New cases in the fight against corruption

The Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice has given another final ruling against a former minister charged with corruption. As Minister of Sports and Youth, in 2009, Monica Iacob Ridzi, as the main authorizing entity, decided to illegally outsource the organization of the events on Youth Day to several companies of her choice. The damage established by prosecutors stands at 640 thousand Euros, and for what she did Monica Iacob Ridzi, who is also a deputy in Romania’s parliament, was found guilty of abuse of office and sentenced to five years in prison. Another seven people have also been convicted in the same case.

Big names in Romania’s political world but also other officials in administration have been sentenced lately or are being prosecuted for corruption. They include the former transport minister Miron Mitrea, sentenced by the Supreme Court to two years in prison for faulty deeds relating to the renovation of his mother’s house. The main accusations were bribe- taking, and Miron Mitrea will also have to pay 67 thousand Euros. The former head of the State Construction Inspectorate, Irina Jianu, who gave the bribe in the form of refurbishing works, in exchange of keeping her position, was also sentenced to five months in prison.

The anti-corruption prosecutors have extended their investigations to another case, in which the former tourism and development minister Elena Udrea is being held in temporary custody. The Chamber of Deputies is expected to rule on a new request for temporary custody, submitted by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate on Elena Udrea’s name. She is being accused of receiving over 1 million Euros in exchange for helping several companies that had contracts with the state.

The Chamber is to make a decision on that matter early next week. Until then, the deputies are supposed to solve another problem which is actually a first: Elena Udrea’s position of MP gives her the right to come before her colleagues and present her standpoint, but she cannot enter the Parliament building handcuffed. Elena Udrea, a very close collaborator of the former President, Traian Basescu, was last week taken in temporary custody for 30 days, charged with abuse of office, bribe taking, influence peddling, money laundering and false declaration of assets. Udrea has rejected all accusations and says that she is the victim of a revenge campaign, triggered by her filing a complaint against the current interim director of the Romanian Intelligence Service, general Florian Coldea.