In Romania the so-called “stufat” is a delicate dish. You can make it with either legs of lamb or lamb ribs, about a kilo’s worth for 4 to 6 portions. All you need in addition are about 20 sprigs of spring onion, another 20 of sprigs of garlic and 5 or 6 medium-sized tomatoes.
Heat some oil in a pan and cook the lamb on all sides at low heat. Add the pieces of onion and garlic and sweat for a few minutes. Set aside the mixture and cut the tomatoes into little cubes. Take a covered deep oven dish and mix inside the lamb, onions and garlic, as well as the tomatoes. In some versions, a bit of flour is added to the mixture to thicken the sauce.
Top with a bit of water, then set in the oven at medium heat for about half an hour. Take out the vessel and add a glass of wine, as well as salt and pepper to taste. Leave to cook in the oven for about another quarter of an hour. It is a recipe both simple and delicious. Enjoy!