A new set of measures against the coronavirus

Normal life will slow down in
Romania too, with the number of social activities being dramatically reduced to
prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The virus has prompted Bucharest
authorities to pass new measures of an unprecedented scope to contain the
epidemic. The most spectacular of these will affect millions of families,
namely the decision to shut down all schools and nursery schools over March
11-22. The period can be extended depending on the evolution of the disease,
the National Committee for Emergency Situations has announced. In turn each
university can decide to suspend classes, interim Education Minister Monica
Anisie has said. A decision regarding the manner in which lost classes will be
recuperated is still under analysis, with the authorities considering the possibility
of moving the classes online.

The measure refers to all
pre-university schooling units, either in the public or in the private sector,
namely nursery schools, primary schools, gymnasiums, high-schools and colleges.
As regards universities, as you well now, they will make their own decisions. I’ve
sent a notification to universities asking them to notify the Education
Ministry the moment their Senates decide to suspend classes.

In turn, Interior Minister Marcel Vela
announced all passenger road traffic to and from Italy will be suspended over
March 10-31. Road and rail transporters will have to inform travelers before
entering the country that they need to sign a declaration stipulating which
part of Italy they are coming from. All personnel on the western border has
been supplemented in order to identify all arrivals from Italy, the European
country with the highest incidence of the COVID-19 virus, home to a large
Romanian community. 36 students from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi
are currently on Erasmus scholarships in Italy. Although they have expressed
concern over the local developments, they don’t want to return to the country
for fear they might lose the scholarship. Air transport operators share the
same obligation of notifying citizens embarking from Italy, China, Iran or
South Korea over the fact that they will be quarantined upon arrival. Any
people arriving on land from the aforementioned states will be quarantined in
the county of entry or isolated at home. All public events with a number of
participants above 1,000 people have been banned until the end of the month.
Dozens of concerts have been cancelled or postponed. The Football Federation
and Professional Football League have announced all matches will be played
without spectators. The Board of the Association of Publishers in Romania has
decided to cancel the organization of the 9th edition of the
Bookfest Book Fair in Timisoara, scheduled over March 12-15. Another measure is
to forbid all access in hospitals for the next of kin and medical students
performing internships. Right now, the only good news for Romanians is the
price of fuel has gone down as a result of the reduced economic activity

(Translated by V. Palcu)