October 30, 2022


COLECTIV — Three NGOs are today staging a march in Bucharest, 7 years after the deadly fire in the Colectiv night club that killed 64 young people and left many injured. A religious service is also held in memory of the victims. Some of those found guilty for the fire are finally behind bars. However, the injured, the relatives of the people who died and the three NGOs say that the investigation has not been completed and that public attention has been constantly deterred from the fact that hospitals who took in the injured persons and the decisions of the authorities made more victims than the fire itself. The Colectiv fire was the most serious accident that took place in Romania after 1989. The tragedy stirred a lot of emotion within society and triggered the resignation of the then government.

MESSAGE — Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca has today conveyed a message of solidarity with South Korea, after the deadly stampede in the capital Seoul. He sent his condolences to the mourning families and wished the injured good health and strength. It is a national day of mourning in South Korea today, after more than 150 people, mostly teenagers and young adults were killed in a crush when more than 100,000 people celebrating Halloween surged into an alley in a nightlife area of Seoul on Saturday. Citizens from Iran, Uzbekistan, China and Norway are among the victims, France Presse reports.

WINTER TIME – Romania has switched to winter time so today is the longest day of the year, having 25 hours instead of 24. Switching to winter and summer time has stirred heated debates in the last few years, due to the physical and mental discomfort felt by people. The EU has asked member states to decide to which time they want to stick to, but neither Romania nor other countries have taken any decision in this respect.

UKRAINE – The European Union calls on Russia “to revert its decision” to suspend its participation in the Ukrainian grain export deal, EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell has today said on Twitter. According to the European official, “Russia’s decision (…) puts at risks the main export route of much needed grain and fertilizers to address the global food crisis caused by its war against Ukraine.” On his part, US President Joe Biden said that Russia’s decision to withdraw from an accord that allows grain exports from Ukraine is “purely outrageous”. Moscow announced on Saturday that is suspending its participation in the grain deal after a drone attack against the Russian fleet stationed in Sevastopol, in the annexed Crimea.

REFUGEES – Close to 118,000 people entered Romania on Saturday, of whom 9,500 Ukrainians, by 17% more than on Friday. Some 2,700,000 Ukrainian citizens have entered Romania since the start of the Russian invasion on February 10. Most of them headed for Western Europe and several thousands were granted asylum in Romania. Around 70,000 have obtained stay permits.

VISIT — The Chief of the Romania Army General Staff, Daniel Petrescu, will pay a visit to the United States from October 31st to November 9th to meet with military officials in that country and representatives of security think-tanks. The visit is part of actions meant to consolidate military cooperation with the US. The solid ties between the two countries are the natural result of the Strategic Partnership between Bucharest and Washington, in keeping with Romania’s national interests of promoting stability in Europe.

SCHOOL — Pre-school children and pupils return to school on Monday after the first holiday week of this school year. The next school holiday starts on December 23rd and ends on January 8th 2023. The school year has 36 weeks and is structured on five learning modules and five holidays. (EE)