Report of the Day

NASA astronaut Susan Kilrain


School children were able to take part in competitions, workshops, VR and AR experiences, flight simulator exercises and much more. For students and professors alike, the festival introduced amazing airspace engineering projects, looking ahead at the professions of the future, both in space and on Earth. Representatives of the Romanian airspace industry showcased their latest technologies, solutions and products, and presented future investment opportunities.


The special guests of the festival were the NASA astronaut Susan Kilrain, the Axiom Space chief astronaut Michael López-Alegría, the retired NASA astronaut Dominic Antonelli and the ESA astronaut Sławosz Uznański.


An engineer of Polish descent, Sławosz has been working for the European Space Agency (ESA) since 2023, as a project astronaut. Between 2018 and 2020, he was an Engineer in Charge of the Large Hadron Collider – LHC, being responsible for the day-to-day 24/7 operations of CERN’s largest accelerator and assuring its optimum exploitation.


An MIT graduate and retired NASA astronaut, Dominic Anthony Antonelli served as pilot on 2 Space Shuttle missions: the STS-119 which launched in 2009 and delivered the final pair of power-generating solar array wings and truss element to the International Space Station, and the STS-132, launched in May 2010, which saw the delivery of the Russian Mini-Research Module 1 (MRM-1) to the International Space Station.


Michael López-Alegría is a veteran of 3 Space Shuttle missions and one International Space Station mission. He is known for having performed ten spacewalks so far in his career, presently holding the second longest all-time EVA (extra-vehicular activity) duration record (first among NASA astronauts) and having the fifth-longest spaceflight of any American at the length of 215 days. López-Alegría commanded Axiom-1, the first ever all-private team of commercial astronaut mission to the International Space Station, and in 2024 he was the commander of the Axiom 3 mission.


Commander Susan Kilrain is a renowned astronaut, a distinguished navy test pilot, and author. She is the youngest person, and one of only three women, to pilot the space shuttle. She served 20 years in the navy, paving the way for women. She has flown more than 3,000 flight hours in over 30 different aircraft, and she was awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal. She is currently a motivational speaker and encourages young people to pursue a STEM career.


RRI’s Eugen Cojocariu had a short talk with Susan Kilrain at Poli SpaceFest in Bucharest, discussing how Earth is seen from space, the difficulties of becoming an astronaut, and why we need astronauts.

RadioRomaniaInternational · Report of the Day – June 7, 2024