Fish soup

Today’s edition of the cooking show is prompted by a recent local competition in the Danube Delta where several villages competed for the best position in cooking fish, for which the locals are famous. One dish whose fame has even crossed the ocean into the Americas is gefilte fish, which in the Delta is a local delicacy. Another local staple is fish stew, but the one dish that the inhabitants of the Delta have turned into an art form is fish soup with vegetables.

The secret to the recipe specific to the Delta is to prepare the fish broth first using about a kilogram of small fish, which is then discarded. To the resulting broth we add minced vegetables, usually a large onion, one or two green or red peppers, a few tomatoes and a cup of rice. In the cold season, cooks substitute carrot and celeriac for the tomatoes and peppers. The best soup is made in large cauldrons set over open fires. When the vegetables are close to being done, add the fish, cut into large chunks. Boil over medium heat, skimming when necessary.

Since this is a sour soup, you can use your choice of souring agent. The most popular in Romania is fermented wheat bran, but you can also do as the inhabitants of the Delta do, and use vinegar. It shouldn’t take more than an hour to make this delicious soup, since overcooked fish meat falls apart into the broth.

When served traditionally, the meat is taken out of the broth and it is served in a separate dish to be eaten with an infusion of garlic, alongside a healthy helping of polenta.
