Figures are implacable. Every day, scores of people die in Romania from the new coronavirus, with the rate of daily contamination dropping under one thousand only on Saturday and Sunday, when fewer tests are made than during the week. On Wednesday the Romanian President Klaus Iohannis renewed his appeal to the population to observe the health safety rules in the context in which the number of new cases of Covid-19 remains high. According to the president, the health systems of all the countries of the world have been under extreme pressure and Romania was no exception. Until a vaccine is made, Romanians need to take good care of themselves and stay safe.
Klaus Iohannis: “Dear Romanians, continue to be responsible. With no vaccine yet certified, the virus has one single obstacle — each and everyone’s care for themselves and the people around. Protect yourself as you very well know: wear a mask, keep the social distance and wash your hands.”
For the authorities, for the health system and the population, the autumn season is a new acid test. On the one hand, seaside and mountain resorts are still packed and the surge in the number of COVID-19 cases reported in the past months is allegedly due to the tourists’ extreme relaxation, as they no longer observed the distancing rules. On the other hand, the school year is round the corner, when people will soon be crowding. Schools will also host the polling stations for the September 27 local elections and for the November legislative elections. President Iohannis believes that the school year should start at the announced date. He has warned however that, if the number of infected people grows, the authorities will take the already verified measures applied in the last semester of the previous school year.
Klaus Iohannis: “Many people are obviously asking what’s next. For the moment, epidemiologists say the school year can start and I myself believe that school should start on September 14. If, God forbid, the number of people testing positive for the new coronavirus or if the number of people in ICUs grows, of course we can apply, for a short while, the methods used so far, namely online classes or the program Doing School Differently. But I do hope that will not be the case.”
At present, both the opposition politicians and the education trade unionists and students’ representatives are rather critical of the way in which the authorities are managing the situation ahead of the school opening. They point the finger to the lack of clear-cut procedures and especially of hygiene products necessary during a period of pandemic. (tr. L. Simion)