February 9, 2017

RESIGNATION – Romanian Justice Minister Florin Iordache on Thursday announced he would resign, although he specified that all the initiatives he supported were legal and constitutional. On Wednesday, Iordache said that he would make public his decision regarding his appointment after discussing it with Sorin Grindeanu. Iordache’s resignation was demanded by politicians of all sides, after he supported changes to criminal legislation by emergency government ordinance, an initiative that sparked the widest protests in Romania and the diaspora in the last 27 years.

CONSTITUTIONAL COURT – The People’s Attorney, Victor Ciorbea, filed a motion with the Constitutional Court in Romania on the government emergency ordinance to operate changes in the Criminal Code, issued on 31 January. The court is set to debate the motion today. In the meantime, the government withdrew the executive order. In his filing, Victor Ciorbea said that the ordinance did not meet criteria for its emergency status, and that criteria set in the ordinance were poorly defined, which may cause confusion. On Wednesday, the Constitutional Court rejected motions filed by President Iohannis and the Higher Council of Magistracy on the same issue, arguing that the ordinance did not violate the principle of separation of power.

FILM – Berlin hosts starting today the 67th edition of the Berlinale, the first major European film festival. Competing are 24 international productions in the official selection. Among them is Romanian feature motion picture ‘Ana, mon amour’, by Calin Peter Netzer, a director who has already won a Golden Bear in Berlin in 2013 with the film ‘Child’s Pose’. Romania also competes this year in the Berlinale Talents competition with directors Ilinca Calugareanu and Ioana Mischie, actor Alexandru Potocean, producer Andra Popescu, director of photography Carmen Tofeni, distributor Matei Truta, and scriptwriter Monica Stan. Actor Tudor Aaron Istodor competes in the Shooting Star section, while the project ‘The Doe’ by Bogdan George Apetri competes in the Co-production Market section. Romania also has a stand at the European Film Market, screening recent productions.

WEATHER – Temperatures in Romania continue to drop throughout, with mostly overcast skies. It is snowing lightly in most of the country, with light wind. Meteorologists warn that temperatures overnight will be dangerously low until February 14. Maximums over the next few days will be between minus 17 and minus 10 degrees. In the center and north east they could reach as low as minus 22 degrees. Maximums today are between minus 8 and plus 7 degrees Celsius. The noon reading in Bucharest was minus 5 degrees.

HEARINGS – The head of the Romanian Intelligence Service, Eduard Hellvig, and Interior Minister Carmen Dan, are in hearings in Parliament today, answering a query by the intelligence committee on violent incidents last week during protests against attempted changes made by the government to the Criminal Code. Initially, the Interior Minister said that she had no information on potential violence planned for the protests, even though the Intelligence Service said that they warned the relevant institutions of the likelihood of such events. Violence that erupted during the February 1st protests resulted in 8 people being hospitalized. That was the only day when violent incidents occurred during the 9 days of protesting against the government. The police held and interrogated 79 football gallery members. Four have been arrested for assault and disturbing public order.

INFLATION – The Governor of the National Bank of Romania, Mugur Isarescu, said that the annual rate of inflation in the country will stop being in the red in the first quarter of the year, as the impact of the VAT being slashed to 20% is being buffered. He added, however, that the level of inflation will be below expectations, and growth will be slower as a result of fiscal measures taken by the new government for the current year. At the same time, the average gross wages went up by 8.4% in December 2016 against November, reaching the equivalent of 720 Euro, while average net wages reached the equivalent of 520 Euro.

BREXIT – The British House of Commons on Wednesday passed a bill authorizing Conservative PM Theresa May to initiate the Brexit. On Tuesday, the Scottish Parliament voted down by a wide majority London’s plan to leave the European Union, a vote symbolic of the divisiveness caused by the Brexit, according to Reuters. Even though the referendum of June 23rd, 2016 was in favor of Britain leaving the European Union, Scotland and Northern Ireland overwhelmingly voted against that. It is likely that official procedures for the Brexit will start next month.