constitutional monarch now. Perhaps, once again, they will not be given a chance to say. I know this is a subject I have aired before but the book and commentary prompted thoughts on it again.”

Brian Kendall, the UK

“Your broadcasts are coming in as clear as usual and I still enjoy your programming, especially the history and cultural features and ‘All That Jazz’. Since the Voice of Russia ended their jazz program, you seem to be the only international broadcaster with a jazz program. Please keep it on the air. Thank you for your Listeners’ Day question. Although over the years my participation in the event has been haphazard at best, this year your question has sparked my imagination since I am a perpetual student of theories of historical cycles.”

John Rutledge of Marion, IL, the USA, currently living in China)

“International Radio Stations are more interested in websites rather than broadcasting their transmissions through satellite or other sources. But still a vast audience of listeners is made up of people who listen to the broadcasting stations through local stations. I am really grateful to RRI who is still presenting its broadcast on the short-waves despite the recession in economy in Europe and many other challenges.”

Nasir Aziz, Pakistan