Plum Desserts

In autumn, Romanians still prepare their pantry for winter, making pickles and preserves. One of the ubiquitous preparations is plum jam, as plums are among the most popular of fruits all over the country. In most regions of the country, plum jam draws its name from Turkish, being called “magiun”. It is basically a fruit paste slow boiled over low heat. To give you an idea of how things work, to make one kilogram (about two pounds) of plum jam we need five kilos of plums, about ten pounds.

The only real danger in making this is burning it, which may lend it a smoky taste. To avoid that, the jam has to be stirred periodically, and the heat kept low. To make this, wash the plums thoroughly, remove the stems and pit them. If you want to reduce the time you spend cooking them, you may mince the plums using a hand-cranked mincer or a food processor. Traditionally, the boiling is done in earthenware on open fireplaces, stirring periodically for 6 to 8 hours. Expect the resulting jam to have a volume no more than a quarter of the initial bulk. The jam can also be prepared in the kitchen, obviously.

Set the plums to boil in a large pot, which you transfer to the oven after a couple of hours boiling on the stovetop. When it is done, transfer it to jars, which should be kept in a dark and cool place. If the jam has been boiled sufficiently, it needs no preservatives. At the same time, it should need no sugar added, as the plums are both sweet and slightly sour. You can use it as such, on a slice of bread or toast, or as a filling for your favourite pastries.

Plum filled dumplings are also popular at this time of the year, when the plums are ripe and juicy. They are quite easy to make. You only need a kilogram of potatoes, one or two cups of flour, one egg, breadcrumbs, sugar, cinnamon, oil and a pinch of salt. Boil the potatoes in their skins in slightly salted water! Peel them and mash them! Let the mashed potatoes cool, then add a bit of flour and the yolk of the egg, kneading the mixture into a dough that you flatten into a sheet! Cut the sheet into squares of appropriate size! Wrap individual plums in the squares, roll them into balls, then put them into a large pot of boiling water! Take them out when they float to the surface, drain them, then douse them in the breadcrumbs mixed with sugar and cinnamon! Enjoy!