Radio România Internațional
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Extreme weather phenomena have occurred with a growing frequency and intensity as of late; their impact on the social and economic activity is a major one. The aftermath of all that is being felt by each and everybody. Specialists have confirmed such an aftermath, also warning that global warming will prompt us to change our way of life significantly. Specialists opinions are supported by existing data, the analysis of which revealing that, at global level, the year 2019 was the second warmest year in the last 140. For Romania in particular, it was the warmest year since 1900; furthermore, the last decade has reportedly been the hottest, or so the history of weather measurements has revealed. Reports have been compiled and specialist studies have been conducted at world level. One such study has also been carried by the Romanian Academy, revealing that humankind runs the risk of being devastated by the aftermath of global warming at a much faster pace than it had been estimated. According to some of the scenarios, in 2050, global temperature readings may stand at a level capable of generating 20 days of lethal temperature readings per year. What does that mean, specifically? The Romanian Academys secretary general, Ion Dumitrache:
“20 days of lethal temperature readings in a year may cause the collapse of a number of ecosystems; over 1 billion people should be relocated. The pace of global warming is much faster for the 1888-2000 period. The average global temperature reading has grown with over one degree Celsius, while until 2100 the temperature reading may grow by 4 degrees Celsius. The reported carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere has gone beyond the threshold of 400 parts per million, given that in the last four hundred thousand years it did not exceed 300 parts per million. Right now, global warming occurs ten times faster as compared to the most recent global warming.”
Todays global warming phenomenon is different from the previous ones since it is the first one enhanced by human activity. The carbon dioxide emissions, coming from steam power plants and running vehicles, the farming -generated methane, the intensive chemical fertilization of farming cultivations or the large-scale logging are some of the factors that have a strong bearing on global warming. Specialists have unanimously agreed over the fact that global warming cannot be stopped since it also has its natural causes, but they also say it can be stalled. Statistics have revealed that annually, 35 bn of tones of carbon dioxide are generated by human activity.
The Director of Romanian Academys Geography Institute Dan Balteanu.
“The greenhouse effect generated by carbon dioxide has been significantly enhanced in the last 40 years. This time span is also known as the great acceleration.”
The aftermath of global warming has already come to be felt at all levels, ranging from nature to world economy and geopolitics. In Romania, the consequences with the strongest impact have to do with weather phenomena. Heat waves episodes have become increasingly persistent, while times of drought alternate with short spells of heavy downpours causing water inrush or flooding, regionally or locally. Such data point to a reality which is hard to ignore and that is why the time has come for us to show no delay in implementing efficient and sustainable measures with regard to the use of water and soil resources” the authorities have stated. Because high temperatures cause drought, for instance, drought limits crop yields and that leads up to a price hike, also raising the risk posed by a possible food crisis.”
According to weather forecast specialists, Romania will be one of the European countries worst-hit by the drought, a phenomenon that has been on the rise in the last 20 years. The director of the National Meteorology Administration Elena Mateescu:
“19 of the warmest years have been reported since 2000 to the present day. The year 2019 was the warmest, with a temperature reading raised by almost 0.5 degrees Celsius. Poor precipitations output generated strong and extreme drought at earth level at the moment, reported for the main farming areas countrywide. Over January 1 and 26, only 3 liters of precipitations were reported per square meter, as compared to the accepted climate standard, accounting for 33.6 liters per square meter. “
The fight for stalling global warming means world and national programs implemented for the reduction of emissions in industry, investment in green energy, forestation or recycling, but also decisions taken by each and everybody, such as the reduction of the individual energy consumption. Among the measures taken to mitigate the impact climate change has on the environment and society is the setting up of the European Agrometeorology Center for Europes 6th region the worlds first such pilot program which will be operational in Romania. The decision was taken in the summer of 2019 in Geneva, as part of the World Meteorology Congress. Apart from the creation of a specialized agrometeorological bulletin at European level, the center will also provide for the training of future specialists across Europe, who will be doing their job as part of the meteorology services at European level, the director of the National Meteorology Administration also said.