Benefits for pre-university education and health care staff

Teaching staff in pre-university education in Romania will have more benefits based on the new recently signed Collective Bargaining Agreement. The announcement was made on her Facebook page by the Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, who specified that (we quote) as a sign of respect and appreciation for the work they do every day, the employees who have a sick child in their care aged up to 7 years, will benefit from reduced working hours, without affecting their length of service. 2 paid days off (not just one) will be given to teachers who have to stay home with a sick child.

Also, the value of eyeglasses or lenses will be reimbursed to those employees who, according to their job duties, have to work on the computer. The possibility that a vacant position may be filled through an employment contract will also be regulated, until the position is filled as a result of a contest. And Teacher’s Day, marked annually on June 5, will be non-working for the staff in education. These benefits, Ligia Deca said, are granted in addition to the salary increases that the teachers will receive in the following period. We recall that the teaching staff were on an all-out strike for more than three weeks.

Against the
background of an underfunded education system and left at the disposal of the
rather uninspired decisions of the ministers of different political colors who have
headed it, at the end of May, the
teachers decided that it was time to voice their complaints, mainly
salary-related, but also regarding the
status of the Romanian teacher, in particular, and of education in Romania in
general. This, despite the adoption of new laws, which – say those who drafted
and voted them – would give hope for the revival of the field.

better rewarded than teachers, including against the background of the
not-too-distant covid-19 pandemic that turned them into heroes, health
employees will also have higher incomes, starting August 1st. The
representatives of the Sanitas Federation who represent them have announced
that, in addition to the rights already negotiated and obtained, medical
assistants and nurses will receive a monthly allowance of 500 lei (the
equivalent of 100 euros) for the on-call shifts and for the days worked on
weekends or for public holidays, they will get an extra 100 lei (20 euros). Doctors
will receive 500 lei for the extra on-call shifts. All employees in the system
will benefit from holiday vouchers. Hiring will also resume: contests for 4,000
jobs will be organized next, and also for another 10,000 posts in the following
period. (MI)