August 18, 2013

The Department for Relations with the Romanians living abroad, within the Government of Romania, organises as of Monday, in the Romanian Black Sea town of Mangalia, a Week devoted to Romanian-language mass media and associations abroad. The event is designed to help strengthen the ties between the Romanians living abroad and their home country, by promoting the Romanian language, culture and traditional values. The series will include debates, roundtables, conference and workshops on various topics: tourism, business, European funds, education and culture, folk art, associations and mass media.

The number of Romanian and Bulgarian citizens who might arrive to Great Britain next year is actually a lot smaller than originally estimated, according to a report by a pro-migration group. According to the document, the difference is substantial — 20 thousand as against 300 thousand. The report was worked out by an organisation that brings together politicians, trade union leaders and top management staff with private companies, which appreciate the benefits of migration. At present, Romanians and Bulgarians may only work in the UK if they have a visa obtained by their employers, if they are self-employed or get seasonal jobs. On January 1, 2014, the citizens of the two countries will have full employment rights in the UK.

Applicants for the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova will have to prove they are familiar with the Constitution of the country by taking a test in the Romanian language. Chisinau endorsed a modification of the relevant legislation to that effect. Previously, applicants were allowed to choose between Romanian and Russian for the language of the test. The modification was suggested by the Education Ministry. The Moldovan Education officials argued that it was illogical to have the test given in two languages.

The European Union is prepared to review its relations with Egypt, unless the violence ends, the president of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy and the president of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso said on Sunday in a joint statement. They urged the parties to show restraint and prevent the escalation of the violence. Hundreds of people died and thousands were wounded in Egypt in the past few days in the clashes that followed the crackdown on the support rallies for the ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi.