June 1, 2023


Education. The emergency ordinance approved today by the Romanian Government radically changes the salary system in education, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca has stated. The ordinance provides for an increase in the gross salary of teaching and auxiliary staff of 1,000 and 400 lei respectively. Also, the government has promised that, in the new salary grid, the salary of a beginner teacher will be related to the average gross salary in the economy and will represent the reference point of the salary grid in education. The increases stipulated by the ordinance had been rejected by education trade unions as insufficient. The government is to meet with union representatives again today.

EPC. The situation in Ukraine, issues related to energy, security and interconnectivity are the main topics on the agenda of the European Political Community Summit (EPC), said the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, the host of todays meeting. According to her, during the bilateral meetings, the participants will also discuss the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the EU. The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, is also participating, along with heads of state and government from almost 50 countries and leaders of European institutions. By hosting the European Political Community Summit, the Republic of Moldova reconfirms its European vocation and consistency in the implementation of the reform process necessary for joining the European Union, stated the presidential administration in Bucharest. President Iohannis will give a speech in the plenary session and will participate in the working group on security. He will address the impact of the war of aggression launched by Russia against Ukraine, in the security, economic, food or humanitarian fields, as well as the sustained support for the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is also present at the meeting. The European Political Community is an intergovernmental format for debate and a platform for political coordination between European states in order to promote political dialogue and cooperation on topics of common interest, for the consolidation of security, stability and prosperity on the continent. The initiative of a European political community belongs to French President Emmanuel Macron, and the first meeting of the EPC took place in October 2022, in Prague.

NATO. NATO will monitor the airspace of the Republic of Moldova during the European Political Community Summit, Reuters reports. The meeting of the leaders of the 27 member states of the European Union and 20 other countries at a famous winery located only 20 km from the Ukrainian territory constitutes a security and organizational challenge for the Republic of Moldova, the agency writes. NATO has announced that AWACS planes will monitor the airspace of the Republic of Moldova until Friday. Parts of missiles from the war in neighboring Ukraine have been found on the territory of the Republic of Moldova several times in recent months. AWACS can detect planes, missiles and drones at a distance of hundreds of km, which makes them an important early warning capability, stated the spokesperson for the Alliance, Oana Lungescu.

MSC. Romania is participating, until June 9, in the 107th meeting of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of the International Maritime Organization – IMO, an event that takes place at the organizations headquarters in London, reads a press release from the Romanian Maritime Training Center – Ceronav. The event is of major importance in the field of maritime transport and represents an essential opportunity for discussions and actions regarding maritime safety and security. The MSC is the highest technical body of the IMO, which develops the rules regarding the safety of maritime navigation at the international level. Romania is an active member of the IMO and one of the most important suppliers of maritime officers for the international fleet, said Ovidiu Sorin Cupşa, Ceronavs CEO.

Childrens Day. On June 1st, Childrens Day, the Romanian Parliament opened its doors, an action that has already become tradition. Children can visit several halls of the parliament building, the plenary rooms or the offices of the two speakers and they can participate in theater performances, interactive games or presentations of military equipment. Several embassies, including those of Spain, Turkey, Italy and Japan, have stands in the Senate courtyard, which offer children games from their countries. Events dedicated to children are taking place all over the country. Childrens Day is also the start of the mini-holiday occasioned by the Orthodox Pentecost. More than 70,000 tourists are expected on the Black Sea Coast. The authorities have announced special measures, and the Ministry of the Interior has engaged additional staff in order to maintain public order and safety. (MI)