November 28, 2014

Romanian Academy Members convene today in a solemn session dedicated to the Great Union of 1918. Representatives so the state’s main institutions that had their contribution in the buildup and implementation of the Union — the Romanian Academy, the Church, the School, the ASTRA Association commemorate their joint endeavor that lead up to the notable achievement of the Union, which ahs also been described as a great success for the Romanian people. On December 1st, 1918 in the central Romanian town of Alba Iulia the delegates of Romanians, the predominant population in Transylvania, Crisana, Maramures and Banat decided that the aforementioned regions unite with the Romanian Kingdom We recall the regions had been part of the then Austrian-Hungarian Empire. At the end of World War One, the Union came as the final act of the completion process for the Romanian national unitary state. We also recall that back then, all regions with a predominantly Romanian-speaking population that had been part of the neighboring multinational empires were transferred to the jurisdiction of Bucharest. After the December 1989 anti-communist revolution in Romania, the day of December 1st became the National Day of Romania.

Vice-president of the European Commission, Finnish Jyrki Katanen has made an appeal to Berlin to give it a financial contribution to Juncker’s investment plan for 2018. German Finance minister Wolfgang Schauble earlier this month has announced an extra 10 bn Euro is to be earmarked for Germany’s public investment in 2018. Sahauble also thinks the plan was a contribution to Europe’s economic growth. So far, however, Schauble has refused that part of the money be earmarked for the European Commission-created fund for stimulating economic growth and creating new jobs in the European Union. The Commission has estimated the Juncker investment plan might add between 330 and 410 bn euro to the European GDP and might also create between 1 and 1.3 million jobs in the next three years.

Former head of Romania’s Organized Crime Directorate Alina Bica has been remanded in custody. We recall the High Court of Cassation and Justice today has rejected the appeal submitted by Aina Bica. The former head of the Organized Crime Directorate has been facing accusations of approving overvalued compensatory payments for a plot of land in 2011, when jointly with three other natural persons, who have also been kept in custody, Bica was a member of the National Property Restitution Authority. According to the national anti-corruption prosecutors, the damage stands at more than 60 million Euro. The former head of the National Property Restitution Authority has also been kept in custody in the same controversial file.

Pope Francis as of today begins a historic visit to Turkey, which is meant to enhance the positive, constructive and cooperative interaction of Turkeys people of various religious denominations. In the first part of his three-day visit the Pope in Ankara wile be holding a meeting with the country’s president-elect Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Pope will then visit Istanbul, to hold a meeting with the head of the Christian Orthodox Church. According t news agencies, talks will mainly be focusing on religious tolerance and fighting extremism. The visit has occurred against the backdrop of an insurgence movement in Turhey’s neighbouring countries Syria an Iraq, where large territories are controlled by the Islamic State group. We recall the Islamic Ste has killed and chased away from their homes ms a large number of Shia Muslims, Christians and other people who do not share their Sunni, ultra-radical beliefs. It is for the third time in history when the Pope visits Turkey, which is a predominantly Muslim country.

Romania has complied with almost all requirements for the adoption of the European single currency, Central Bank governor Mugur Isarescu has stated. Isarescu wet on to say that, however, the decision needs ot be taken only when Romania’s economic performance becomes similar to that of the Euro-zone countries. Central Bank governor Isarescu also explained at the moment Romanian economy was a stable one, yet problems still exist at the microeconomic level. Isarescu also made mention of the great number of firms that in recent years have reached insolvency.

Romania’s president-elect Klaus Johannis in Chisinau today has stated Republic of Moldova’s EU accession was one of the primary aims of Romania’ s foreign policy. Johannis has made the statement after the talk he held with the president of the Liberal Democratic Party Vlad Filat,. Also high on the agenda of Romania’s president-elect is an unofficial meting with the president of the Republic Nicolai Timofti. Romanian president-elect’s visit to the Republic of Moldova has occurred two days ahead of this coming Sunday’s presidential election, described as crucial for Chisinau’s geopolitical orientation. We recall republic of Moldova is a former Soviet republic, with a predominantly Romanian-speaking population.