January 3, 2014

ELECTION YEAR-In 2014, Romanian voters are called to the polls twice-to vote their 32 MEPs and the president of the country, respectively. In the month of May, they will elect their MEPs and towards the end of the year the future head of state. The presidential candidate of the ruling Social Liberal Union is the President of the National Liberal Party, Crin Antonescu, whereas the Liberal Democrats, in opposition, have designated former justice minister, the incumbent party vice-president Catalin Predoiu as their candidate in the presidential race. Under the Constitution, the president has a 5-year term in office.

LEBANON-The Romanian Foreign Ministry firmly condemns Thursday’s terrorist attack carried out on the outskirts of the Lebanese capital city, Beirut, which killed at least 5 civilians. In a communiqué, the Romanian Foreign Ministry reiterates its support for the resumption of a nation-wide dialogue in Lebanon and for ensuring Lebanon’s unity, stability and security. Several attacks have affected Beirut and northern Lebanon since July, most of them targeting Hezbollah strongholds, as the members of this movement are fighting alongside the Syrian regime’s army against rebels.

IMMIGRATION-German MEP Elmar Brok, a member of the Christian-Democratic Union of Chancellor Angela Merkel, has proposed a measure to repatriate East European immigrants who arrive in Germany, to escape poverty. The last restrictions on the European market for Romanian and Bulgarian workers were lifted on January the 1st, by the last European countries which maintained these restrictions: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, France, Great Britain, Luxemburg, Malta and the Netherlands. In another move, German foreign minister, Frank Walter Steinmeyer, has said in an interview with “Suddeutsche Zeitung”, that the elimination of restrictions on the labour market is a vital part of the European integration process. He underlined that Germany had hugely benefited from the elimination of these restrictions, much more than others.

ECONOMY-In 2014, Romania should pay back over 1.172 billion Euros to the IMF, the EU and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The amount is part of the stand-by loan agreement signed in 2009 with the international lenders. The total value of the agreement stood at 19.95 billion Euros. Romania has received 7 instalments of the agreement signed in 2009. The 8th tranche, considered to be a precautionary one, at the request of the Romanian authorities, hasn’t been used, given the favourable macro-economic evolution in Romania.

MIDDLE EAST– US Secretary of State, John Kerry, who is on a new mediation mission in Israel and the Palestinian territories is due to meet later today Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in Jerusalem, and Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas, in Ramallah. John Kerry arrived in Israel yesterday and has already had a meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu, during which he explained that a framework agreement accepted by both sides would be a significant progress which would allow for covering all background problems like borders, security, the status of Jerusalem and the issue of refugees. The US official’s statements are being made against the backdrop of mutual accusations of sabotaging peace efforts being levelled by both the Israelis and the Palestinians. This is the 10th visit paid by Kerry to the Middle East since March 2013.

MUSIC-Marc Anthony and Peter Gabriel will be giving their first concerts in Romania in 2014. Also this year, such singers and bands like Deep Purple, Cyndi Lauper, Ricchie e Poveri, BZN, Richard Clayderman and Al Bano are expected to return onto Romanian stages. This month, the Saint Petersburg State Ballet on Ice will bring an exquisite show in Bucharest, the “Swans’ Lake”, and the Zdob and Zdub band, from the Republic of Moldova, will give a special concert. Local artists will also put up spectacular shows in Bucharest. The artistic season will start on January the 16th.