The 2013 “George Enescu” Festival

The 21st edition of the “George Enescu” International Festival is held between September 1 and 28, with 150 music, opera and ballet events in Bucharest and other cities.

The festival has been held every other year since 1958, and bears the name of the most influential Romanian composer. The artistic director of the festival is again Romanian born Ioan Hollander, the former director of the Vienna Opera. The Romanian public radio and television are co-producers.

The headliners are famous names in symphonic music passionate about Enescu. You can find out details from our broadcasts, website or Facebook profile. The events have been designed around themes such as ‘Great World Orchestras’, “Chamber Concerts and Recitals”, “Midnight Concerts”, “Enescu and His Contemporaries”, “21st Century Music”, “World Music”, “Opera and Ballet”.

The 2014 “George Enescu” International Contest, traditionally held alongside the festival of the same name, has been postponed by the Romanian government and is now scheduled for September 2014, in order to maintain its high standards under difficult financial circumstances.

RRI will also be holding a prize-winning contest, where winners will earn gifts related to Enescu’s music in particular, but also to Romanian culture in general. The contest is sponsored by Oltenia Energy Complex, and is also supported by the “George Enescu” National Museum, “Monitorul Oficial” (the Official Gazette), “Casa Radio” Publishers, the European Commission representative office in Romania, and the “Euro Foto Art” Association of Oradea.

George Enescu, one of the most influential composers of the 20th century, and one of its most valuable violin virtuosos, who also conducted and taught music, was born on 19 August 1881 in Liveni, Botosani County, in northeastern Romania. He is best known for his opera ‘Oedipus’, his three symphonies, his compositions for camera ensembles and lieder.

RRI’s contest consists of four questions related to the composer and the festival dedicated to him, to be answered by 30 September 2013 mailing date.

The questions are:

– When was George Enescu born?

– Which edition of the festival is being held in 2013?

– Name three compositions by Enescu.

– Who is Ioan Hollander?

Your answers are expected by mail, fax, e-mail, or on Facebook, and we kindly ask contenders to also tell us what prompted them to take part in the contest.

As always, our contact data are: Radio Romania International, 60-64 G-ral Berthelot Street, sector 1, Bucuresti, PO Box 111, postal code 0101171, fax, e-mail

Send in your answers by 30 September 2013 mailing date. We will be announcing the winners in the second half of October. Best of luck!