Dried Beans Stew

While not an exclusively local dish, dried beans are a major ingredient in Romanian cooking, whether in soups, stews, or entrees, especially during the winter season.

It is not complicated to make, but it takes time, because you need to soak the beans overnight. Also, it is best made in large quantities, in cauldrons, the way it is made in the army or in monasteries. This does not mean it is not going to come out just as good in the smaller quantities you are going to make at home.

You will need at least half a kilo of dried beans, two or three medium sized onions, two carrots, tomato juice, two bay leaves, parsley, salt and pepper to taste,thyme, as well as tomato paste or juice. Boil the soaked beans for at least 10 minutes after you achieve a rolling boil, and change the water twice. The last boil should be at least 30 minutes, then add the sliced carrots and the bay leaves. Separately, chop finely the onion, then sweat it in a bit of oil, adding it to the beans, together with the tomato juice. When the beans seem cooked, add the salt and the fresh chopped parsley.

You can optionally introduce now some smoked meat, which can be sausages, ribs, or ham on the bone. You must boil the latter separately until the meat comes off from the bone, then cut the meat into small pieces and mix it into the bean stew. If you use sausages, you can grill them.

This dish goes best with a mixed pickle salad, with a semi-dry red wine, or, better yet, mulled wine. Enjoy!