November 11, 2013

The special parliamentary commission appointed to examine the gold mining project in Rosia Montana is set to issue its report on Monday, along with the final ruling on the project in the central mountains of Romania. The Liberals, who junior members of the ruling coalition, reject the project in its present form, and want a new law to overhaul mining in Romania overall. Their senior partners, the Social Democrats, are more inclined to simply amend the law in its present form. This Sunday, for the 11th week in a row, protesters took to the streets all over the country to speak against the mining project in Rosia Montana. They are mainly against the method of extraction for gold and silver, involving cyanides, which they claim cause irreversible damage to the environment.

Romanian Foreign Minister Titus Corlatean is on Monday and Tuesday in New Delhi, India, attending the Asia-Europe Meeting of ministers. On the agenda are economic challenges and opportunities in Europe and Asia, fighting terrorism, cybersecurity, as well as food, energy and water security. The foreign ministers are also set to discuss accepting new member states in their organization, especially Croatia, which has joined the EU on July 1st of this year. The Asia-Europe Meeting is an informal dialog group created in 1996, which includes EU states plus Norway and Switzerland, as well as 20 Asian countries.

November 11th is the 95th anniversary of the official end of WWI, celebrating the signing of the armistice between the Allies and the Central Powers in France. Many countries are holding special events for the victims of the Great War, which left 9 million combatants dead, and as many civilians. Romania hosts in Bucharest a joint ceremony organized by the German and French embassies. On Sunday, Great Britain too commemorated the event with a ceremony attended by thousands of soldiers and veterans, as well as by members of the Royal Family.