Working in Romania

A large community of Ukrainians, made up of about 20 thousand people, was formed in the Black Sea port city of Constanta. They have started their own businesses, enrolled their children in schools and live mainly in the Mamaia resort. They are benefiting from temporary protection from the Romanian state, according to a European directive. The head of the Constanţa territorial service of the General Inspectorate for Immigration, chief commissioner Mircea Labeş, said that 7,800 Ukrainian citizens have been registered this year, almost half the figure reported last year. He describes the Ukrainian community as a stable one that wants to integrate. Ukrainian citizens have obtained a temporary protection document that allows them to stay on the territory of Romania, to carry out gainful activities without obtaining a work permit, as well as to leave the national territory. According to the European Directive, the documents are valid as long as the conflict in the neighboring country is ongoing, but not more than 3 years, after 2025. The chief commissioner has stated that last year, 300 Ukrainians renounced their temporary protection documents and left Romania. According to data provided by the Romanian Interior Ministry, almost 84,000 Ukrainian refugees were registered in Romania at the end of 2023.

Approximately 1,300 requests for employment from foreign citizens were registered, in 2023, in Vâlcea county, in southwestern Romania, the Immigration Office reports. Of these, over 900 requests were approved. According to the quoted source, in total, in 2023, there were approximately 3 thousand foreign citizens in the county, most of them from the Republic of Moldova, Egypt, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Turkey. Of these, about 400 are citizens of the European Union, the majority from Italy, Spain and France. The main purposes for which foreigners have established residence on the territory of Romania are related to the right to family unity, employment or permanent establishment on the national territory. Regarding admission to Romania, during the reference period, 16 invitations were received, of which 12 were resolved positively, and 4 were rejected. These were submitted for foreigners from Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Morocco, Libya and Indonesia, the Immigration police informed. Also, more than 1,600 residence permits were issued and 87 registration certificates and 15 permanent residence cards were issued for citizens of the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation.

More than 1,800 jobs in 98 companies are available in Timiș County, in western Romania, according to the County Employment Agency. The institution says that the vacancies cover all categories of education. The most sought-after jobs are commercial worker, administrator, security guard, housekeeper, caretaker, dishwasher, unskilled construction worker, bricklayer, painter, plasterer, goods handler, car and truck driver, civil engineer and topographical engineer. Details on job vacancies are available on the institutions website,

At the end of last week, the Timis border police found 13 citizens from Nepal who were trying to illegally cross the border into Serbia. Following the checks, it was established that the Nepalese, aged between 20 and 36, are holders of work visas and entered Romania legally. They stated that they intended to leave the country illegally to reach Western European countries. The 13 are now being investigated for attempted fraudulent border crossing and risk being repatriated and losing the right to enter the territory of any EU member state for a period of 5 years. (MI)