The EU and the US fully support the former Soviet countries that have chosen to get closer to the EU — namely Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova – and have warned Russia that the pressure it puts on these countries is unacceptable. Lithuania, which is currently holding the 6 month presidency of the EU, will host in November the Eastern Partnership Summit, where the EU hopes to sign an unprecedented association and free trade agreement with Ukraine and to sign similar agreements with Georgia and Moldova. Russia has recently warned Ukraine and Moldova about potential retaliatory measures in case they signed agreements with the EU.
The US Secretary of State, John Kerry, has stated that Washington got the support of several countries for an army intervention in Syria, in retaliation for the use of chemical weapons in that country. Talking in Paris, at a joint press conference with the French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, the US official did not however say which states. Kerry is on a European tour aimed at getting support for a military intervention against Bashar al — Assad’s regime. The US congress is still debating the authorization of an intervention in that country.
In Montreal, Canada, a group of Romanians protested on Saturday in front of the building hosting Romania’s consulate against the use of cyanides in gold and silver mining in Rosia Montana, central Romania. The protesters sang the national anthem of Romania and chanted slogans urging to unity in defending Romania’s historical and natural heritage. A new protest will take place in front of the Romanian Consulate in Montreal on September 14th.
Orthodox and catholic believers are today celebrating the birth of Virgin Mary, the first big celebration in the church calendar that started on September 1st. The celebration marks the astronomical passing from summer to autumn. Following an appeal made by the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Daniel, Christian believers and clergy are today praying for peace in Syria, Egypt and other areas in the Middle East.