Parliamentary Elections in Romania – update


PSD came first in Sunday’s parliamentary elections, followed by AUR and PNL.

After the centralization of ballots from over 98% of the polling stations, the Social Democratic Party got 22.54% of the votes for the Chamber of Deputies, followed by the Alliance for the Union of Romanians – 17.75%, the National Liberal Party – 13.60%, the Save Romania Union – 11.99%. Next come SOS Romania Party – 7.10%, the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania – 6.49% and the Young People’s Party – 6.24%. The rest of the parties and alliances obtained less than 5%.

The same hierarchy is preserved in the Senate. After the centralization of over 98% of the ballots, the Social Democratic Party obtained 22.90% of the votes of the electorate, the Alliance for the Union of Romanians – 18.07%, the National Liberal Party – 14.49%, the Save Romania Union – 11.91 %. The following places are: SOS Romania Party – 7.51%, the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania – 6.54% and the Young People’s Party – 6.18%. The rest of the parties and alliances are below the 5% threshold.

In Romania, 7,981,120 people voted (turnout 52.50%). More than 771,000 people voted abroad, and 4,343 voted by post.