In a teahouse located in a more discrete corner of Bucharest s old centre, a number of young people with Down syndrome invite visitors in, to relax. They are members of the DownPlus Bucharest Association and are volunteering to develop their skills as part of a project carried out together with the Social Assistance Directorate of Bucharest, which also provided the venue for the teahouse. Georgeta Bucur, a representative of the DownPlus Bucharest Association, told us about the objectives of the project, which lasts one year: “Its a partnership by which we want to see if these young people with Down syndrome can handle new jobs. We have previously conducted other projects, in trying to figure out what kind of job they could do and how we could include them into the labor market. We are trying to do this voluntarily for a year, starting now and we will see what happens in May. By then we will know for sure which of these young people can do the job of a waiter. “
Volunteering and not employment was the only option, because the law does not allow a person with Down syndrome to receive both an allowance for their condition and also a salary. So, at the moment, working at the teahouse is for them rather an opportunity for learning and socializing, as Georgeta Bucur explains: “They welcome any challenge. The teahouse idea really made them happy (…) and we try to cover as wide a range of activities as possible, to keep them on an active schedule. We keep them away from what could happen if they stayed in the house. What I mean is that we want to prevent them from gaining weight or falling prey to depression for example, because they are not meant to be alone. And then we looked for ways to get them out of the house and figure out if starting a social business in the future and employing them would be a good idea. This project certainly helps them in terms of health as well, it makes them happy to be part of a group. Basically, the association feels like family to them and they enjoy every meeting, regardless of its purpose. Whether they come to the teahouse, do sporting activities or take dance lessons, they come with the same joy. “
Among the 25 people with Down syndrome enrolled in the project, aged between 18 and 42, is the 39-year-old Anca Miron, who says she is delighted to work at the teahouse: “I serve customers at the table with tea, coffee, water and juice. I really like it. I get along well with customers and serve them with what they like. (…) I like to ride, to paint. I like sports. “
All the young people who volunteer at the SanThe teahouse are very active and involved in various activities like sports, dance and music. Luminita Miron, Ancas mother and one of the participants in the project, told us that, most of the time, parents and children work together: “They have many hobbies and also a lot of skills. In addition to the enormous love they share with everyone, because they are very warm, very welcoming, very open, they work with very good results in gymnastics. Sport is something that motivates them and for which they really have the skills. So they participate in special competitions, in all categories of gymnastics, ice skating, roller skating and skiing. (…) They like music a lot and they also do folk dances and modern dances. (…) And they dont get tired. Every time they meet, they are very happy. They never say no to a challenge. “
Although at first glance it seems like a very demanding program, there are ways to reload with energy. Luminita Miron: “They must be accompanied at all time, but when we see how happy they are and how well they are developing and what skills they are learning, there is no more fatigue for us either. They also motivate us, they give us some of their energy so we are there with them and we enjoy together every success they have. (…) You find the necessary resources because you know that it helps them develop, a development which fortunately, does not stop at birth, as initially believed. They are still developing, and, as a parent, you always have power for your child. “
At the moment, the SanThe teahouse in the Old Center is waiting for its customers who want to meet the young people with Down syndrome and chat with them over a cup of tea. Georgeta Bucur: “We enjoy interacting with our customers. There are people who come because they have heard about this project and want to see what it is all about. There are people who know what it is about, they know what Down syndrome means and they come especially to support us. We had the great joy of having a family from Iași visit us, who had practically come to visit Bucharest and they chose to dedicate two hours of their time to us. “
At the end of the project, which is next spring, the DownPlus Bucharest Association hopes that the young people will learn the skills required by the job of a waiter and that possible employers will become more receptive towards them. (EE)