HEAT WAVE A persistent heat wave is reported in Romania, with code red, orange and yellow alerts issued in most regions of the country. The temperature-humidity index is above 80%, while highs range between 29 and 39 degrees Celsius. In Bucharest, the temperature is expected to reach 37 degrees Celsius, after 31 degrees Celsius reported at noon.
EU PM Marcel Ciolacu makes a visit to Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday, to talk with the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, about the seats Romania will hold in the future Commission. According to governmental sources, Bucharest may appoint the new commissioner for enlargement, who will be nominated from among the Social Democratic MEPs. Meanwhile, also this week, the government is scheduled to discuss the national strategy for the defence industry. Its goals are to ensure the development, revamping and upgrading of defence facilities, and to promote research, development and innovation by opening excellence centres and by attracting foreign and Romanian investors.
CAR SCRAPPING A new session of the “Rabla Plus” national car scrapping programme, aimed at facilitating the purchase of electric and hybrid vehicles by individuals, public institutions and local administration units, has been launched today. According to the Environment Fund Authority, applicants receive a voucher for the purchase of a new vehicle, in return for scrapping 1 or 2 vehicles older than 6 years. The voucher for the purchase of an EV is worth approx. EUR 5,000, and the one for a hybrid car or electric motorcycle is around EUR 2,600, irrespective of the number of cars scrapped. For public institutions, the voucher amounts to EUR 24,000.
PENSIONS Millions of Romanian pensioners will receive pension benefits based on a new calculation formula as of September 1. The authorities promise this new system would remove all inequities in the pension system. According to official data, after recalculation the average public pension benefits will increase from around EUR 460 to around EUR 540. The finance minister, Marcel Boloș, says that in the forthcoming period the pressure on the public deficit will increase. Under the new regulations, in order to receive public pension benefits in Romania the minimum payment contribution period will be 15 years, with the retirement age planned to reach 65 for both men and women in 2035.
BACCALAUREATE The autumn session of the baccalaureate exam is under way in Romania. After the Romanian language and literature test on Monday, written tests will be held in mathematics and history in the next few days, followed by tests in the subjects chosen by the applicants. The final results will be announced on August 30. Over 33,000 applicants have enrolled for the exam this autumn, following an over 78% pass rate at the June session.
UKRAINE Ukraine continues its attacks in Russia’s Kursk region, where it destroyed a second strategic bridge on Sunday. Military analysts quoted by Reuters say there are 3 strategic bridges facilitating military supply for the Russian forces in Kursk. Kyiv claims to have seized some 1,150 square km and over 80 settlements so far. This is the 14th day of the Ukrainian strike, the first by a foreign army in Russia since WWII, with Moscow seemingly unable to initiate large-scale defence operations. The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, reiterated that Kyiv’s goal is to create a buffer zone to protect Ukraine’s border regions from Russian bombings. Meanwhile, Belarus announced the mobilisation of one-third of its army at the border, in response to the Ukrainian operations. At the start of the offensive in Kursk, Belarus, Russia’s closest ally and the country that allowed Russia to use its territory to attack Ukraine, claimed that Ukrainian military drones had violated its air space. (AMP)