Newsflash 9.07.2013

Romania and Russia’s Foreign Ministers Titus Corlatean and Serghei Lavrov on Tuesday in Moscow signed an agreement to set up the Romanian Cultural Institute in Moscow and the Russian Cultural and Scientific Center in Bucharest. Also, the two top-ranking officials approved the cooperation program in the field of culture, education, mass-media, sports, youth and tourism, as well as the consultancy plan between the two countries’ foreign ministries for 2013-2014. Corlatean invited Lavrov to pay a visit to Bucharest. In another move, Russia’s Foreign Minister said the American anti-missile defense system is a problem whose solution has not been found yet. Romania, which will be part of the system, has repeatedly declared, alongside the USA and NATO officials, that the system is purely defensive and does not target Russia.

More than half of respondents believe that in recent years corruption has been on an alarmingly growing trend, according to a survey compiled by Transparency International, quoted by the AFP. 27 per cent of respondents for the world-level corruption barometer said they had to give bribes to have access to several public services or to several institutions. In Romania, those who admitted to have given bribes account for 17 per cent. Of the respondents. Responding the survey were 114 thousand people from 107 countries responded to the survey which also reveals a crisis regarding confidence in the political class. In half of the countries, the political parties are rated as the most corrupt institution, while 55 per cent of respondents believe the Government’s action is subject to private interest. Among other things , Transparency International recommended high-ranking politicians to make public their assets statement, for themselves and for their families.

Finance Ministers form the EU member states today will give their final approval for Latvia’s adopting the single European currency as of January the 1st. Also today Latvia, currently holding the European Union’s rotating presidency will present its programmed for the next six months in the field of economic and financial business. The finance ministers’ meeting was preceded by the meeting of their colleagues from the Euro zone, who took the decision to pay Greece 4 billion euros in the following weeks, as part of the second rescue plan for that country. The Greek government will receive 2.5 billion Euros, while the rest of the sum will be paid in October, provided Prime Minister Antonis Samaras manages to comply with the commitment he made regarding cuts in public spending and the economic reform, despite the looming tension in the governing coalition.