Pork roasted in a Dutch oven

Welcome to a new edition of the Cooking Show. Today I’ll bring you a pork recipe, given that recently the town of Balvanyos, in Covasna county, in central eastern Romania, hosted the 9th edition of the International Pig Festival.

Actually this festival, held in February, is related to a Romanian holiday marked on December 20th, ahead of Christmas, when Romanians in traditional communities slaughter their pigs and give a thanksgiving party before starting to prepare all the traditional dishes for Christmas. The main dishes served at this party consist of roasted pork. So today we’ll show you how to prepare pork roasted in a Dutch oven.

Take one cut of pork, preferably tenderloin, several garlic cloves, 3 or 4 onions, one green pepper, tomato sauce or paste, thyme, salt and pepper.

Slice the meat into 3 or 4 cm cubes and boil in water in a cast iron pot. After several minutes of boiling, strain, add oil or lard, and fry over low heat. Add water, cover and leave to simmer. Add the chopped onions and green pepper and continue to simmer. When the meat is almost ready, pour in a glass of wine, add the finely minced garlic cloves, the dried thyme, and salt and pepper to taste. You can also add sausages, previously fried in a pan.

Serve the dish hot with polenta. Enjoy!