In Romania, people in the mountain areas have started to pick blueberries, which are extremely healthy due to their high content of anti-oxidants and vitamin C. So it’s good for people to eat them as they are, freshly picked from the woods, but they can also be used to make jam or afinata, an alcoholic beverage traditionally made in Bucovina and Transylvania and highly appreciated by visitors to these parts of the country.
To prepare this beverage you need 2 kg of blueberries, one kg of sugar and a vessel of your choice. First you put the blueberries and the sugar into the recipient and let it sit for a few days. Then stir the contents, for the sugar to dissolve in the blueberry juice. This procedure must be repeated several times, every two days, but the recipient must not be closed. After about two weeks, grain alcohol is poured into the mixture, and the recipient must this time be carefully closed and stored in a cool place. This beverage is recommended to those who suffer from stomach disorders or bowel problems. You can also use wild strawberries instead of blueberries.
Blueberries can also be used to make syrup. For this you need one kg of blueberries and two kilograms of sugar. Wash the blueberries then mash them. Mix the juice with the sugar in a pot. Boil the mix over low heat for half an hour and then add a little bit of lemon juice. Pour the syrup into bottles, seal them tightly and let them cool gradually. You can drink the syrup all through the winter with still or sparkling water. Enjoy!