Romanian killed in the attack in Germany
The Foreign Ministry in Bucharest confirmed on Thursday that one Romanian is among the victims of the double attack targeting immigrants in the German city of Hanau, near Frankfurt. The ministry firmly condemned any act of xenophobia and violence. Minister Bogdan Aurescu directed the ministry to allocate financing from the emergency situation fund in order to repatriate the remains. On Wednesday night, a 43 year-old German killed nine people in two cafes in Hanau. In addition to the Romanian, the victims were immigrants of Kurdish, Bulgarian, and Bosnian origin, as well as three Germans. The political class accused the extreme right party Alternative for Germany of fomenting violence with its political messages. One of the leaders of the party, former Christian Democrat Alexander Gauland, categorically denied the accusations. Chancellor Angela Merkel denounced what she called the poison that is racism in Germany. She added: We oppose, with strength and determination, all those who try to sow divisions in Germany. At Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, a few hundreds gathered to commemorate the victims of the attacks, forming a human chain around the gate. Similar manifestations were held in several German cities.
Confirmation hearings in the Romanian Parliament for newly designated ministers
Romanian designated premier Victor Orban will go on Monday to Parliament to ask for a vote to confirm his new cabinet. The 16 ministers of the Orban II cabinet, with the same structure as the cabinet that was dismissed through censure motion, were in confirmation hearings for three days last week, in the expert committees in Parliament in Bucharest. The plan of the National Liberals is to have two cabinets rejected so they can dissolve Parliament and hold early elections. These could be held, according to Ludovic Orban, between June 15 and 30, at the same time as local elections. Also on February 24, the Constitutional Court will debate the motion filed by the speakers of the two chambers of the legislative, claiming that the president, Klaus Iohannis, has charged the dismissed premier with forming a new executive against the will of Parliament.
President Klaus Iohannis signed the appointments for head prosecutors
The head of the Romanian state, Klaus Iohannis, signed on Thursday the appointments for head prosecutors proposed by Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu. Gabriela Scutea was proposed to head the office of the prosecutor with the High Court of Cassation and Justice, Crin-Nicu Bologa would lead the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, while Elena-Georgiana Hossu would head the organized crime prosecutors. The three would have three-year appointments. The proposals were made by the president in spite of Scutea and Hossu being rejected by the Higher Council of Magistracy. Iohannis explained that he is overlooking the rejection of the Council because it seemed to be on superficial grounds, and because he believes that Minister Predoius appointees were correct. The decision of the president has been criticized by both the opposition Social Democrats, as well as members of the Save Romania Union, the third ranking party in Parliament, because the head of state overlooked the rejection of the two prosecutors. Senate Vice-President Robert Cazanciuc, a Social Democrat, called on the rejection by the Council to be upheld. In turn, in a Facebook posting, Save Romania Union leader Dan Barna said that the appointment of rejected prosecutors is a mistake that is hard to explain. In his opinion, the decision by the president is an opportunistic move, in a political context that is favorable to the party in power.
The Romanian national currency hit a historic low against the Euro
The Romanian national currency, the Leu, dropped on Thursday by 0.09% against the euro, with the exchange rate hitting a historic high. The exchange rate set by the National Bank is now 4.7834 lei per Euro. The previous record low for the national currency was on November 21, with a rate of 4.7808 lei per Euro. The slight depreciation of the Leu is correlated with depreciation across the region, as both the Zlot and the Forint dropped in value as a result of international movements, says interim Finance Minister Florin Citu. In his opinion, interest rates will continue dropping, bolstering investor confidence. Interim premier Ludovic Orban said that the countrys economic situation is very stable, and that there is absolutely no risk of a major upset. The PM said he trusted in the stability of the national currency and the exchange rate.