A Green Pact in Romania

Klaus Iohannis Mediu sursa foto presidency ro

Environmental protection must not be neglected, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis has said during a meeting that brought together several NGOs in the field.  According to the president, thanks to the projects run by various NGOs, citizens have better understood the benefits of some actions aimed at environmental preservation and have become real partners in the green transition. Nevertheless, there are still challenges to address; the Romanian President went on to say. Iohannis says that he stands for the need of a national pact, under which the environmental protection becomes a priority and has underlined the importance of education for the environment and climate.

Klaus Iohannis: “We are talking about projects, which propose new activities for students or contribute to the training of teachers to complete the still limited government capabilities in terms of environmental education. Moreover, many organizations have been taking moves directly involving communities in nature preservation but also in energy transition. Through suchlike projects, citizens are better understanding the benefits of some environmental activities and are becoming certain partners in the green transition.”

The Romanian President believes that efforts aimed at protecting the environment can be implemented so that they may benefit the national economy.

Klaus Iohannis:  “Measures in terms of energy access and energy efficiency must support the most vulnerable consumers through investment that simultaneously reduce both the bills and the pollution. At least part of the green technology used in the new investment must be made in Romania to create fresh jobs and added value.”

In turn, Romania’s Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has underlined the active role civil society is playing in developing and implementing environment policies. He pleaded for partnerships between the public sector and civil society with a view to contributing to the protection and preservation of natural resources and the creation of a cleaner and safer environment for the Romanian citizens.

Marcel Ciolacu: “Sometimes, some people forget that economic and social development must take into account and be in a state of balance with nature. And for this reason, your role is all the more so important as all these desiderata – sustainable development, fighting climate change, the rehabilitation and protection of natural areas, education and raising people’s awareness – have to be the main pillars, Romania’s development must be based upon.

The minister has recalled a series of successful projects run in the past years, which contributed to the promotion of sustainable development and mentioned that politicians, through the decisions they make, must take into account the reality in Romania’s economy and social environment as well as the NGOs proposals.
