Censure motion rejected

Sworn in in late June, the coalition government led by the Social Democrat Mihai Tudose, on Thursday survived, without the slightest shred of emotion, the first censure motion filed by the right-wing opposition. Initiated by the National Liberal Party(PNL) and the Save Romania Union (USR) and backed by the Peoples Movement Party(PMP) and independent MPs, the text of the motion blames the Government for implementing measures that have led to a decrease in the Romanians living standard and disturbed the business environment.

Far from the generous electoral program thanks to which, less than a year ago, the Social Democratic Party(PSD) led by Liviu Dragnea won the parliamentary elections, the policies pursued by the government have led to a decrease in salaries and in contributions to the second pillar of the pension fund, price hikes for food, fuels and electricity, chaos in the healthcare system, education, finances and infrastructure, the signatories say.

Here is the USR senator Ramona Dinu: “The benefits of a substantial economic growth have been annulled by the populist and chaotic economic measures taken by the Dragnea -Tudose pair against the business environment and the honest tax payers in this country. Early next year, Romanians will see higher salaries only on paper, and will get to hold just a timetable of promises made by PSD in the campaign, thus realizing that Dragnea and his cronies cheated on them. They upset everyone relative to the amendments to the Fiscal Code, which were brought without clear explanations, without an impact study, no dialogue and no support from employers associations and trade unions. You have imposed this fiscal mess against all.”

During plenary parliament sessions, the opposition has also accused the ruling coalition of systematically attacking the independence of the judiciary. In response, the PM claims that Romania is in a stable situation, has registered a 7% economic growth rate, pay rises in the budget sector and the business environment, and progress in healthcare and infrastructure.

Prime Minister Mihai Tudose: “Dear colleagues, you have been struggling for a long time to instill fear in the population that salaries will decrease as of January 1st, and that the Apocalypse will come. Meanwhile, all people of good faith have seen that the news you and your associates have launched is actually fake. Salaries will by all means increase! The truth is simple: there are real benefits that this measure will bring for all employees in Romania, both on short term, that is higher incomes, and on long term in particular, by ensuring higher pensions”.

Only 159 MPs voted for the motion, three against it and 23 MPs abstained from voting. In order to be adopted, the document should have been endorsed by a qualified majority, that is a minimum of 233 votes cast by senators and deputies. The Social-Democrat MPs left the voting room, and the representatives of the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians abstained from voting, saying the initiative of the National Liberal Party was not convincing. Pundits say the Power got a clear victory in Parliament, but they warn that as of Sunday, new anti-government protests will be staged across the country. They are initiated by civil society and trade unions, forecasting a winter full of economic uncertainty as well as of social and political unrest. (Translated by Diana Vijeu)