New Year’s recipes

Today’s show
will once again be about the kind of dishes that Romanians enjoy more often
around the holidays. This particular recipe is for a type of soup that is typically
served on the first day of the year for lunch, as a fortifier after a night of
partying. It is giblet soup, using bits and pieces of chicken such as heads,
necks, feet and backs.

Giblet soup is a
rich brew that is best shared, hence the large quantities in the recipe. It
takes a large pot, worth about 10 liters. Take about 2 kg of giblets, and let
boil in 4 liters of water with a pinch of salt. Skim the stock, then add 2 or 3
onions, a few carrots, one parsnip and celeriac, all finely chopped. Bring to a
boil, then add a cup of rice. The secret ingredient is sauerkraut juice, about
2 liters. Separately, beat two eggs with sour cream and a bit of the liquid,
adding that to the soup. Add finely chopped lovage to garnish and add that
special flavor that characterizes Romanian cooking. Enjoy!

Another recipe
typical of the holidays, and similar in preparation, is aspic. Aspic is made of
chicken, goose, pork, veal and even fish stock, although fish has too little
natural gelatin. For instance, to make chicken aspic you need 1 kg of wings and
thighs as well as feet and heads, so that the aspic should jellify quicker. You
also need 2 onions, 2 carrots, a head of garlic and several sprigs of green

Boil the meat
with the carrots and onions. Skim and leave to boil until the meat shreds off
the bones. At the end add salt to taste. Take out the meat and bones and shred
the meat in medium sized strips. Strain the liquid and pour it in a container
and then add pressed garlic. In a bigger container or in several smaller bowls
place, for decoration purposes, round slices of carrot, green parsley sprigs,
thin slices of pickled red pepper and also the strips of meat. Then pour the
chicken stock carefully and leave to cool, then place the container or bowls in
the fridge for the jelly to congeal. The aspic is served the next day. Good
luck and enjoy!