The EU
Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Creţu has met in Bucharest with PM
Viorica Dăncilă. The focal points on the agenda of talks have been the
absorption of European funds and the inclusion of the Jiu Valley (centre-west)
into a special program developed by the European Commission, to eradicate
poverty in that region.
An action plan
to step up the absorption of EU funds will be developed by the Bucharest
authorities, with support from the European Commission’s Directorate General
for Regional and Urban Policy. The announcement was made by the EU Commissioner
for Regional Policy Corina Creţu after a first meeting with the new PM Viorica
Dăncilă. Romania should step up the absorption of European funds as
otherwise it runs the risk of loosing the European money, Corina Creţu has
stated. She has said that delays have been registered in such fields as
regional development, transports and the construction of regional hospitals.
Corina Creţu: I have full
confidence that the new government will take into consideration these issues
that have been left pending, will take action very fast and come up with the
best solutions to accelerate their implementation. Practically, we have agreed
together to create an action plan and to receive proposals, by February 23, in
order to accelerate the accession of European funds.
Prime Minister
Viorica Dăncilă has said she will lay special emphasis on the accession of
European funds for transports and the construction of regional hospitals. She
has stressed that she requested from ministries an updated report on the
accession of European funds.
Viorica Dăncilă: I have
called on the minister for European Affairs to make a report on all European
directives which have not been implemented or on the stage of their
implementation. I have also said that each ministry should have an updated
report on the stage of absorption, because I consider it is very important for
Romania to have a good relation between its Government and the European
Viorica Dăncilă
and Corina Creţu have also agreed that the Jiu Valley should be included into a
special program developed by the EC, in an effort to eradicate poverty from
that region.
Corina Creţu: I have
invited Romania to submit an application and use European funds to give a boost
to one of the poorest areas in Romania, namely the Jiu Valley. I think that
being part of this pilot project is an important initiative and Romania should
play a key role, considering its experience in the field.
In turn, Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă has said that
the problems in the Jiu Valley are a priority. Viorica Dăncilă:
The Jiu
Valley is a priority so it should be included into this pilot program. I am
confident that we can take huge steps forward for Romania, and I’m referring to
the Government, the European Parliament, and particularly to the European
Commission, in which we place our great hopes.
Once one of the most important mining regions in Romania, the Jiu Valley
has become one of the most underprivileged areas in the country. Romania’s
mining output has plummeted since 1990, many mines and pits have been closed
down, and consequently many miners have been made redundant.
(translated by Diana Vijeu)