January 1, 2022, is the celebration of 15 years since Romania realized one of its major policy objectives after the pivotal year 1989, and enough time has passed for a historical evaluation. These have been 15 years of significant and steady progress, that have also shown that the European project is feasible. The European adventure of CEE countries started after the year 2001. In the first wave of integration, in 2004, the union was joined by 10 states: Czechia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenis. In 2007, two more joined, Romania and Bulgaria.
In any analysis of such a recent past, history is marred by perceptions that are not always objective, especially political ones. Which is why a realistic look at the past 15 years since Romania joined the European bloc is mandatory in order to compare past and present situations, but also to envisage alternative situations, such as the scenario in which Romania did not join. Mihai Sebe, with the European Institute in Bucharest is an expert in European issues, and together we sought to see what the significance of the 15 years of common history between Romania and the EU:
“Belonging to the EU had and continues to have a positive impact, be it a direct impact, such as European funds financing projects, or by exercising the rights of free circulation, of working and living anywhere in the EU. There are also indirect advantages to the European connection, such as modernizing Romanian society and the economy as a result of being a part of European processes. Also, the benefits of being a member state of the EU are intangible benefits, whether we speak of the country belonging to a space where rule of law and democracy reign, in which fundamental rights and liberties are observed, or we speak of unequaled opportunities for personal and social development in the last century.
The economy is a concern for every one of us, it has to do with our standard of living. We asked Mihai Sebe what were Romania’s economic gains were across these 15 years of membership:
“15 years from joining the EU, the main concrete advantage, one of many, was granted by the European funds granted to us. Economic estimates show that the country has taken in over 60 billion Euro in the last 15 years. Romania continues to have a positive balance, in the sense that European funds surpass the funds that Romania contributes to the Union. Also, the GDP almost tripled in the last 15 years. We have also a plan for implementing the funding that come in through the Plan for National Recovery and Resilience, a program to make reforms across society.
The pandemic that has been haunting the world for the last two years has triggered a European response. This common response is paralleled by each individual state, including Romania, and Mihai Sebe told us about it:
“There are aspects and advantages that don’t necessarily have to do with economics, but rather with solidarity. The most recent example is the present pandemic, in which Romania was a direct beneficiary of support from the EU, be it privileged access to vaccines, medication, and medical equipment, or the fact that it has been a key state involved in solving the pandemic at the European level. Let us not forget that Romania has sent medical teams to Italy, or that, because of how seriously it tackled the pandemic, it was the first member state to host the strategic medical reserve of the EU.
“Over the last 15 years, Romania has proven serious and reliable as a member. It managed to contribute directly to the consolidation of the EU as a member state. It was either in direct involvement in climate change issues, digitization, and resilience, or in support towards the EU as a provider of security in the region, and not only. Let us not forget that Romania has managed to pass the test of European maturity, that of holding the rotating presidency of the EU Council between January 1 and June 30, 2019. It was a very important moment at the European level, in the context of the Brexit and European Parliament elections, but also from the point of view of the future of the Union. Let us also not forget that, during the Romanian presidency, a declaration was adopted on May 9, 2019, about the Sibiu spirit, Romania’s involvement in the development of the Union, and the consolidation of European solidarity and values.
The history of Romania in the EU in the past 15 years is positive, in spite of contrary perceptions. It is a history of voluntary options, open projects, and sticking to commitments.