Chicken vegetable stew in a clay pot

With markets in Romania now full of
all types of vegetables, today’s recipe is blends chicken and vegetables, but
with a twist. This particular recipe uses a special type of clay dish, a
covered flat vessel with a cover, both made of unglazed ceramic, meant to soak
up water before being set in the oven. It is inspired by a method used by the
Romans for cooking, the so-called terra sigilata. Before placing in it the
ingredients, soak it in water for about 15 minutes.

You need 6 to 8 medium sized
potatoes, 2 or 3 medium sized onions, a bell and a green pepper, and one
tomato. You can also ass green peas, green beans, carrots or corn.
Alternatively, you can buy frozen mixed vegetables and use those. Take the dish
out of the water, then lay on its bottom a layer of cubed potatoes. Lay on top
of it the rest of the vegetables, then the onion, sliced finely. Place the
chicken meat on top, preferably thighs. Put the cover on top, after also
soaking it in water for about 15 minutes. Do not preheat the oven.

Place the dish in the oven, then
turn on the heat on minimum, then, for about 45 minutes, increase the heat
until it reaches the maximum. After about an hour, turn the heat down to low,
take off the cover of the vessel, and leave to simmer until the thighs are
starting to brown. When taking the vessel out of the oven, use a wooden board
to set it on, as the sudden change of temperature if you put it on another
surface may crack it. Add your favourite spices and condiments after putting
the stew on plates, and serve with a dry or semi-dry white wine. Enjoy!