September 28, 2013 UPDATE

The Romanian Foreign Ministry has hailed the adoption by the UN Security Council of a resolution on the elimination of Syria’s chemical weapons and a rigorous surveillance of the implementation of its provisions, as well as the Council’s decision to take restrictive measures if these provisions are not complied with. On Friday, the UN Security Council unanimously agreed on a resolution on Syria which requiring it to give up all its chemical weapons by the middle of 2014.

The IMF Fund board has approved a letter of intent sent by the Romanian authorities and the signing of a new 2-year precautionary agreement with Romania worth around 2 billion euros. The IMF notes that in recent years Romania has reduced the fiscal unbalance and started structural reforms in a number of areas. The new deal is accompanied by a series of recommendations for Romania, such as the gradual liberalization of energy prices. The government has also pledged to sell the majority of state-owned companies subordinated to the Ministry of the Economy. This is the third agreement with the International Monetary Fund requested by the Romania since the outbreak of the economic crisis.

The international conference Bucharest Forum 2013 came to and end in Bucharest on Saturday. For three days, politicians and business representatives from Romania and abroad discussed the economic and investment opportunities of the countries bordering the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea. The participants agreed that a high-performing transport infrastructure would contribute significantly to the development of the region Romania is part of.

The 21st edition of the George Enescu International Festival, considered one of the greatest cultural events hosted by Romania, was attended by 120,000 spectators, with 20,000 tickets being brought from abroad, said the organisers. For the duration of the festival, which lasted between the 1st and the 28th of September, 150 different concerts and performances were held in Bucharest and other cities in Romania. As a first this year, some of the concerts were broadcast live in cinema halls and public spaces such as the historical citadel in Alba Iulia and the French Institute in Bucharest. 3,000 foreign and 1,500 Romanian artists took the stage, including famous conductors and world-class orchestras. The George Enescu Festival was created in 1958 as a tribute to the Romanian composer George Enescu.