First, let’s look over some notions:

to book – a rezerva

to enjoy – a-i placea

to perform – a interpreta

to look forward – a astepta cu nerabdare

composer – compozitor

orchestra – orchestra

cheers – urale

applause – aplauze

violin player – violonist

excerpt – fragment

audience – public

favourite – preferat

ticket – bilet

seat – loc

open-air – in aer liber

skilled – talentat

Now let’s make some sentences.

I have booked tickets for tonight’s concert.

Am rezervat bilete la concertul din aceasta seara.

We have seats in the third row.

Avem locuri in randul trei.

Enescu is my favourite composer.

Enescu este compozitorul meu preferat.

The orchestra will perform an excerpt from the Concert for piano and orchestra.

Orchestra va interpreta un fragment din concertul pentru pian si orchestra.

The audience enjoyed the concert.

Publicului i-a placut concertul.

Nigel Kennedy is a very skilled violin player.

Nigel Kennedy este un violonist foarte talentat.

I enjoy chamber music recitals.

Imi plac recitalurile de muzica de camera.

I look forward to tonight’s concert.

Astept cu nerabdare concertul de diseara.

The concert will be held in open-air.

Concertul va fi sustinut in aer liber.

The audience greeted the artist with cheers and applause.

Publicul l-a intampinat pe artist cu urale si aplauze.

That’s all for today. You can also listen to the audio version of this show in the embedded player below. Also check out some of our other lessons, to learn more useful words and phrases.