Child benefits and pensions to be increased in 2022

In 2022 Romanians will see increased child benefits, salaries and pensions. The normative acts leading to the enforcement of these measures are to be approved soon by the Government made up of the National Liberal Party (PNL), the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania (UDMR). Labour Minister, the Social Democrat Marius Budai, has announced it signed the drafts of two emergency orders that also include the payment of a thirteenth salary to people with disabilities. He also explained that the increase in pensions will have the biggest impact on the budget, of around 2.4 billion euros.

Marius Budai: “I have signed the first ordinance together with the Minister of Youth and Family, Gabriela Firea, and it refers to increased child benefits as stipulated in the governing programme, an ordinance sent by the Labour Ministry to other ministries that need to approve it. Once all approvals obtained, the ordinance will be endorsed in a government meeting. The second ordinance refers to a rise in pensions. The minimum pension will be increased to around 200 euros, while the pension point will be brought to the level of 317 euros.”

Also at the beginning of 2022, the gross minimum salary will go up to the level of 510 euros. Although many agree that these measures are welcome, there are fears they could only partially cover the price increases in the last six months, which brought along huge electricity and natural gas bills.

“I honestly believe that Romania needs solidarity to help Romanians living on small incomes cope with the increase in prices, the energy prices in particular,” Finance Minister Adrian Câciu wrote on Facebook. He also said that the measures aimed at protecting people in highest need will continue to be taken, at the same time with measures to stimulate economy. That is why, Adrian Câciu promised, the 2022 budget will financially support all producers in Romania and will be built without introducing new taxes.

According to the Eurostat, almost 35% of Romanians were on the brink of poverty and social exclusion in 2020, with Romania being on an unflattering 1st place in the EU in this respect. Former governments did not increase the populations revenues, finding it hard to cover them from the state budget. (EE)