Changes in the new school year

Foto: Annie Spratt /

Approximately three million pupils in Romania have started a new school year, which comes with important changes. 8th and 12th graders will finish school earlier, and the exam calendar, both for the National Evaluation and for the Baccalaureate, has also been changed. For those who will not take exams this school year, the courses will last 36 weeks and will end on June 20, 2025. There will also be five breaks. Other important provisions include the banning of mobile phones during class, as well as the setting up of special rooms for disruptive students, where they will be supervised by a teacher.

Starting this year, pupils will receive a behaviour grade at the end of each module, and the average at the end of the year will be reduced by one point for every 20 unexcused absences. The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, explained why this measure was taken. Ligia Deca:

TRACK We had numerous discussions with principals of schools where, unfortunately, acts of school violence were reported, and they told us that it’s much better for the student to know that they get a grade for each module. So if, for example, there is a transient behaviour slip, the grade attached to that module will reflect that. If the pupil changes their behaviour and falls within normal limits, they can compensate with the grades on the other modules. It is also a way to have a better real-time image of what is happening with a student’s behaviour.

This school year, almost 1,900 educational units from all over the country will have an electronic grade book, with over 700 more than in September last year. According to the Ministry of Education, at the beginning of this school year, more than 850 schools have been relocated for modernization or construction, out of the total of almost 6,300 units in Romania. It should also be noted that 22 schools will operate in three shifts. According to the Minister of Education, there is also a new plan to combat violence in schools, which provides for actions and clear deadlines for all those involved, from ministries to inspectorates, which will lead to the prevention of acts of violence and the consumption of prohibited substances. Ligia Deca:

TRACK Campaigns, programs, actions to prevent violence, human trafficking, and drug use and to promote a healthy lifestyle will take place in schools. Also, the “Alternative school” week will have as a priority theme the prevention and reduction of acts of violence, respectively the consumption of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, along with traffic education.

As for school dropout, the school meal was introduced and following this measure, says the minister, school dropout can be reduced significantly, especially in socio-economically disadvantaged areas. At the same time, the number and amount of scholarships was increased, just like the number of school counsellors, also with the aim of curbing school dropouts. In conclusion, the authorities say that Romanian education still needs important investments.