Afghanistan: mission accomplished

19 years of uninterrupted Romanian participation in missions in one of the most difficult conflict areas, Afghanistan, ended this weekend, when the last 140 military, out of a total 640, returned to the country. NATO started pulling out its troops from Afghanistan in May, following its leader decision to withdraw all military until September 11. The withdrawal deadline is symbolic, being linked to the date of the terror attacks on the US in September 11, 2001, which prompted the US to send the first troops to Afghanistan.

Since 2002 up to present, more than 32 thousand Romanian military with the land, air, navy, special operations forces and military information structures took part in international missions and operations in Afghanistan. The Romanian Army took part in all three NATO missions in this country and was one of the most important partners of the American army. Proof of that is the importance of the missions assigned to the Romanian military, among which the security of the military base in Kandahar and the civil-military cooperation missions.

Romania lost 27 military in the 19 years of missions in Afghanistan. 240 soldiers were injured. All this period meant a continuous transformation of the Romanian Army, says chief of the Romanian Army General Staff, lieutenant-general Daniel Petrescu: “We learned many lessons in the theatres of operations. We were among the first contingents dispatched in Afghanistan, we took part in three operations – Enduring Freedom, Resolute Support and ISAF and we are among the last troops to leave Afghanistan, with the head high. “

Commander of the Jderii force protection battalion, lieutenant-colonel Vasile Mironescu, said in his turn: “I will never forget the moment when, part of the last detachment leaving Kandahar and heading to Bagram, I looked towards the aircraft and seeing all of us healthy I looked towards the base and said: it is here where I got so much experience in so many missions. At the same time, I thought about the Afghan people and prayed that God gave them strength to build a state of law and enjoy freedom, as we all want. “

UN representatives have voiced concern over the evolutions in Afghanistan as allied troops withdraw. The UN special envoy for Afghanistan has shared with the Security Council his fears that the worst is yet to come. (EE)