Britain and the European Union are trying to reach a compromise that should make possible an accord on Brexit. After talks in Brussels between the European leaders and the British PM Theresa May, the parties failed to reach an agreement on Brexit. The British side came with new proposals while the Europeans, who have warned repeatedly that Brexit in the absence of an agreement, would disadvantage London, are now talking about “calm and patience”. One solution to get things going could be the extension, by one year, until end-2021, of the transition period, before Britain’s exit from the EU.
Radio Romania’s correspondent to Brussels, Amalia Bojescu, tells us more about the decisions taken by the European leaders: “ British PM Theresa May said ahead of the meeting that the two teams work intensively on an agreement on Brexit and the future relations between the EU and Britain. In his turn, EU’s chief negotiator for Brexit, Michel Barnier, said more time is needed for an accord to be reached and urged for patience regarding negotiations.”
Although there are many delicate negotiations chapters, such as the commercial chapter or the one regarding free circulation, the most difficult one seems to be the chapter regarding the Irish border. Romania was represented at the meeting by President Klaus Iohannis. He said Bucharest wants to forge an as comprehensive accord as possible as regards future relations and finding new ways of collaboration between the parties, in particular in sectors such as security, defense and foreign policy. About Romania’s direct interests as far as Brexit is concerned spoke minister delegate for European Affairs, Victor Negrescu, during a meeting in Luxembourg. In Bucharest’s opinion, a well planned and predictable withdrawal of Britain from the EU can guarantee the observance of the European citizens’ rights after Brexit, including the rights of Romanians living and studying in Britain. Minister Negrescu also said that Romania, as the next holder of the EU Council Presidency, will collaborate closely with all European institutions and member states in order to ensure a proper institutional framework for Brexit.